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Western democracy can never work in the Middle East where can not rule by law

已有 168 次阅读2016-1-27 14:10 |个人分类:Frank's Writings| where

Western democracy can never work in the Middle East where can not rule by law

               Frank    Aug. 18, 2014   in Waterloo On. Ca.


    Everywhere in the world today, there are few truly rational politicians, the most of them are the ignorant dogmatists and political speculators without a essential sense of developing the economy of own country with dogmatically and wrongly promoting the democracy, the freedom, the human rights, and the universal value to stir upset everywhere.
    The idea of Andrew Green who was the former Ambassador to Syria and to Saudi Arabia gave us a best inspiration, which is that the Arab states are governed less by the rule of law than by the 
rule of favour, so that Western democracy can never work in the Middle East.

    The democracy, frankly say, it is not only, in the Middle East, it can never work, but also, even if in the developed countries, such as, in the United States, it seems has been playing a negative role.

    Oct 16 2013, in the article It is high time to end the partisan politics, I said with that:

    "The political fight of the U.S. Democratic Donkey and Republican Elephant has caused the government to be shutdown again in Oct. 1, 2013, the victims are American people, and the people worldwide from their harm for the world economy. I felt that I have some thing to say today, and I reproduced some articles here to see that what Americans and the people worldwide have complained."
    "Great many facts have proved that, the parties or people grouping, no matter political or nonpolitical, mostly are the hazards for human society, because that they attract those people who have no normal brain together, so that those mad individuals who is with limited harming ability originally to get more power by the support of group people." 
    "The political parties are more harmful for human society, due to they provide the chance for those mad individuals to harm human society by the power of state apparatus."
    "In Oct. 4, 2009, the Winner of 2008 Nobel Prize in Economics, and the professor of Economics and International Affairs at Princeton University, Paul Krugman who published <The Politics of Spite> on New York Times to have pointed out the ugly picture of American politics:
     “'An essential truth about the state of American politics: at this point, the guiding principle of one of our nation’s two great political parties is spite pure and simple. If Republicans think something might be good for the president, they’re against it — whether or not it’s good for America.'”
     "'The result has been a cynical, ends-justify-the-means approach. Hastening the day when the rightful governing party returns to power is all that matters, so the G.O.P. will seize any club at hand with which to beat the current administration.'”

     "The Government shutdown again has provided a strong new proof that American politicians are acting as “the emotional maturity of a bratty 13-year-old” in dealing with the issue that related with the vital interest of all U.S. citizens and even the people worldwide."

     "Also, the more important is that, the shutdown again of U.S. Gov. has clearly proved those politicians are too mental immaturity to do any thing rationally."

     "October 15, 2013, NOAM SCHEIBER published <John Boehner's Shutdown Endgame: "The Final Spasm of a Corpse"> to have showed his antipathy to politicians prank in the Government shutdown. There are many similar articles and readers' comments have showed the resented toward irrational battle of the U.S. two parties."

     "This time, the shutdown of the U.S. government was because of lack of money, we all knew that, in fact, it is not the lack of money, but the money has been wasted, it was used in the place that should not be used. For example, a huge troop with huge fleet is going everywhere to stir up trouble to push the world into chaos. This mindless behavior is by the interests of hundreds of millions of Americans as exchange to meet the certain individual beasts’ desire." 
     "Those beasts are use of the dirty partisan ladder to climb up the throne of controlling the state apparatus, then use of the power of the state to do whatever they want in harming the world." 

     "It is said that the atomic bomb worldwide can destroy humanity many times. As mental health people, we must ask that, it is who has been stimulating this kind beast's behavior of humankind. The answer is clear: it is those mental immature politicians who are in nature of more animal less culture." 
     "In consideration of the ugly playing of the great many governments, no matter multi-parties Democratic or one-party Dictatorship, we may say that partisan politics has been sentenced to death by the players themselves."
     "Our world has come to the high time to end the partisan politics. If the partisan politics do not finish, the world will be finished."

