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Pankaj Mishra: The rotting of New India

已有 245 次阅读2017-11-7 14:24 |个人分类:政治 法律

The rotting of New India

Imagine, if it's possible, that Jeremy Paxman and Matthew Parris are recorded on tape advising a corporate lobbyist how to get her favoured MP into the coalition cabinet. Then imagine that this MP is accused of defrauding the national exchequer of billions of pounds. This is the scandal that unfolded in India last week – more disturbing and revealing for the Indian public than anything from WikiLeaks.

In addition to this story, in one of the audio recordings intercepted by India's income tax department (and now widely available on the internet), Vir Sanghvi, a leading columnist and TV host, is heard offering his services to Niira Radia, a lobbyist for two of India's biggest corporate houses, the Tatas and Reliance Industries.

"What kind of story do you want?" Sanghvi asks Radia, and goes on to offer a "fully scripted" and "rehearsed" television interview to her client, Mukesh Ambani, India's richest man. Another tape has Prabhu Chawla, an editor with India Today – India's biggest-circulation news magazine in English – explaining to Radia how Ambani might win his supreme court battle against his brother. "Everything is fixed nowadays," he hints darkly. Barkha Dutt – who hosts a popular TV show called We, the People – can also be heard offering to relay messages from Radia to politicians whom Radia wants to influence in the process of forming a cabinet.

At first it seemed they might get away with it when such high-circulation mainstream newspapers as the Times of India and the Hindustan Times refused to cover the scandal. But public anger, amplified by the internet, may now be making the censorship unsustainable.Radia's candidate – A Raja – did indeed go on to become the telecommunications minister. He now stands accused of depriving the national exchequer of $39bn by selling mobile phone "2G spectrum" bandwidth cheaply to, among other telecom companies, Tata – represented by Radia. Under pressure from opposition parties and the supreme court, Raja resigned last month. The journalists caught on tape have preferred to brazen it out, insisting that they were only squeezing a likely source for information.

Yesterday Dutt appeared on her own TV channel, claiming she was guilty of nothing more than an "error of judgment". Her prickly defence – that only a naive journalist would see something newsworthy in the oversized influence of corporate lobbyists on political processes – pointed to a deeper rot in the New India beloved of globalised elites. As Sonia Gandhi, the Congress party leader, put it: the country's economy may "increasingly be dynamic, but our moral universe seems to be shrinking ... The principles on which Independent India was founded, for which a generation of great leaders fought and sacrificed their all, are in danger of being negated."

Indeed, for influential Indians the model of a "great" leader today is provided by Narendra Modi, the business-friendly Hindu nationalist chief minister of Gujarat who is accused of complicity in the murder of more than 2,000 Muslims in 2002. Ratan Tata, one of the most respectable names in Indian business, hails Modi as a "dynamic leader".

Ratan Tata, whose conversations with Radia were also recorded, now complains that India is turning into a "banana republic". But Tata's own praise of Modi signified the ethical deficit among India's rich and powerful. Certainly, Sanghvi sounded like a Latin American oligarchist when, criticising the US decision to deny Modi a visa, he argued: "Modi may be a mass murderer. But he is our mass murderer." Claiming to speak for the "educated Indian middle class", Sanghvi asserted that "we are entirely justified in being angered" by Arundhati Roy's recent remarks on India's military occupation of Kashmir.It is too easy, however, to focus on the moral obtuseness of a few journalists and businessmen. A broader consensus exists within the middle class beneficiaries of India's economy, a wider culture of deference to powerful and wealthy people, and intolerance and meanness towards the poor and defenceless, and their few articulate advocates. Mainstream journalists too have succumbed to this political pathology. What the tapes reveal most vividly is not spectacular corruption – not exactly news – so much as why the supposed watchdogs of democracy have assumed the militant aggressiveness and vanity of the very privileged in a wretchedly poor country.

Marvelling about a "concept of Indian unity" that endorses extrajudicial execution and torture, the social psychologist Ashis Nandy recently wondered if there was "a large enough section of India's much-vaunted middle class fully sensitive to the demands of democracy". Or could it be that, far from upholding progressive values, many exalted Indians, including journalists, will do anything to protect "their new-found social status and political clout"?

Certainly, these revelations and their attempted suppression by mainstream media not only validate Nandy's grim diagnosis. They also confirm his suspicion that, notwithstanding the anarchist culture of WikiLeaks, the future of censorship in India is "very bright".

comments (106)

  • 78

    Hindu nationalist chief minister of Gujarat who is accused of complicity in the murder of more than 2,000 Muslims in 2002.

    I thougtht only "Muslims" were evil?

  • 56

    This is really incredible stuff.

    How ironic that Mr Dutt's TV show is called 'We,the People' when he's part of an elite that is shamelessly mocking democracy and all it stands for. When things get this rotten, violence takes over.

  • 23

    '' Imagine, if it's possible, that Jeremy Paxman and Matthew Parris are recorded on tape advising a corporate lobbyist how to get her favoured MP into the coalition cabinet.''

    And what do the broad sheets and the tabloids in the UK do when it comes to crunch time election or not ?? or for that matter in the USA or in Europe ??

    This man is a misguided Indian and should and would serve the best interest of the neighbouring country of India !!!

  • 01

    A broader consensus exists within the middle class beneficiaries of India's economy, a wider culture of deference to powerful and wealthy people, and intolerance and meanness towards the poor and defenceless, and their few articulate defenders.

    Does this prove that this state of affairs can be achieved without Nulabour?

  • 1516

    Corruption - in India

    This is certainly a new development.

    I am surprised and shocked.

    Whatever next?

  • 45

    Another article from Mishra (Arundhati-lite, with none of her energy) that adds nothing to anything. Actually, the RTI has decreased opacity of the Govt. Without it the Adarsh scam would never have come to light. Yes, the future of censorship is bright, but its past was brighter.

    If you want to be a journalist/commentator on India, learn from Buncombe of The Independent (definitely not Burke, he is a peddler of convenient truths). Until then go back to fiction. I loved The Romantics , though most probably nowadays you want to disown it.

    As to the two TV personailities concerned, they are better actors than most Bollywood stars, capable of summoning up righteous indignation at will. You would be hard pressed to find more than a handful of people who watch their shows for anything other than entertainment.

    And businessmen cosying up to mass murderers for lucre's sake, surprise surprise.

  • 34

    '' Indeed, for influential Indians the model of a "great" leader today is provided by Narendra Modi, the business-friendly Hindu nationalist chief minister of Gujarat who is accused of complicity in the murder of more than 2,000 Muslims in 2002. Ratan Tata, one of the most respectable names in Indian business, hails Modi as a "dynamic leader". ''

    Gujarat has a history of communal clashes dating back hundreds of years from the times of the invading enemies from the west of India. The recent and not too recent issues were the connected with the ' non-state actors' who tried to engulf the state of Gujarat into a fire ball.

    Good sense prevailed and this was contained - Tata is a great humanitarian and many in the state of Gujarat are good people both Hindu and Muslim and have propelled this state into prosperity for the betterment for all - irrespective of religious beliefs.

