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The Knowledgeable people are the best for social governance

已有 310 次阅读2016-7-15 09:53 |个人分类:Frank's Writings| people, social

    Frank   July  15, 2016,  in Waterloo, Ontario, Canada 


Apr. 6, 2016, in article Chrystia Freeland, a capable Minister of International trade, I took Ms. Chrystia Freeland, the federal Minister of International Trade of Canada as example to have discussed the issue in human quality, I excerpt some as follow.

Ms. Chrystia Freeland has a background of Russian history and literature from Harvard University and Slavonic Studies from University of Oxford as a Rhodes Scholar. She once worked as a stringer for the Financial TimesThe Washington PostThe Economist, and as an editor for Financial Times, while respectively worked in Ukraine, Russia and Britain.

As a winner of Rhodes Scholar that was difficult to win showed her quality in innate talent and acquired diligence, which are the essential base as capable person.

The studies on Russian history and Slavic will help her accumulation of historical experiences and lessons of social governance in-depth understanding. The journalism career certainly made her deeply watched and thought the complex social issues, especially, the financial and economic related in observation and analysis of the real-time financial and economic problems; such useful experiences provided her more practical knowledge and experiences, and thereby enabled her unique ability in rationally dealing with related social problems.

The accumulation of the knowledge and experiences is wisdom, since that knowledge and experiences provide references for a perfect reasoning; it is the prerequisites for making a rational judgment, and thereby to make correct practice.

My comment above is based on the human nature biologically and physiologically.

July 26, 2014, in the article Recruit employee by the quality of brain not the academic degree, I indicate that:

Modern studies show that Brain Cells can regenerate, it is the foundation that we can remember those what we have experienced in the past and can remember those what we will be experienced in the future.

The wide range of studies and social experiences will perfect brain in the structure with increasing new populations of brain cells, and the more brain cells in memorizing the experiences for the successes or failures will provide more references for perfect reasoning with more perfect decision making.

It is that more in success, less in mistake and perfect predictability made a person as wise.

The wisdom of a wise depends on the memorized contents in the brain.

If a person is lack of social experiences and extensive reading, the person will fall into as that of watching sky by sitting in the bottom of a deep well, which will largely narrow the field of the vision, and thereby limit the scope and the depth of the thinking. Thus, when faced with intractable social problems, the person cannot flexibility come up with feasible solutions. It will be more harmful for those who are on the key position of the government.

The rich knowledge and experiences of Ms. Chrystia Freeland will help her to be able to make rational judgments with more feasible new ideas for social governance, especially in today’s extremely difficult international and domestic economic environment, which need more groundbreaking innovations in the approaches for social governance.

In particular, the knowledge and experiences in cross-countries will make her less ethnic and political prejudices. Without such interference, she was able to seize the key of the issues and be able to effectively solving thorny social problems.

Oct. 16, 2013, in article it is high time to end the partisan politics, I have indicated the relation of the partisan politics and those low quality mental defectives.

“Great many facts have proved that, the parties or people grouping, no matter political or nonpolitical, mostly are the hazards for human society, because that they easily controlled by the people who have no normal brain with limited harming ability originally to get more power by the support of group people.” 

“The partisan parties are more harmful for human society, due to it has been playing the role of the dirty ladder for those mental defectives climbing up the throne of controlling the state apparatus, then use of the power of the state to do whatever they want in harming the world.” 

 “We must end the partisan politics and choose those non-political people who are knowledgeable with healthy brain to make decisions for the future of mankind.”

“The decision-making bodies should be formed by those people who have obtained high rank academic qualifications with recognized social achievements, such as, the professional experts, professors, and the Nobel Prize winners, and so on.” 

“All in all, the world should be gradually developed into the ruling in non-partisan politics - by a group of non-partisan outstanding social elite in recommended rather than in elected or self-grouped.”






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