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The Story Behind China's Gold Mine-Power Plant Swap in Tajikistan

已有 378 次阅读2018-8-3 19:09 |个人分类:Belt Road 一带一路

《远方的家》 20180314 一带一路(317)塔吉克斯坦 情暖杜尚别二号火电站   CCTV


Tajikistan is a mountainous country. It is very difficult to build a national grid on the high mountains. Fllow was the photos of the difficult situation of China's technician when establishing the grid.

The Full Story Behind China's Gold Mine-Power Plant 

Swap in Tajikistan

The swap is the culmination of a longstanding agreement that began almost a decade ago.

By Dirk van der Kley April 14, 2018 


In the last couple of days, it was reported that a Chinese company, TBEA, has been granted a license to operate the Upper Kumarg gold mine in northern Tajikistan in exchange for the construction of a power plant in Dushanbe. This is likely to be true. It is the culmination of a long-standing agreement that began almost a decade ago.

This article goes through the project step by step to show that this was a carefully (and slowly) negotiated deal between the company and the Tajik government. It all happened before the project was constructed. To my knowledge, there have been no other major recent resource-for-infrastructure deals between China and Tajikistan. These are not the preferred option for either side.

The power plant, Dushanbe 2, is a combined heat and power plant (CHP) which provides heat and electricity for citizens of Dushanbe. It only operates in the winter. The project, in its final form, consisted of two phases. Phase 1 (constructed in 2012-2014) installed capacity of 100 MW and phase 2 (constructed in 2014-2016) installed an additional capacity of 300 MW.

Construction of the CHP didn’t start for three years due to negotiations over funding. In 2011 TBEA Chairman Zhang Xin responded on the TBEA website to an investor’s question (the link does not always work – readers can contact the author for a cached version):The project hearkens back to 2009 when the Ministry of Energy and Industries (later called the Ministry of Energy and Water Resources) and TBEA signed a memorandum of understanding for the construction of a 200 MW coal power station in Dushanbe (as well as two other projects that never came to fruition). Even at this early stage, the MoU explicitly stated TBEA would receive access to resource deposits in return for these projects.

Regarding the initial contract for the 270MW [200MW in original MoU] thermal power station in Dushanbe signed between Tajikistan and our company, the financing and construction method for this project are currently being actively discussed with Tajikistan’s Energy Ministry [Ministry of Energy and Water].

In a September 2012 interview,  Zhang said the company would build a 100MW (smaller than the originally planned 200 MW) coal-powered CHP in Dushanbe. TBEA would front the construction costs for $178 million by borrowing directly from China Eximbank. In return, the Tajik government would grant TBEA rights to explore and develop gold deposits at the Eastern Duoba mine and the Upper Kumarg mine (the one reported on in the last few days). This would become phase 1 of the project.

At some point during the negotiation process, the Tajik Government sought to borrow money directly from international concessional loan providers, presumably including China Eximbank. But that was to no avail. Tajik Minister of Energy and Water Resources Usmonali Usmonov said: “It has practically been impossible to attract funds from international financial institutions for construction of the Dushanbe-2 CHP plant…..When the project is not designed for the year-round operation, it cannot be efficient, and therefore, nobody wants to finance such projects.”

Phase 2 was funded under a different arrangement. Eximbank directly issued $331 million to the Tajik Government – to be paid back through regular government-to-government loan repayments. Neither Eximbank nor the Tajik government has publicly explained why they agreed to loan directly to the Tajik government for phase 2 of the project but not phase 1. One very plausible explanation is that political pressure was applied before Xi Jinping’s visit to Tajikistan for the SCO Leader’s summit in September 2014. The contract for phase 2 was signed at the summit.

Both phases have now been completed, and the Tajik government needs to start paying up. In 2014, TBEA was granted licences to explore these deposits. It seems TBEA has now been granted full mining licences for both mines.

According to TBEA Chairman Zhang Xin, the Tajik government also agreed to give TBEA the rights to further mining deposits (the location was not identified) if the profit made from the gold deposits doesn’t cover the cost of building the power plants.

The Tajik government will in the future have to pay back the $331 million to Eximbank – through normal repayment channels. This is a highly concessional loan.

The second phase of the project shows a far more common Chinese approach to loans in Tajikistan. In fact the vast majority, if not all, government-to-government loans between China and Tajikistan have been conducted in this way. All indications are that this will continue to be the case.

Dirk van der Kley is a Research Fellow at Narxoz University and a PhD Candidate at the Australian National University.

China completes $350 million power plant in Tajikistan's capital Dushanbe

Tebian Electric Apparatus (TBEA) began building the coal-powered plant in 2013 and received the rights to a gold mine in the north of the Central Asian country to offset the cost of the investment
DushanbeTajikistan: A Chinese firm has completed a power plant worth $350 million in Tajikistan's capital Dushanbe, the ex-Soviet country said Thursday, indicating Beijing's growing economic dominance in the cash-strapped state.