  • 12

    Within the British System, journalist operate under various unwritten rules - such as the Lobby system. Favoured journalists get special briefings and stories so that stories can be transmitted either through their media or through rumour and gossip.

    Then there is Chatham House Rules- nothing can be attributed. And there was the journalists cabal- consisting of Cavanagh, Boulton, Toynbee and Robinson amongst others - that plotted the ouster of Gordon Brown in the final twelve months of his premiership.

    So Pankaj- journos wield the power that they possess. Its not news!

  • 34


    How ironic that Mr Dutt's TV show is called 'We,the People' when he's part of an elite that is shamelessly mocking democracy and all it stands for


    Reveals that you know nothing about India, and also reveals your pre-conceived notions. It is Ms Dutt.

  • 34

    You mean you didn't already know that your government was lying and cheating? It's the government...

  • 56


    Are you Narendra Modi?Just asking.

  • 12

    '' Certainly, these revelations and their attempted suppression by mainstream media not only validate Nandy's grim diagnosis. They also confirm his suspicion that, notwithstanding the anarchist culture of WikiLeaks, the future of censorship in India is "very bright". ''

    This man talks of censorship - which utopian world does he live - not China, USA, some countries west of India.

    Come on Guardian you can do better than send your lame proxy on the unsuspecting Guardian readers ..................................

  • 67


    Reveals that you know nothing about India, and also reveals your pre-conceived notions. It is Ms Dutt.

    Ms or Mr, how is that relevent to my point? And your only other contribution is 'I know nothing' whilst adding precisely nothing. Enlighten me, oh wise one. Tell me how this is not corrupt and isn't shamelessly mocking democratic principles. I'm all ears...

  • 12

    @ otmshank

    No not the CM - Give him his dues though !

    At the moment when one looks at the current affairs of the surrounding areas of India and India and in particular Gujarat ( as identified by the author of this article).
    India is not a shining beacon but not quite the ' failed state' as described in a twisted way by the author of this article.

    Many visit India and come away with a positive sense in overall terms. Not many places would say this.

  • 1617

    Thank you, Pankaj Mishra, for this article. It is refreshing to read an honest article about the state of affairs in India. It is very true that we Indians (at least those of us who have suddenly become rich) are competing to acquire the latest American gadgets (mobiles, TVs, cars), but none of the progressive attitudes. We treat our poor as sub-humans, our women as sub-humans, all minorities as sub-humans. It is truly shameful !

  • 1415

    India. A country with an attitude and morality towards its poor that is as filthy as its sewers. Grotesque individual wealth and a disgusting class system that enslaves and exploits vast numbers of its population.
    Its claim to be a democracy makes every decent person reach for the sick bag.

  • 34

    Dear Pankaj,


    I could only see positive outcome coming out of recent corruption scandals. Earlier, these corruption scams never used to come openly in news with hardly any action taken against the culprit. ...Our top to bottom is corrupt to the core, only when we start taking action against these culprits that we would inch towards a transparent and hopefully a prosperous democracy

    Action have been taken and it's still ongoing in regards to recent major Indian scandals which means although the action taken against culprits was late but it was not let go.

    The release of audio tape just after the awareness of the scam seems to be smokescreen by current UPA government to prevent further damage to their current administration regarding this scandal.....

    Please read below article for a very novel approach by six IIM students to deal with day-to-day Indian corruption: (which may seems too idealist, but nonetheless a good effort)

    India is a land of contradiction, so although we are not perfect but we are improving each year....

    Life is adventure :)

  • 23

    WikiLeaks -- If newspapers like Guardain do their jobs there is no need for wikileaks.

  • 01


    ''Please read below article for a very novel approach by six IIM students to deal with day-to-day Indian corruption: (which may seems too idealist, but nonetheless a good effort)

    The six IIM students are State actors in the land of contradictions.....

  • 45

    Oh dear o dear.....there was already one article running on CIF for our most tolerant and religion friendly supreme democrats to vent their undying love for humanity....and now Pankaj has come to divert their attention to show them their true face.....

    Ratan Tata, whose conversations with Radia were also recorded, now complains that India is turning into a "banana republic". But Tata's own praise of Modi signified the ethical deficit among India's rich and powerful. Certainly, Sanghvi sounded like a Latin American oligarchist when, criticising the US decision to deny Modi a visa, he argued: "Modi may be a mass murderer. But he is our mass murderer."

    When you have the rich and powerful media personalities supporting the mass murderer (regardless of this guy's achievements) then we sitting in the west can really appreciate the humane justice pumped into the innocent boys in Kashmir on a daily basis.....because to believe anythign else would be to sympathise with the islamists zealots from across the border who have nothing better to do than to blow themselves up in front of the peacekeepers..

    Wait for the most lovable posts to follow....

  • 45

    1.Amazon has stopped wikileaks .(Free speach ?)

    2.Guardian - takes labour party side ( left wing market positioning)

    3.telegraph - Tory ( right wing market positioning)

    4.Sun -- possible winner (Greed ?)

    5.guardian supported Iraq war .Why ? bec ause it suited them at that time.
    Public centiment ? market share ?

    How these things are different from others ?

  • 12


    ''Please read below article for a very novel approach by six IIM students to deal with day-to-day Indian corruption: (which may seems too idealist, but nonetheless a good effort)

    The six IIM students are State actors in the land of contradictions.....

    Stop being so pessimist.....

  • 34


    1 December 2010 10:28PM

    Thank you, Pankaj Mishra, for this article. It is refreshing to read an honest article about the state of affairs in India. It is very true that we Indians (at least those of us who have suddenly become rich) are competing to acquire the latest American gadgets (mobiles, TVs, cars), but none of the progressive attitudes. We treat our poor as sub-humans, our women as sub-humans, all minorities as sub-humans. It is truly shameful !

    You must be new to CIF my friend.....you will not get any recommends for agreeing with Pankaj....you show no jingoism..shock and horror!!

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  • 01

    WikiLeaks tweeted in response: "WikiLeaks servers at Amazon ousted. Free speech the land of the free – fine our $ are now spent to employ people in Europe."

    any cif on this topic ?

    Free speech etc thing is for others only ?

    A scandalous collusion involving politicians and the media has exposed ethical deficit

  • 34

    The only problem, as I see it, is that these Journalists continue to pretend that they are neutral and balanced, while nearly everyone in the country already believed that they are in the congress camp. It wouldn't surprise anyone, for instance, if a Chandan Mitra, or Swapan Dasgupta or yeah, Arun Shourie were consulted on cabinet formation.

    Does this author see an evil capitalist conspiracy in everything? It is widely known amongst journalists in India that many senior journalists in the 70s were on the KGB payroll. Should we go back to that situation? Was that any less immoral?

    There is no such things as balanced journalism. People express their views - some happen to be more articulate than others.

