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It is those people of personality between rational and antisocial in worsening w

已有 285 次阅读2018-8-25 11:27 |个人分类:Frank's Writings

It is those people of personality between rational and antisocial in worsening world

Frank  Aug 19, 2010  in Waterloo, Canada


Since the lower animals evolved into higher animals, the so-called human beings have never stopped the exploration for own social ruling, but never got right way as that of higher animal should be. The innocent people are forced to endlessly suffer man-made disasters...

Why? MRI brain scan has revealed the reason, that is, any human behavior is governed by a certain population of cells in the brain, because each person's brain is different in the structure, so that everyone's behavior is different in the quality also... 

This led that some people are rational, some people are radical, some people are reckless and some even are antisocial, which turns out a fact that not all people with human features are in human nature. The most harmful is those people, whose behavior is between rational and antisocial……

It was those people who are in human, but with the heart of the beast in endlessly killing innocents.

Photo source: https://www.newsweek.com/how-many-trillions-war-has-cost-us-taxpayer-911-attacks-705041

Above ideas were inspired by following artcle:

Suicide Rates Show Veterans’ Biggest War Can Happen In Their Minds


By Nicole Fisher By Nicole Fisher MAY 28, 2018 

The memorial decorations, parades, cookouts, and family time set aside in reverence falls short of recognizing the true loss of life that war brings.

 The war isn’t over just because a soldier comes home. In some cases, that is when a new battle begins.

 Memorial Day is a special date set aside specifically to honor those who have died while serving our great nation. Since July 4, 1776, every generation has been called upon to fight for America’s freedom and liberty, with many lives lost, because the price of freedom is great.






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