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中国改变世界物流格局 China changes world logistics landscape

已有 311 次阅读2018-8-12 11:17 |个人分类:Frank's Writings

8 reads until Aug. 15, 2018

    This article was translated from article on China Daily Network in Mandarin, the writer was Mr. Yasuo Shinozaki, who is a conductor of an orchestra from Japan, but he has been serving for African in Africa.

     Durban, South Africa, has grown into a harbor city connecting Europe and Asia. I am the conductor of an orchestra, and it has been 10 years since the first performance in this coastal city. Every year during the tour, I would pass through the port of Durban to witness its great changes.


     Durban is now the largest port city on the African continent. Ships with large containers are crowded in the harbor of Durban. Such a huge container ship that has not been seen in Japanese ports. In fact, there are no ports in Japan that can dock these huge ships. Goods can only be transported into Japan through transit ports such as Shanghai and Busan.
      In the 1980s, Japan’s Kobe Port accounted for the fourth largest container port in the world, playing the role of a hub port in Asia. However, in recent years, container ships have become larger and larger, and Japan has missed this trend. According to the survey of the Japan's Ministry of Land , Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism in 2015, the port ranking of container transactions, Japan's Nagoya port ranked first in the country, the world's 19th, while China's Shanghai Port ranked first in the world, the total transaction volume of goods is 3.7 times that of Nagoya Port.
     In the past ten years, I has witnessed the rapid development of China's international trade. At first, most of the ships staying in Durban were from European and American companies, but soon, the ships in Durban port were basically form Chinese company.
     While Japan is still worried about the security situation in South Africa and is shrinking in action, China's development footprint has spread throughout Africa. The data in world ranking for the volume of goods traded in the harbors can also prove this fact. 
     In the yaer 2000, the rankings were: Singapore, Rotterdam, South Louisiana, Shanghai, Hong Kong, and the ports of Europe and the United States were in the top; but in 2015, the rankings became Shanghai, Singapore, Qingdao China, Guangzhou China, and Rotterdam. China's port trade has developed rapidly. In the past 15 years, the world's logistics structure has undergone tremendous changes.
     As the conductor of the orchestra, I deeply felt the changes in the two countries during past 10 years. South Africa and China are both BRICS countries. During the past decade, the economies of the two countries have developed rapidly and the lives of residents have been stable. The music industry surpasses race and gender and is constantly evolving in South Africa. This week's work was performed by the South African Women's Day concert. 

在非洲待了10 日本人感叹:中国正在改变世界物流格局

文章摘自:Business Journal 作者:篠﨑靖男  编译:尹倩中国日报网 







(编辑:党超峰 黄硕)






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