  • 45

    i agree with with mr.mishra., for the most part.

    what i don't not understand is why mr.mishra, and his ideological ilk, while rightfully bringing attention to the dastardly crimes of narendra modi, choose to ignore similar. or more heinous acts, like the anti sikh pogrom of 1984, in which thousands of sikh women, children and men, were massacred at the behest of high level congress [left leaning] party leaders including, rajiv gandhi, the late husband of sonia gandhi, whom mr.mishra quotes in this piece.

    to date, those responsible for the 1984 killings have not faced justice.

  • 12

    Ms or Mr, how is that relevent to my point?

    It is very relevant, for one thing, it shows you have not read the article (actually good choice, you did not waste 5 minutes of your life), and tried to vent spleen. Another is that if you did not know that it was Ms. Dutt then you did not read sufficiently about the matter beforehand and/or you are not aware of the 24/7 cacophonic white noise generated by India's news channels, of which Ms Dutt's voice is the most shrill and most full of righteous indignation.

    The problem is not that anyone is "mocking democracy" in secret, this is routinely done by news outlets (think Fox and Sky). The problem is that our elected leaders are very easily swayed by the economically upper classes, who can enforce their agenda on a day to day basis via these news channels, whereas those who really need help, the poor rural folk, can only do this only once in 5 years. And it does not matter whether they change governments, whoever is in power is equally vulnerable to this industrial/journalist nexus.

  • 67

    Corruption, is everywhere in India. The media will expose corruption, but on a vested interests basis. A lumpen mob, is far easier to organise against anti national elements, than, against the thieves who steal from the poor.
    So ingrained is the acceptance that leaders are corrupt, that it is not a serious issue, only the MPs themselves cavorting and parading, in the well of parliament.
    The elite that form the media, are disconnected from the poor, so much so, that during the CWGames, after the shit hit the fan, workers were shown spraying insecticide, without masks or protection, and the thought of highlighting this does not occur.
    The poor exist to service the needs of the rich and powerful. This formula gives India 9% growth, and a place at the top table. Those infamous flats with toilets full of shit, have been given to politicians and only 10% will be offered to the public.
    India is a terrifying place to be poor and powerless.

  • 01

    This one (the topic) is too easy, Pankaj, so you are getting a pass from me today.

    Since you brought in (off topic) Mr.Modi, I would suggest, however, that you dig a little deeper with regards to Hindu-Muslim relationship in Gujarat the past 200 years. Some of the events, aspects may very well surprise you.

  • 23

    Tch, tch Mr. Mishra, your slip is showing. So Narendra Modi was complicit in killing 2000 Muslims! And that is somehow a moral deficiency in the "new" India!! After the fake WMDs in Iraq and the 100,000 civilian deaths, is that kind of like the moral deficiency in old Britian/America?

  • 23

    Sad that you take this opportunity to smear the cleanest Indian multinationals, Tata. Ultimately , this company was more victim then a winner in the battle over mobile phone spectrum. Similar trouble for this company started in 1946, when the Indian government took over the high quality and successful Tata airlines and turned it into Air India. 
    If a company doesn't pay bribes in India it will grow slower; the opposite is also true.

    Why didn't you take the Adarsh housing scam as an example, much more clear cut right now?

  • 78

    "Indeed, for influential Indians the model of a "great" leader today is provided by Narendra Modi, the business-friendly Hindu nationalist chief minister of Gujarat who is accused of complicity in the murder of more than 2,000 Muslims in 2002. Ratan Tata, one of the most respectable names in Indian business, hails Modi as a "dynamic leader"."

    Modi is a religious bigot and a mass murderer. He is also, in other respects, a "good" chief minister and the people of Gujarat have relected him, though I think he should be serving a life sentence in jail.

  • 23

    Thanks, for this priceless article. You sound just like my favorite Normon Solomon from Media Monitors. Every word is so true and so depressing. A sad but true portrayal of our govt's, business community's and journalists' unfathomable moral bankruptcy. Sincere journalists like yourself are the hope and need of the moment. Thanks again.

  • 12

    "Everything is fixed nowadays,"

    As Sonia Gandhi, the Congress party leader, put it: the country's economy may "increasingly be dynamic, but our moral universe seems to be shrinking ... The principles on which Independent India was founded, for which a generation of great leaders fought and sacrificed their all, are in danger of being negated."

    Mainstream journalists too have succumbed to this political pathology. What the tapes reveal most vividly is not spectacular corruption – not exactly news – so much as why the supposed watchdogs of democracy have assumed the militant aggressiveness and vanity of the very privileged in a wretchedly poor country.

    Or could it be that, far from upholding progressive values, many exalted Indians, including journalists, will do anything to protect "their new-found social status and political clout"?

    The corruption dealt with in this article deserves to be exposed. But I wonder about the idea of a morally shrinking India. This harks back to a day when the channels of public action and policy were not clogged up with corruption, when it was not normal to see political, and other, advancement as a means for boosting the chances of family and friends. When was that day? I wonder on what scale, and on the basis of what data, it is being suggested that things have got worse. Is there any need to believe that in order to forcefully expose corruption when it is discovered?

  • 12

    The laziness of Indian journalists beggars belief. Here they struck a goldmine in the form of wikileaks. All they have to do is open the documents in a browser and search for "India" or some such keyword. Instead, almost all of them are regurgitating what foreign journalists have already said. The only original work seems to have been done by the PTI, and if it doesn't have an axe to grind, then Arundhati Roy is a paragon of virtue.

  • 23

    To answer my own question above: only through this particular scam Mishra managed to find a stick to beat his personal bogey Chief Minister Modi of Gujarat, via something Ratan Tata said once.

    He does not go into the depths of this G2 scam (or any others) at all: not interesting enough for him. Definitely something rotten with some Indian journalists.

  • 01

    Shady journos should show the same level of conscience as the venal politicians whose sacking they rant every other day. Their cozy relation with the powerful politicians is an axiomatic truth, notwithstanding Barkha Dutt’s passionate disavowal. Honest reporting is an oxymoron. But the public need not feel outraged. They would soon get accustomed to the stench pervading our entire biosphere.

  • 56

    I'll come to Mishra's ridiculous analysis in a minute, but since the topic of Gujarat has been raised, I would like to contribute by mentioning what I have seen in the 18 months I have been in this state.

    Two years ago, I decided to relocate to Ahmedabad. I was in Chennai before that, and I had seen what I needed to see. I wanted to see what the fuss was about, and I wanted to see the levels of persecution Muslims had to face (This was entirely erroneous, as I explain later). I lived in Ahmedabad for two years in the mid-90's, so I could judge the improvement.

    15 minutes in the city, and I understood why Modi gets re-elected. The place underwent a massive transformation. You had fantastc infrastructure, regular water supply, things which were not there when I last lived here, and which are a luxury in most Tier-2 Indian cities.

    Anybody who has tried to do business in India knows how difficult it is to obtain clearances. It takes 103 days in the rest of India. In Gujarat, it takes 18 days. That is why Tata refers to Modi as a dynamic leader. Modi has overseen a transformation of Gujarat, and credit where it is due. The reason why gets elected so many times is development. Not because of events which happened 8 years ago.

