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The hardship life can reshape human nature and impact work ethic

已有 240 次阅读2016-2-8 00:27 |个人分类:Frank's Writings| impact, nature

The hardship life can reshape human nature and impact work ethic


      Frank  Feb. 7, 2016  in Waterloo, Ontario, Canada


Human nature impacts people’s work ethic, the experience of hardship can reshape human nature to make people enterprising and hard-working.

 Some people called the documentary the Commanding Heights – the battle for the woeld economy as the Chronicle of the World Economy in 20th Century. Its original name was The Commanding Heights: The Battle between Government and the marketplace. From the title, we can learn that authors’ initial intending was in the planning economy against market economy. It was that planning economy caused low productivity, and thereby destroyed socialist camp that headed by Soviet Union.

However, in the earlier stage of the establishment of the Soviet Union after World War I, under the strict control of the planning, the economy had also been an unprecedented development with high productivity, and once attracted many Westerners into seek jobs from capitalist countries. No one would expect that, later, the extreme low productivity declined promising economy and resulted in the disintegration of the Union.

Capitalist Japan, the economy was totally destroyed by launching World War II. After the war, economy was quickly developed as world’s powerhouse. Since 1990 bubble economy burst, Japan’s economy has been in declining. Although, Japanese government, especially Abe's government has exhausted all economic instruments, extremely high debt, extremely currency devaluating and recently even announced negative interest rates.

For the disintegration of Soviet Union and the decline of Japan’s economy, people have been trying to find out the reasons from a macro point of view politically and economically, rarely from the microscopic point of view in the changes of human nature.

As my view, Socialist Soviet Union and capitalist Japan, the economic prosperity is both benefited from the baptism of the war on their nationals. After the war, people who survived from the war were cherishing the hard-won peaceful life, thereby in full of enthusiasm on work with conscious effort. With the old hard-working generation naturally passed away, the new generation is tending to enjoy life without rational mind in hard working, thereby, leading to the decline of the economy.

Especially, for Japan’s economic declining, there was significant reason that during the period in bubble economy, the speculative activity was as easy as free picking up money to have nourished Japanese unearned ideological, which making Japanese people contempt for hard working to have caused low productivity. Though, overtime in work seems a tradition in Japan, but, in the most of time, it is for overtime pay, rather than that of business operation needed. For this regards, I have specially discussed in follow articles.

Aug. 24, 2014, Overheated real estate market is ruining Canadian economy from Japan mirroring Canada.

Dec. 4, 2014, Why did Keynesian fail in saving Japan’s economy?

Here is other story from Israel – a country established by the survivors of Nazi concentration camp.

 “Nazi concentration camp”的图片搜索结果“Nazi concentration camp”的图片搜索结果

For facilitating understanding my follow narrative, I searched some photos on Internet. The photos made me tearful again. It needn’t any introduction; people would easily know who they are. Human society has never been a civilized manner due to it has been under inhuman mental defectives dominating.

In order to practice English listening; I once listened to the English teaching programs of the VOA. One day, it reported about Israeli kibbutz that was established by the survivors of the war.

In the earlier stage, the kibbutz was very difficult. There was no currency, no private property. All members were eating in the public canteen. After dinner, those gray-haired elderly retirees’ were initiatively to find some things to do in the farms, though aging has made them very slow physically, but, they were with a sober mind that the survival of the kibbutz was their hope for personal survival.

It was such a work enthusiasm to have created a prosperous Israeli economy.

However, the new Israeli generation was not satisfied for this kind of life, the government had to issue currency and allow private properties. Even so, the young generation has flied to world widely again from the place where their eldership gathered from world widely.

Now, in retrospect above report, that was 20 years ago. The time has erased a lot of memories in my mind; however, I still clearly remember the story that once happened in Israeli kibbutz, in a place that was far remote from my home place.

Now, digging the reason, I think, it is because that was my first time to learn the magic that how the life experiences and social environment reshaped human nature.

Perhaps, since then, when observation and reflection of social problems, I am more from the point of view of human nature.

The facts are clear that planning economy of socialism in suppressing the free play of human greedy is not the main cause of low productivity, and the market economy of capitalism in allowing the free play of human greedy is not exact tonic for high productivity. That motivating human enthusiasm for creative working is the fundamental.

Feb. 09, 2014, in the article Management is the Art of Playing Human Nature, I indicate that:

Human behaviors are determined by dual natures: The culture nature of those acquired qualities, and the animal nature of those inborn instincts.

The Management is to finish purposeful tasks with the culture nature driven by meeting the animal nature with payment under the enforcement of regulations.

The best example for understanding human natures is the process of taming animal actors, in which, the beast-master tempts animals to learn cultural nature for serving human by meeting their greedy of animal nature with foods under the enforcement of whipping.

In consideration of human natures, we may say that, the Management is the Art of playing human natures, which is to finish purposeful tasks with human culture nature by meeting human greedy of animal nature with payment under the enforcement of regulations.

For the success of taming animal actors, the foods and the whips are equally important, both are indispensable. In the same way, for well playing the Art of the human natures, the payment and regulations are both indispensable.

Whether the Corporate Culture or the Organizational Culture, they all should be composed of the measures that can motivate the maximum exertion of employee’s cultural nature with minimum play of employee’s animal nature to maximize the production efficiency.

Famous American management consultant Peter Drucker said that: “The purpose of an organization is to make ordinary people do extraordinary things.”

Management is efficiency. Management is profit.







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