Improve Quality of Life(Norwex)

  • 地区: KWCG
    分类: 房屋相关 > 其他服务
    电话: 519-880-6184
    地址: Waterloo
    简介: Norwex Products Clean without Chemicals
    数据统计: 8886次浏览,0条点评,0条留言,3张图片,0个关注


The Norwex Solution

With Norwex Microfiber System, you will not breathe, touch or ingest chemicals – you simply create a cleaner, healthier indoor environment.
Norwex Marine Organics and Naturally Timeless personal care products offer cutting-edge technology coupled with organic and natural ingredients – without harmful parabens or preservatives.
SAVE Time – the Norwex Cleaning System decreases cleaning time by 75% or more.
SAVE Money - An average household spends $600-$800 a year on chemical cleaning products and supplies. By using Norwex products you can realize up to a 90% savings!
Norwex helps make cleaning fun, fast and easy and teaches your family how to improve their health and environment!
At Norwex, our Purpose is simple but powerful: The idea that working together, with trust, integrity and honesty as our core values and radically reducing chemicals in our homes as our mission, we can improve the world around us. The Norwex Purpose touches many facets of life with the end result being the ability to collectively make a powerful and positive difference in the world we live in and the lives we touch.

“We strive to improve quality of life rather than standard of living.” Bjorn
 Beautiful Globe (Earth) resting on a vibrant green leaf

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If you like to

ü  save time

ü  save money

ü  positively impact your health

ü  positively impact the environment

You will love what Norwex can do for you! Cleaning without chemicals! 

Contact me if you'd like more details on the products and how to get over $200 for FREE!!!!!