  • 01

    A broader consensus exists within the middle class beneficiaries of India's economy, a wider culture of deference to powerful and wealthy people, and intolerance and meanness towards the poor and defenceless, and their few articulate defenders.

    So, not much has changed for the last xx centuries then.

  • 56

    Around a month ago, we had municipal elections in Ahmedabad. That was a perfect opportunity for me to see first hand why Modi and the BJP get voted in with such a majority. Worth noting is the result of the elections: Congress got wiped out. Even in Muslim areas.

    So I went to a few rallies, and by God, the guy is a fantastic orator. Only once did he bring on the old Modi, and that was when his Home Minister got arrested. And the issue wasn't hatred for Muslims. It was the encounter of an extortionist, which the courts deemed illegal. In every other case, he talked about development, better livelihood, a safe and prosperous Gujarat.

    In the course of my work, I happen to visit a few villages. I was in Chiloda, a village outside Ahmedabad, when I came across a Muslim gentleman canvassing for the BJP and selling Modi masks. Naturally, I was shocked. I needed to talk to the man, and I did. It turns out he was a Congress supporter who changed sides after seeing the development work that was done. He told me it used to take him 46 days to get something done in his village. Now, he just needs to approach his councillor, and it will be taken care of in double quick time. In most cases, the people who work belong to the BJP.

    He told me that in the past, the Congress would do nothing. They would come every 5 years, ask for votes, and forget the people who voted them in. The BJP on the other hand, especially under Modi, took care of their needs. Irrespective of what religion they belonged to.

    The conversation inevitably turned to the riots. After some persuasion, he told me that he lost 9 members of his family. I asked him if he did not feel guilty supporting the man who was responsible. He told me something I would never forget. He said, "Son, the past is the past. Now, I need to provide for my family. My children are ambitious; they want better lives. A flat, a car and a well paying job. Narendrabhai gives me that. What does the Congress give me but corruption?" I point out that the BJP is involved in corruption as well. "True", he said. "But I am talking of the state. What is the Congress' alternative to Modi? Shaktisinh Gohil? I would never vote for him. Yes, I want Modi punished. But I cannot deny that he is doing a good job. And right now, I need to think about livelihood. Not about something that happened 8 years ago". I ask him if he is safe as a Muslim. "Yes. There is no problem. We are free to do what we want. Just like in other parts of the country". That a person who lost 9 members of his family would still vote for Modi shocked me. And I learnt yet again that you can never assume to know enough about this country. It's time the media saw that, and reported facts for what they are. People vote for Modi because he does his job. Not one corruption scandal in 8 years. That is a massive achievement in itself. He deserves to spend the rest of his life in jail, but do not assume that he doesn't do his job, or make wrong assertions behind Gujarat's unanimous vote for him.

  • 01

    Coming to Mishra's stupid article, this was on expected lines. Devoid of facts. Let me show how.

    1. Niira Radia is NOT lobbying for Raja in the tapes relating to Barkha Dutt. She is lobbying for Kanimozhi. Yes, she did lobby for Raja in separate conversations, but Barkha Dutt had nothing to do with it. Her conversations only relate to Government formation.

    2. Vir Sanghvi mentioned before this broke out that he was friends with Niira Radia. He, and Barkha, were stringing a source along. Is there anything shocking in a PR person lobbying in the corridors of power? None whatsoever. Only a naive person would believe that.

    3. Prabhu Chawla has gone on record saying that all he said was that the fight between the two Ambani brothers was detrimental to India's interest. He wanted that message sent to Radia, who represented Mukesh Ambani. He had a personal stake in this, because he knew both of them since they were 15. How can he fix a judgement when his not in that city? And what is the context behind which the word fix was used? How can you assume it was corruption? What is the evidence for that?

    4. Barkha Dutt, and Vir Sanghvi, DID NOT relay messages to the Congress. They simply said they would, and independent journalists have confirmed that they did not call Ghulam Nabi Azad. This is called simply stringing a source along for information, and every journo does it. It is idealistic nonsense to expect stories to come by merely interviewing some people. Sorry, it doesn't happen that way.

    5.Tata got the worst deal out of the entire 2G spectrum issue. By the time Radia talks to Ratan, it is clear she is angry with Raja, a fact that you choose to ignore. In fact, Ratan goes on to say that he is surprised by Raja doing what he is.

    6. You clearly have no idea of how political journalism works when you are surprised by PR people lobbying on behalf of corporates. And it is stupid to say the least, to suggest that lobbying influences the allocation of political portfolios. IT DOES NOT.

    7. Narendra Modi is seen as a good leader because he gets work done, because development is his first priority. His agenda is minimum government and maximum governance. Indians today want development first. They are ambitious.

    8. Ratan halied Modi because, again, he gets things done at double speed. For the Nano project, land was allocated in double quick time, no infrastructure issues, guaranteed power for 24 hours a day. Of course a businessman would love this. Where does Godhra come into this?

    9. There is nothing remarkable about these tapes. Do corporates lobby in the corridors of power? YES, they do. Is there is anything unethical about this? NO, only a daft Communist would suggest that. Not surprising that Mishra does so.

    10. Yes, India is turning into a banana republic where people love to heap insult on others. What is Barkha Dutt accused of? At most, bad judgment. Which all editors make. Why are people making this into a huge issue? The real scam here is NOT Barkha Dutt, or Niira Radia, or Vir Sanghvi, or Prabhu Chawla. The scam is the out-of-turn allocation of rare spectrum. That people are forgetting about this and turning this entire issue into a witch-hunt where judgment is made based on selectively leaked conversations is worrying. Yet for Mishra and his ilk, that is not a problem as long as they can continue their nonsensical assertions, devoid of any fact.

    11. How many people complaining and spewing venom, especially on Barkha, refrain from bribing a policeman when caught jumping a signal? Or bribing an IT official in order to bypass the queue to pay your tax? Or hoarding rations meant for the poor? That is, frankly, more worrisome than some perceived scandal where, surprise, surprise, lobbying goes on. That is the moral deficit Sonia Gandhi was talking about. Not your ridiculous assertions on the New India.

    12. Does the fact that all this came out, show that scams can be unearthed? Quite the opposite of your "They also confirm his suspicion that, notwithstanding the anarchist culture of WikiLeaks, the future of censorship in India is "very bright"."

    Please, Mishra, you talk nonsense, as shown by how you try to juxtapose Sanghvi's views on Roy and this "scandal" to somehow make it seem as if Sanghvi's views on Roy are wrong, simply because people are stupid and naive.

    No, India has many problems, which the likes of you never fail to take pride in. But in every problem lies an opportunity to make things right. And this is a golden opportunity to make some systemic changes. Like bringing out reforms in political funding and allowing state support for parties. Or land reforms where the entire process is computerised. Moan how much ever you want to, but India will be better because of this. We needed a kick up our backsides, and we have got one.

  • 01


    How, pray tell, is Barkha Dutt mocking democracy or indulging in corruption?