     "MRI - Magnetic resonance imaging dynamic scans of the human brain have shown that human behavior is determined by the brain's working state. Because that human brain development varies greatly, so, people's behaviors are also a great difference. Those psychosis sufferers, depression sufferers, antisocial violence attackers, their brains all have partial atrophy from innate or latter acquired, and therefore, their brains can not exercise properly, so that, they can not do some thing rationally."

     "Apr. 01, 2011, report <Scans reveal differences in brain structure of antisocial teens> said with that: 
      “'The neuroscientists used magnetic resonance imaging to measure the size of particular regions in the brains of 65 teenage boys with conduct disorder (CD) compared with 27 teenage boys who did not display symptoms of behavioural disorder. Their findings revealed that the amygdala and insula – regions of the brain that contribute to emotion perception, empathy and recognising were strikingly smaller in teenagers with antisocial behaviour.' ”
     "Even if people no significant behavioral problem as above mentioned, but, the character of each individual is also a big difference. Some people can do any thing rationally, some people are impulse and radical. Those are also due to the differences in brain development." 
     "In view of this, we must choose those people who are healthy in brain development to make decisions for the future of mankind."
     "As a simple way, the national and international decision-making bodies should be formed by those people who have obtained high rank academic qualifications, such as, the professional experts, professors, and the Nobel Prize winners, and so on." 
     "There is a teaching class is widely welcomed by young people, no matter in North America, in Europe, in China, or even in Japan, it is the Harvard course Justice: A Journey in Moral Reasoning. The Lecturers isMichael J. Sandel, the American political philosopher and a professor at Harvard University."
     "In the article <If I ruled the world: Michael Sandel> he said that 'If I ruled the world, I would rewrite the economics textbooks. This may seem a small ambition, unworthy of my sovereign office. But it would actually be a big step toward a better civic life.'"
     "Now, here, I think of my email friend - Mark Wartman who once worked as Minister of Agriculture and Minister of Transportation of Government of Saskatchewan, Canada. Jul,16 2012, he emailed to me with that:"
     "'So Frank, if we start our thinking with a focus on how we can develop and do our best to make the life in the world around us healthier, happier and more meaningful and satisfying experience for others and ourselves it shapes how we think and how we act.  If this is where we begin our thinking, our actions and our living will be more respectful towards others and the environment and in the end I believe our lives will be more joyful, satisfying and productive.  We will want to live and work to capacity with more hope, joy and satisfaction.'" 
     "'Given the limits of our planet in terms of resources,  we can compete with each other as individuals, families, communities, tribes, nations…… to see who can get and keep the most resources.  Those born in places of wealth and plenty have a natural advantage and if the world is just about competition to see who can get and keep the most and the best a lot of people will suffer terribly.  The environment will continue to be fouled to the point where it cannot recover and the price to all life will be beyond imagination.  On the other hand, if people regardless of where they are born and what their national or racial background realize that this awesome world with its great regenerative and productive cycles is also fragile and all we have to sustain us and they truly recognize that it is the inheritance of all of us, there is tremendous hope and opportunity.'"   
     "'We know that by 2050 there will be around 9 Billion people living on the earth.  Given today’s circumstances and the distribution of resources, environmental degradation, human exploitation, suffering and death will be multiplied many times as some people and groups try to build their security at the expense of others.  Those others not born in wealthy, resource rich often sparsely populated countries will do everything possible to survive and as we have seen with lost civilizations in the past they will eat themselves to extinction.  The luckiest, wealthiest, strongest and most ruthless of those will as is often the case survive the longest.  As wise people like Jared Diamond (Collapse: How Societies Choose to Fail or Succeed ) have indicated, these stories from our past should warn us and enable us to learn better ways of living in relationship with the earth and with one another.'"   
     "I deeply believed that Prof. Michael J. Sandel and Dr. Mark Wartman will never present flowers to theChidori ga Fuchi National Cemetery of Japan, to the souls of the killers from the big killer country of Second World War."
     "If the quality of all politicians are as that of Prof. Michael J. Sandel and Dr. Mark Wartman, our world and our life would certainly be different."
     it is high time to end the partisan politics immediately.

              ---Frank    Aug. 18, 2014   in Waterloo On. Ca.






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