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A thought inspired by 12th European Conference on Gambling Studies and Policy Is

已有 360 次阅读2018-9-9 12:15 |个人分类:Frank's Writings

A thought inspired by 12th European Conference on Gambling Studies and Policy Issues

             Frank Sept 10, 2018  in Waterloo, On. Ca.

     Morning, 6:30, Sept 10, 2018, on the Facebook of Dr. William Van Gordon, I found the post about 12th European Conference on Gambling Studies and Policy Issues, and inspired to think more.

     Modern studies have revealed the structure and the work mechanism of human brain.

     Now, we are clearly aware that any behavior of human beings, good or bad, is controlled by specific population of brain cells; the attraction of the external environment will also stimulate the growth of specific population of brain cell. Such as:

     It is not every gambler with gambling brain cells inborn, maybe, as a fun to play gambling as game in most initiative start, but, results to stimulate the growth of gambling brain cells, and finally made the gambling addicted. Such a process of gradual development is not only the cause of addiction in gambling, but also for most kind of addiction.

     Apr.14, 2017, Brains of gambling addicts: High stakes, high risk, and a bad bet reports that  Gambling addiction is a mental disorder characterized by excessive risk-taking despite negative results. Scientific studies using functional MRI have previously shown that addicts have altered activity in brain regions related to risk and reward, making them prone to prefer risky choices. New fMRI research has now found another explanation for the unhealthy bent: addicts have a poor ability to assess and adapt to high risk situations.

     Report provides following photo.


     Photo source: Brains of gambling addicts: High stakes, high risk, and a bad bet         https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2017/04/170414105830.htm

     In fact, many criminal offences - stealing, looting, and even murdering were caused by the greedy mind for the acquisition of gambling funds.

     In China, historically, regardless of government and common people, gambling is regarded as a criminal act. Until to today, government has been in strictly controlling the activities of gambling.

     But, in West, there are casinos everywhere for profit, and the operators of the casinos have been trying to seduce people to gamble by every effort. And the rational scholars, such as Dr. William Van Gordon, have been in hardly trying to find ways to prevent people from participating in gambling.

     Such a play is a kind of gambling game also. It is the sorrow of human society.

     We have reason to question that whether all people with human feature have evolved as so-called higher animal, why some people make money by harming innocents and society.

     We have reason to question the rationality of capitalism in driving by greed of human animal nature is a social model that higher animal should be.

     Gambling is attributed to brain cells in the life bubble. Bubble theory on life is a very good image description. Thanks great thinker Dr. William Van Gordon.

     Following was the event of 12th European Conference on Gambling Studies and Policy Issues 

William Van Gordon


William Van Gordon shared an event.

TUES, 11 SEPT AT 13:30 UTC+02

Workshop on ‘Mindfulness for Preventing Problem Gambling'

Europe/Malta · Naxxar, Malta

Following the link goes into following web page.

EASG Conferences

12th European Conference on Gambling Studies and Policy Issues

EASG 2018 - Conference programme

Day 1 (11 September 2018)

11 September 2018 - Conference day 1

12.00 - 18.00 Registration of participants

13.30 - 17.00 Pre conference workshops

Pre-conference workshop 1 - Regulation

Workshop participants

TBD, Malta Gaming Authority, Malta

Joseph F. Borg, WH Partners, Malta

I. Nelson Rose, Whittier Law School, USA

Alan Littler, Kalff Katz & Franssen, the Netherlands

Valérie Peano, EGLA, Italy

Paolo Bertaccini, Territoria, Italy

Liv Biesemans, Kindred Group, United Kingdom, 

Rui Magalhães, Consultant for Business Strategy and Development, Portugal

Pre-conference workshop 2 - Mindfulness

Workshop facilitators:

Dr William Van Gordon, University of Derby, United Kingdom

Dr Edo Shonin, Awake to Wisdom Centre for Meditation and Mindfulness Research, Italy.

18.00 - 20.00 Welcome cocktail

18:00 - 20:00 Registration of participants



The European Association for the Study of Gambling (EASG) aims to increase the level of dialogue between its members representing various aspects of gambling.

Executive Committee

Scientific Committee


Following is the comment followed the post on following two links

The Facebook of Dr. William Van Gordon


Workshop on ‘Mindfulness for Preventing Problem Gambling'







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