  • 01

    "Corruption, is everywhere in India. The media will expose corruption, but on a vested interests basis. "

    Yes, it is. And how do you assume the media exposes corruption based on vested interests? What is the reasoning behind your claim?

    "The elite that form the media, are disconnected from the poor, so much so, that during the CWGames, after the shit hit the fan, workers were shown spraying insecticide, without masks or protection, and the thought of highlighting this does not occur."

    It was. I remember at least 6 broadcasts on the issue and a number of newspapers highlighted it.

    "The poor exist to service the needs of the rich and powerful. This formula gives India 9% growth, and a place at the top table. "

    What? You have no idea of economics, do you? The poor exist to serve the rich? If that is the case, how can agriculture, which employs more than 70% of the population grow at 4.5%? Not thought that through, have you?

    "Those infamous flats with toilets full of shit, have been given to politicians and only 10% will be offered to the public."

    Please. Those flats will be sold to the general public to recoup the investment seeing that the government had to bail out Emaar-MGF. Don't troll on.

    And toilets full of shit? You clearly have not got over it. After the main stakeholders, the athletes have been satisfied, why are you moaning? Wasn't it taken care of?

    "India is a terrifying place to be poor and powerless."

    Yes, no wonder the poor get rice at 3 Rs/kg and wheat at 5 Rs/kg while the market rate is 30-35 Rs. What a disgrace.

    It's hilarious how you people make ridiculous assertions.

    Here's an example of why your assertion is laughable to say the least. So is this idea of the poor being trampled upon in India. Of course, the leftists would always want us to be begging.


  • 01

    And that article by Shekhar Gupta is a must read if anybody wants to understand the New India.

  • 12

    Why can't smart Indians figure out a way to put all public accounts, cheques, receipts, payments, bills, contracts, meetings, concessions, etc., on the internet as a constitutional obligation the day after? That would dent some of the corrupt folk and at least tell any one interested where the public money comes from and where it goes. Banditry and assaults on the public weal would be pushed back with or without the "media', since the internet is fast replacing the "media" everywhere.

  • 01

    Why can't smart Indians figure out a way to put all public accounts, cheques, receipts, payments, bills, contracts, meetings, concessions, etc., on the internet as a constitutional obligation the day after? That would dent some of the corrupt folk and at least tell any one interested where the public money comes from and where it goes. Banditry and assaults on the public weal would be pushed back with or without the "media', since the internet is fast replacing the "media" everywhere.

  • 23

    Indian Journalists have been bought and sold many times over. Media magnates take sides and life goes on as usual - like a cow sitting in the middle of the road oblivious to the chaotic traffic.

    Ethical Indian journalism is like the Clouded leopard - a fast disappearing species.

  • 45

    Ms or Mr, how is that relevent to my point?

    It is very relevant, for one thing, it shows you have not read the article (actually good choice, you did not waste 5 minutes of your life), and tried to vent spleen. Another is that if you did not know that it was Ms. Dutt then you did not read sufficiently about the matter beforehand

    I did not read sufficiently about the matter beforehand? The underlying message in your posts is 'if you're not Indian, don't comment on our corruption' - who but Indians have any knowledge of your TV stars? This is a poor position to take. I found the revelations, from an outsiders perspective, very revealing about the state of your political system. Obviously there's corruption in every system, but yours seems particularly shitty. Not one comment from any poster has made me think otherwise - most posters are just indulging in 'whataboutery'.

  • 12

    Sonia Gandhi, "our moral universe seems to be shrinking ..."

    Okay, let's give it a whirl. Shall we?

    1. The vile dictator of Myanmar sprinkles rose petals on Gandhi's monument.
    2. So does Obama (I wonder before or after closing the military aircraft deal?)
    3. Victims of Union Carbide gas leaks 26 years ago in Bhopal still await compensation
    5. The Congresswealth (not Commonwealth) games 
    6. Narendra Modi, Ratan Tata, the Ambani's, the Sonia Gandhi dynasty
    7. Increasing corporate control of India's media, but that's true also in the USA, my adopted home.
    8. Aborting female fetuses
    9. The sedition case against Roy who speaks the truth that Kashmir is not an integral part of India, a lie Delhi repeats ad infinitum in the vain hope it will be regarded as the truth. 
    10. 750,000 Indian troops control 4 million Kashmiris of which I am one. Ugh!

    Pankaj, keep scribbling. We need you.

  • 12

    What is new here? India has always been known to be corrupt. The cynicism that it breeds in every Indian from a young age, and ultimately resignation to it, is way too familiar a story.

    I even remember reading glib articles in the Economistabout all of this: corruption in India is analogous to "fee" collected in advanced countries for efficiency and one should not be too sensitive to it. For a while I believed that. What we were dealing with those days was petty corruption at local level by small-time bureaucrats. To the extent the state withers away, as the pie grows due to privatization, people will not be that desperate anymore was the logic. It may still hold true. Average Indian couldn't care less if a particular contract went to an Ambani or a Tata so long as that service they bid for is delivered. It could all be a side-story if the country continues to grow at 9% a rate for a generation. That 'wretched' poverty might ease.

  • 01


    1. That same vile dictator's government handed over a number of terrorists over the last few years.

    2. Obama says he admires Gandhi, so he goes to Rajghat. What's the issue there? So you expect India to not spend on weapons? For what? For China to run us over? Or the terrorists to pee on us like in 26/11?

    3. The victims have received enhanced compensation. 13 lakhs and free medical treatment.

    4. The CWG can be a watershed moment for Indian sports. When was the last time India cared about a sport outside Cricket? And your problem with that is?

    5. Modi gets voted because he does his job. Not something that can be said of the Congress. What do you have against Tata?

    6. So a PR person talking to a journalist extends to corporate control of media? Talk of clutching at straws.

    7. India's moral universe is shrinking because some people are stupid and retrograde? Again, clutching at straws.

    8. Get over it, she is not going to be jailed. Which is a pity. At least then we in India will be free from her nonsense.

    9. Kashmir is an integral part of India. Get over it.

    10. 14 militants killed in the last 2 weeks for trying to infiltrate. One apprehended terrorists talks of 750 people waiting to infiltrate. And yet we are not supposed to have the army to protect ourselves? You seem to be a World Champion at clutching at straws.

  • 23

    Oh dear

    Vir Sanghvi and Barkha Dutt caught on video. What will the wallahs of Andheri and Bandra think now? How can we watch NDTV now?

  • 45

    Pankaj Misra,
    Since you are taking the high ground by commenting on " ethics" of things... such as media reportage... or the lack of .....leading to institutional ROT....Then please allow me to point out your careless attitude which has concerned me greatly.

    - you make no effort at " most basic" research and therefore do not arrive at a fair and " balanced" report . Here you seem to be indulging in reckless political commentary.
    "Selective reportage" or divide and rule method seems to be your convenient truth of this opportunistic moment tough.

    At the outset I would like to state that I I do not endorse any violence whatsoever.

