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Former Prime Minister Dr. Pierre Trudeau views economic reform of China

已有 293 次阅读2018-7-2 06:36 |个人分类:Frank's Writings

Former Prime Minister Dr. Pierre Trudeau views economic reform of China

Frank July 2, 2018 in Waterloo

Here, I would like to illustrate the nature of China’s successful economic reforms by reviewing a valuable comment of former Prime Minister Dr. Pierre Trudeau.

In June 1994, Dr. Pierre Trudeau who once made a comment about China’s economic reform when he attending 12th Annual Conference of the Inter Action Council, which showed in the documentary The evaluation of Foreigners on Deng Xiaoping in between 2’13’’ to 2’48”.

At the conference, among interviewed former leaders of the states, Dr. Pierre Trudeau who was the only politician that could point out the essence of the success of China’s economic reform – to accomplish determined principle by flexibly looking for feasible ways that could go through.

The sober views showed the outstanding of Dr. Pierre Trudeau and which also showed his outstanding governing skill; it was why that under his tenure, in Canada, the social development index and quality of life has been among the highest in the world.






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