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Jeremy Hunt says Britons must work like the Chinese - here's what that means

已有 223 次阅读2018-7-10 15:18 |个人分类:英国

Jeremy Hunt says Britons must work like the Chinese - here's what that means

The health secretary suggested that cuts to UK tax credits would motivate Britons to work as hard as people in China. A Yan'an taxi driver gives his view

Health secretary Jeremy Hunt
Health secretary Jeremy Hunt Photo: Andrew Crowley/The Telegraph
By , Beijing  06 Oct 2015
As his taxi splashes through torrential rain in Yan’an, a Chinese rustbelt city that is more used to dust and humidity, Bei Yuhong sighs under his breath: “I am really not satisfied at all”.
It’s not the weather that is getting Bei down, it’s the heavy burden of responsibility supporting a family that he rarely sees, given his long hours.
Bei earns just over £200 a month driving his Chinese-made Volkswagen around Yan’an, the cradle of China’s Communist Revolution.
Mao Tse-tung based his headquarters in this remote valley in Shaanxi province, promising a brighter future for workers and peasants as his armies fought the Nationalist forces and, sporadically, the Japanese.
But for a salary that is less than half the national average, Bei works 12 hours for 13 continuous days, until he is finally able to rest – for a day at least.

“There is quite a lot of pressure for people like me,” says Bei, who continues to scan the roadsides despite having a fare-paying customer, as he seeks to give pedestrians shelter from the rain – for an extra 5-10 yuan (50p-£1) each.

Chinese workers collect crude salt at Taibei Saltern in LianyungangChinese workers collect crude salt at Taibei Saltern in Lianyungang  Photo: AFP

Working long hours is common in China, where hairdressing salons are open until late in the evening, and construction sites continue around the clock, much to the anger of sleepless residents.

Estate agents, nannies and retailers both on the high street and on China’s hugely popular e-commerce sites are just some of the workers who would rarely utter the term "out-of-hours".

That is why, for many Chinese, the national holidays are considered sacred. This is particularly true for the 253 million migrants who return home from the booming coastal cities to their rural villages during China’s Lunar New Year holidays.

"Chunjie", as its called in China, is the one safe-haven for many families from the demands of the relentless Chinese economy.

But for Bei, who was working on a holiday during the "Golden Week", which began on China’s National Day last Thursday, there was no respite.

He says he needs to work around the clock to support his wife, who is not employed, and his 15-year-old son.

“This is just what you have to do,” he says with a smile, as he crunches his gears aggressively.

China's workforce

20,167 yuan (£2,090) - China’s national per capita disposable income in 2014, an increase of 10.1 percent from 2013 vs UK: £17,559

28,844 yuan (£2,985) – disposable income for urban households, an increase of nine per cent

10,489 yuan (£1,085) - disposable income for rural residents, an increase of 11.2 per cent

17 yuan (£1.76) – China’s highest statutory minimum hourly rate (Shanghai) vs UK: £6.70

60 - retirement age for Chinese men vs UK: 65

55 - retirement age for white-collar women

50 - retirement age for blue-collar women

1,368 million – China’s population at the end of 2014 vs UK: 65 million

915.83 million – Those at working age of 16-59 at the end of 2014, a decrease of 3.71 million from 2013

Sources: China’s National Bureau of Statistics, Xinhua news agency, ONS (UK)







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