    However, as a reader, I would have like see equal and fair coverage by any reporter or self appointed analyst. I feel that each one of you MUST report / present " equal milage" of narration from " BOTH side of the fence" regarding incidents of communal atrocities inflicted on the other. Especially when such inhuman occurrence happen to have occurred as "chain reaction" ( to possibly a historical narrative......)

    By targeting Modi, You have selectively mentioned suffering of one community ( ie muslim at the hands of Hindu ) and have FAILED to mention suffering of Hindu community...tsk tsk

    As a reader my attention is drawn to points in your article :
    Re: a) Political Bias against Modi:
    , b) Gujarat - communal riots, 
    c) Your cosy view on Congress: 
    as " Narendra Modi, the business-friendly Hindu nationalist chief minister of Gujarat who is accused of complicity in the murder of more than 2,000 Muslims in 2002. Ratan Tata, one of the most respectable names in Indian business, hails Modi as a "dynamic leader".
    Therefore I request you to pl. refer to:

    excerpts from wikipedia presented as:
    Shah-Nanavati commission: The Nanavati Commission however termed the Sabarmati express incident as a 'pre-planned conspiracy' and gave a clean chit to Mr. Modi[24]

    Attacks on Hindus

    On 27 February 2002 at Godhra City in the state of Gujarat, the Sabarmati Express train was forcibly stopped and attacked by a large Muslim mob.[1] As a result, 59 Hindu passengers — mostly women, children and seniors returning from the holy city of Ayodhya — were burned alive. The attack prompted retaliatory massacres against Muslims on a large scale, in which 790 Muslims and 254 Hindus were killed. 223 more people were reported missing.[2][3] 523 places of worship were damaged: 298 dargahs, 205 mosques, 17 temples, and 3 churches. Muslim-owned businesses suffered the bulk of the damage. 61,000 Muslims and 10,000 Hindus fled their homes. Preventive arrests of 17,947 Hindus and 3,616 Muslims were made. In total 27,901 Hindus and 7,651 Muslims were arrested. Nearly 10,000 rounds of bullets were fired by the police, killing 93 Muslims and 77 Hindus.[4][5][6][7]

    Attacks on Hindus by Muslim mobs in Danilimda, Modasa, Himmatnagar, Bharuch, Sindhi Market, Bhanderi Pole, and other localities in the city of Ahmedabad in Gujarat were perpetrated by Muslim mobs.[31] There was a significant loss of property.[32][33] Late in March, more than one thousand Hindus in Dariyapur and Kalupur, including 550 dalits, fled their homes to stay in makeshift shelters after being attacked by Muslims mobs.[34] According to the HRW report, over ten thousand Hindus were made homeless.[31]
    Several Hindu residential areas, including Mahajan No Vaado, a fortified enclave in Muslim dominated Jamalpur, were targeted following calls for retaliation.
    In the morning the mosques began announcing that Islam was in danger, that there was poison in the milk. This was used as a code word. The milk was meant to be Muslims & poison meant Hindus. The rioting lasted between 2:15 p.m. and 5:30 p.m.[31]
    Residents were unable to go to work, fearing attacks. A Hindu temple in the area was destroyed. In Himmatnagar, a young man was killed when he went to a Muslim enclave on business.[31]

    Political Bias against Modi:

    2007 elections
    Modi's 2007 election campaign was marked with some passionate speeches reflecting his vision for Gujarat and his aggressive leadership. One such speech was given at Magrol in response of Sonia Gandhi's speech calling him a "merchant of death",[31] and referred to Sohrabuddin's killing. For this speech the Election Commission of India, a constitutional body governing election proceedings in India, cautioned Modi as it considered it as indulging in an activity which may aggravate existing differences between different communities. However, a similar procedure was not brought against Sonia Gandhi causing a lot of furore in Modi's supporters.[32]

    Please also refer and research commission reports and SUpreme Court Of India court hearings on these various cases.

  • 01


    "Indian Journalists have been bought and sold many times over."

    What is the evidence for this claim?

    "Media magnates take sides and life goes on as usual"

    Of course the media takes sides. You mean to say this does not happen in the UK? The Sun doesn't take sides? The Times doesn't take sides? The Guardian doesn't take sides?

    Before you make a judgment on Indian media's ethics, I would suggest you worry about the ethics of the British media. Printing lies is unethical, and every media organisation in the UK, hell the west, does this.

  • 23

    It is an undeniable fact that the Congress party led by PM SIngh manipulates/ threatens/ coerce media in India for their benefit. It is matter of survival for these media houses when faced with a choice to expose any government scandal scam. Not only the media, the UPA government uses blackmail and threats to control opposition parties and some judiciary too. 
    This is a transitional phase of a country which is changing at a very fast speed. Slowly the system will mature itself. I hope.

  • 12

    We need Narendra Modi to counter Gandhis and Gandhis to counter Narendra Modi. Both are required to maintain that perfect balance needed to keep the common citizen powerful.

  • 12

    It is amazing how behind the facade of being for Freedom, Human Rights and Justice the Elites of the Anglo-Saxon World and India are callous thugs.

    Really, blood-curdling is the remark by Vir Sanghvi on Narendar Modi, the butcher of Gujrat: "Modi may be a mass murderer. But he is our mass murderer."

  • 01

    A broader consensus exists within the middle class beneficiaries of India's economy, a wider culture of deference to powerful and wealthy people, and intolerance and meanness towards the poor and defenceless, and their few articulate advocates.

    Sounds strangely familiar; where else does the middle class behave like that..? Oh, yes...

  • 01

    It is up to the people of India to hold their leaders to account and demand the moral standards required to build the country for ALL its people.

    Indian democracy gives this opportunity, however imperfectly.

    It is sad to see so many ass-licking Indian journailsts demean Indian achievements. I suppose they have a rightful place in the democratic universe: it takes all-sorts.

    I wish India and the Indian people well. Their success or failure will belong to one seventh of humanity, and that cannot be dismissed.

    It would be nice to have less western media ass-licking by journailsts from an Indian background.

  • 12

    Ms Dutt’s overbearing and aggressive approach in the TV debate produced its own backlash. It surely stunned the other editors present. Open magazine’s editor was literally gasping for his breath under Dutt’s tidal wave of attacks on him. Dutt conveyed her revulsion at being accused of corruption in a manner so violent that even the listeners found her to be overacting. Her pontification on ethical journalism – epic in its chutzpah – didn’t go down well with them. In the end, they didn’t allow her to escape with the ‘error of judgement’ excuse. A super-macho posture will never generate the empathy she was desperately looking for. The explanation was really worse than the original offence.