Tebian Electric Apparatus (TBEA) began building the coal-powered plant in 2013 and received the rights to a gold mine in the north of the Central Asian country to offset the cost of the investment.

TBEA also built a 325-kilometre, $400 million electrical transmission line across Tajikistan in 2009.

It is one of several Chinese companies active in Tajikistan, where China's Exim Bank holds around half of all foreign debt.

Beijing has also invested heavily in minerals and transport links in its neighbour that endured a bitter civil war from 1992 to 1995.

The investments are in line with China's "One Road, One Belt" initiative to ramp up Beijing's westerly trade across Eurasia with strategic investments in infrastructure.

Tajikistan: Chinese company gets gold mine in return for power plant

TBEA contributed most of the $349 million it cost to build a power plant in Dushanbe.

A company from China has reportedly been granted a license to operate a gold mine in Tajikistan in exchange for building a power plant free of charge in the country’s capital.

Asia-Plus newspaper reported on April 11, citing an unnamed official with the State Geology Department, that Xinjiang-based TBEA has received the concession to develop the Upper Kumarg mine in the Sughd region in northern Tajikistan. The company was previously given the concession for the Eastern Duoba mine.

The newspaper’s source said that the mining license was granted as remuneration for the funds TBEA spent on building the 400-megawatt Dushanbe TETs-2 power plant. Work on that thermal power plant was completed in December 2016 at a total cost of $349 million. Of that overall budget, around $17.4 million were provided by the Tajik government.

The arrangement described to Asia-Plus is that TBEA will work on the gold deposits as long as it takes to recoup its outlay.

“Afterward, the company plans to reach new deals on the management of these mines, but on different terms,” Asia-Plus said in its report, citing its unnamed source.

The quid quo pro deal may elicit some anxiety about how Tajikistan intends ultimately to deal with the rest of its considerable debts before Chinese creditors. The country’s external debt at the start of the year stood at $2.9 billion. Of that total, $1.2 billion is owed to the state-run Export-Import Bank of China, or Exim Bank.

Much of the money borrowed from China has gone toward building basic infrastructure like roads and tunnels, but some of the spending appears less than obviously indispensable.

When President Emomali Rahmon visited Beijing in September, he returned bearing $310 million in grants and loans. The bulk of that sum — around $230 million — is being spent on a new parliament complex in central Dushanbe.

In 2011, Tajikistan’s parliament voted to ratify an agreement to cede around 1,000 square kilometers of land to China in exchange for the waiving of a large outstanding debt running into the hundreds of millions of dollars.

The gold mining concession has now proven another way in which to pay off liabilities. A billion or so dollars can buy a lot more than that, however.


时间:[2012-09-29 ] 信息来源:证券时报












本报赴塔吉克斯坦特派记者  谢亚宏

2016年08月10日08:58  来源:人民网-人民日报 

  本报记者 谢亚宏摄











天山网 2009年09月09日 15:34:00    












 2009 年11月29日,特变电工承建的塔吉克斯坦列加尔-杜尚别-胡占德500kV南北输变电工程竣工,提前一年成功投运。该工程是一条高海拔、高寒地区,地质复杂的工程,特变电工在该项目中采用节能技术,降低了线路损耗14%,采用变压器节能技术和无人值守的智能变电站技术,并荣获中国建筑类最高奖“鲁班奖”。


新疆特变电工助力吉尔吉斯斯坦实现电力自主供应- 壹读

发布时间: 2017-03-15 16:35:59
来源:新疆新闻网 作者:古丽米娜





2016 年底竣工的塔吉克斯坦杜尚别首都热电厂以每年22 亿千瓦时的年总发电量,保障杜尚别地区 70 万居民冬季大部分电力供应和取暖需求。仅用 18 个月完成的二期工程已让杜尚别区市民享受到科技带来的温暖。

2006 年上合组织上海峰会上,特变电工与塔吉克斯坦签订 220 千伏—500 千伏南北输变电线路及变电站成套项目总承包合同。这项工程采用绿色科技、节能环保、信息化无人值守的新型输变电技术,实现塔吉克斯坦国家南北电网互通及电力调度,每年节省1.8亿度电能,荣获了中国境外工程“鲁班奖”。


“我们按照新的标准输送给他们,将塔吉克斯坦电网损耗从 14% 降低到 4%,相当于降低10 个百分点,技术带来能源节省。”张新说,能源是国家经济发展的命脉,绿色环保的工艺技术让塔吉克斯坦以稳定的电力,加快经济发展的步伐。


特变电工为吉尔吉斯斯坦实现了电力供应独立自主。2012 年,特变电工与吉尔吉斯斯坦签订达特卡—克明 500 千伏输变电工程,于次年实现竣工,推动吉尔吉斯斯坦水电兴国及民生改善。











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