  • 01


    yes otmshank's point and style was pedantic but so is yours

    can you name a US cpolitician who does not influence legislation to benefit his/het corporate benefactors?

    i can name quite few who has, in such diverse areas ranging across financial deregulation, health insurance, fossil fuels, fiscal policy, social security, environmental safety, food and drugs safety, including pharmaceuticals, defence ........ the list is quite long

    corporate influence can also be traced to contracted out service providers in many areas, including health care, education, food, military ....... another long list

    they are corrupt practices indulged in by corrupt politicians wherever they occur and they all mock democratic principles

    i doubt we can create a utopian world in any country on earth but we can judge a democracy's strength by its civilian infrastructure to set up institutional mechanisms to uncover such abuse and address them with accountability and transparency

  • 12

    @DonalpainIndia. A country with an attitude and morality towards its poor that is as filthy as its sewers. Grotesque individual wealth and a disgusting class system that enslaves and exploits vast numbers of its population. Its claim to be a democracy makes every decent person reach for the sick bag.

    You forget that even Britain had its feudal class system, but this gradually eroded with increasing wealth and democratisation. But not in India where, for almost 200 years, the British deliberatly kept the exploitative system putting themselves at the top of the pyramid.

    Yet in the past 20 years economic growth has lifted 200million people out of poverty, "these improvements are also shared by nearly all underprivileged groups, a fact now documented in a series of studies." FT article by Jagdish Bhagwati 

    So please donalpain, spare us your hipocracy and ignorance.

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  • 01

    Everyso often I read the guardian for news on India - I am not surprised to anti India Tirade that comes with each so called independent Indian Journalsit that the the Gaurdian has since managed to recruit. It is not India that is rotten but the the Guardian probably biased recruiting of so called India bashing Indians.

    Serious PLEASE can you atleast recruit Journalists who can see things as they are not through some self built PRISM which suits the Guardian Hierarchy. It would be nice to read something about India that does not berate with have backed innuendos and perosnal tirades.

    There must be someone up ther who can see things as they are !!

  • 01

    The principles on which Independent India was founded, for which a generation of great leaders fought and sacrificed their all, are in danger of being negated."

    Mr Mishra you are much behind the time. Those 'priciples' were forgotten long time ago. The onlty thing 'new India' leaders have done is the acceleration and legitimisation of corruption. We are almost a banana republic already and looking at the pace and direction of events there is no chance of stopping this rot. The period under the 'most honest' prime minister has seen the most blatant and shameless corrupt practices and the government has been sitting happily as if nothing has happened. 
    Is it not obscene corruption when goverment ministers ( and prime minister) do nothing to stop this rot just to safeguard their own cushy jobs ?

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  • 01

    Mr. Mishra, don't know where to start. There is corruption in India, yes. If you believe/think that in West, UK/Europe/USA are not corrupt and there MPs don't take bribe, then you're bit naive.

    Your selection of quote for high morality comes from Sonia Nehru-Nehru (Maino), that shows how "high" you can go. By the way Nehru family has ruled India since its Independence has made billions and billions out of corruption. Bofors scandal if just one to name, involving Sonai's husband, Rajiv Nehru-Gandhi.

    On the contrary, Modi is believed to one of the least corrupt in the nation, to the margin that his own party's ex-cabinet ministers tried to overthrow him, because they were ousted because of corruption.

    As, far Hindu-Muslim goes, history is long enough and well documented that 2002 is not the first incident were innocents from one community lost lives. One thing is sure though after 2002 there aren't any communal riots, compared to previous state govts - Congress - people will keep getting involved in it on an ongoing bases affection their lives.

    As far as Gujarat goes, either you need to do more history reading on it. You might even want to spent some time in Gujarat and get a first hand feel. Its a bordering state to Pakistan and is full of history, even Mr. Zinha - Mohammad Ali Jinnah - founder of Pakistan's ancestor were from Gujarat, and were or believed to be Hindu.

  • 01

    But there are some with banya mentality who think earning money is the only criteria of good leader.

    Wow, this is a new low. This is exactly similar to someone saying "covetous Jew". That would have been removed from CiF in seconds.
    Hitler stereotyped Jews in exactly the same fashion, and this person stereotypes Banias.
    This is why people should not comment on matters when they know nothing about societies they are talking about.

  • 01

    What a nonsense article, yes their is corruption in India, but their is corruption all over the world, has the author heard of the Enron scandal in America; with over 50 Billion Dollars siphoned away!!

    Corruption is a factor of life everywhere... in all nations, what is encouraging is that Free Democratic India has brought these cases out in the open and the cases are being talked about; hopefully the culprits will be brought to book.

    The Media in the US is openly currupt, FOX News is unethical and is far to the right they are openly aligned to the the Republican party... just as this author has his own ageda and is aligned to the left.

    Whether America bans Modi is by the by the US are the biggest trouble mongers on the planet, ask the peoples of Iraq, Vietnam, Afghanistan and South America. Some of the most Evil dictators in the world have been welcomed with open arms by the US and kept in power by the US.

    Modi operates within India's Free Democracy, he is not a mass murderer this is just political mischief!

  • 01

    Read my comment carefully Otmashank. I used the word some are like that, not all.It is just like saying some Muslims are terrorists and some British are racists. There is no offense intended. If truth hurts, it hurts. So get back to arguments. My figures are correct.

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  • This comment was removed by a moderator because it didn't abide by our community standards. Replies may also be deleted. For more detail see our FAQs.
  • 01

    Sorry it should be covetous not coveted. Ha Ha

  • 01

    And to those unaware, Banias are a community (like Jews), not a state of mind 
    (like usurious). So saying Bania mentality does not mean "usurious mentality", but is exactly the same as saying "covetous Jew".
    In Europe sterotyping Jews this way is no longer allowed. Similarly in India with Banias. Those who grew up in Pakistan may think it is ok to do so, but it is not.
    Indulging in such stereotyping tells what we really feel about these communities (Jews or Hindus).
    And failure to apologise only exacerbates the matter.

  • 12

    India has always been a disjointed, fractured and essentially racist country at it's heart where castes have determined the social and economic destiny of the people and those in the wrong class are damned to poverty, humiliation or worse.
    At the top of the Indian society is a relatively tiny number of educated and connected elite and they have always controlled politics and the media.
    All of this is wrapped up in a colourful and sparkling, but very thin, veneer of democracy.

  • 01

    Banyaa are class of people who are businessmen and shopkeepers. I know a hindu friend who says he is a banya, with pride. I know what I am saying. I did not mean any derogatory term. I like hindu faith and have many friends, who keep calling business minded hindus and others as banyas. I hope another hindu comes forward and confirms my explanation. Your explanation has helped delete my comment. that is no big deal.

  • 01

    And listen to this: Those who grew up in Pakistan may think it is ok to do so.
    Now the whole nation has been defamed. How low some people can get to hurt. Mirror mirror on the wall.

  • 01

    It is a derogatory term. Any form of stereotyping may it be positive or negative, is offensive, because you simply cannot understand how the victim feels.
    And as you once mentioned that you spent your formative years in Pakistan, it is obvious that these false notions were placed on your then impressionable mind by the society. Hence the comment that even if it is ok there to say such things, in India it is not. You may or may not have read my earlier comment which got deleted.
    I am only arguing with you this because you claim to be an atheist, which implies a rational mind. If you practised any religion then such comments are expected, and I would not have said anything.
    But atheism implies rationalism and humanism, and such stereotyping by us is unacceptable. 
    Your refusal to apologise says a lot.

  • 01

    And as to corruption stats that you claim I ignore, I know from living here that it is a part of everyday life and anyone who cannot afford to pay a bribe, has a bleak future.
    India is one of the worst places to live if you happen to be born in a village to a poor farmer.

  • 12

    @ redindian87

    How does it work to become a BJP spokesman? Tell me, I would like to join. Do i have to be a religious zealot or power mad or greedy about money? Or, is the other option? Gullible and a media parrot?

    For the sake of common sense and humanity, i hope all the likes to the comments of pro modi are propaganda by some sections. I would be sad if so many indians actually take into this Modi is a victim, innocent, muslim loving humaniatrian......just got sick putting modi and innocent in the same sentence.

    Modi is a mass murderer. He may free up markets, etc, but still is a mass murderer. Even if he makes India number one for economy, he is a mass murderer. Thousands may have killed before him, thousands may kill after him. Doesnt make it ok though. Doesnt make it ok that other money/power/religious mided people have done it in other parts of the world.

    I am ashamed that an organisation like the BJP and their cousins RSS, Bajrang Dal and other CantDoAnythingConstructiveSoWillDestoryLivesAndPeopleWithSkewedIdeaOfReligion organisations exist in the largest democracy in the world. I am ashamed the same way a decent person in the UK would be ashamed of BNP.

    Now, obviously I am going to get insults thrown at me, questioning whether i am an indian, etc. Let me assure you, I very much am and I am proud of my country. However, we have a lot to improve and pointing out other's mistakes or systematic propaganda or blind hate is not going to get us anywhere.

  • 12

    Unfortunately I am not a paid up member of the Indian Govt or Mr Modi the butcher of Godhra so only a limited number of posts.....but when the jingoistic crowd comes out of the woodwork to sing in Modi's praises it makes my blood boil.

    I hope this will not get deleted by the mods but there is simple parrallel here with this person and a certain despot in Europe who decided to go after a specific type of people and orchestrated their genocide. Despite what he had achieved in making his people the most powerful people in the world he is still ragarded as a mass murderer and a butcher. There is no difference between him or Modi...no matter what people say!

    You cannot facilitate and condone a genocide of completely innocent people and then absolve yourself by building an economic powerhouse of a state. This is just totally absurd and the more of these in your face zealots support him the more it makes me sick of the country as a whole.....My sanity is only restored when I see some balanced people like Pankaj and other reputable and admired commentators in India take a more measured stance.

    Not that these freaks will ever believe anything else, but for general audience of this thread I would like them to look at this....


  • 01

    More proof of how

    "Modi may be a mass murderer. But he is our mass murderer."

    has become a business (Banya) stalwart of Gujarat.....


    In Narendra Modi’s Gujarat, the cold-blooded murder of Sohrabuddin and his wife was no aberration. A Tehelka investigation into the killing of another youth, Sameer Khan, lays bare the mammoth cover-up crafted by Modi’s own office. Ashish Khetan and Harinder Baweja unravel the web of lies woven around the gunning down of Khan at point-blank range

    LIE NO. 1
    THE TERRORIST ANGLE » Sameer Khan was a Jaish terrorist involved in a conspiracy to kill Modi, Togadia and Advani
    THE FACT » The Gujarat High Court held that Sameer Khan was not a terrorist and had not been to Pakistan for training 
    LIE NO. 2 
    ENCOUNTER STORY » Sameer Khan snatched a police revolver and fired a shot and was killed by the police in self-defence 
    THE FACT » The trajectory of the bullet that hit Khan’s temple proves that he was shot while lying on the ground. He was shot at point-blank range and was not trying to flee 
    LIE NO. 3 
    THE EXCUSE » Sameer Khan was taken from judicial custody to Ahmedabad’s Usmanpura Garden to recreate the scene where he was alleged to have knifed a police constable
    THE FACT » The crime scene had already been recreated six years ago with another co-accused. Further, Sameer was not accompanied by independent witnesses as mandated by law

  • 12

    And finally a few more quotes on what a friendly and tolerant person our Modi is:

    (I won't be around now to answer your clarifications guys so relax and take your time -do plenty of research to see what you can find from him that repudiates any of his humane qualities in contrast to his true colours depicted below)

    [The following is not a work of fiction. Neither is it a satire. These are real statements of a real Mr. Narendra Modi made in real time in a real world]

    "What should we do? Run relief camps for them? Do we want to open baby-producing centers? Hum paanch, humaare pachhees. [We five, our 25]"
    This remark was made by Mr. Modi in a speech during his very well received Gujarat Gaurav Yatra in 2002. He was referring to Muslims. According to Mr. Modi, riot-scarred people of the minority community, surviving in refugee camps, were busy having sex. Paanch, pachhees is Mr. Modi's pun on his version of an ideal Muslim family - one man with his 4 fertile wives.

    "We have to teach a lesson to those who are increasing population at an alarming rate."
    This remark too was made during the same Gujarat Gaurav Yatra. Anybody who is even faintly familiar with views and opinions of Mr. Modi can recognize that this warning was directed towards the same Paanch, pachhees community.

    "Every action has an equal and opposite reaction."
    Mr. Modi applying the balm of Newton's Third Law of Motion on the riot victims of his state, when asked to comment on the unprecedented violence that spread through Gujarat following the Godhra burnings. This statement was made two days after the Sabarmati fire. More than 600 Muslims were killed within two weeks of the Godhra tragedy. And many more, after. Clearly, it was not a replay of the Newton's Law. This must had been Modi's Law of Motion - Every action has an opposite and bigger reaction!

    Epilogue: Mr. Narendra Modi may not be very different from various other politicians, but what makes him unique is that he does evil things in broad day-light when the rest have conscience enough to patiently wait for the night to proceed with their sinister schemes. True, there are still some, like the Gujarat Chief Minister, who are too shameless to depend on the cover of darkness, but they usually linger on the fringe lines of our political map. However Mr. Modi happens to be a popular, mass politician which makes him altogether more dangerous. But India is a strong entity and will survive him, as it has others whose samadhis now litter the memorials.

  • 01

    A. Raja

    I have spent many happy moments over the last week giggling and sniggering at the revelations exposed by WikiLeaks. Nothing, but absolutely nah-thing prepared me for the sheer incredulity and flabbergasted shock and disbelief that struck on reading this story. After a double-take from hell and wiping the booze clean from my splattered computer screen, I can at last say I have my laughter under control.


    I agree with the sentiment to improve values in which case:
    - Stop the nonesense with Pakistan
    - For gods sake ditch the cast system and the rank mentatility that goes with it
    - Educate the poor, whilst you're at it, educate the middle class and the rich too.


  • 01


    What a load of trolling and whatabouterry. Did you even read my post, or only the lines you quote? No wonder making erroneous analysis seems to be gaining in traction nowadays.

    Did you not read the part where I say that I believe Modi must spend the rest of his life in jail? How do you then accuse me of being a BJP spokesperson? Hell, I lead rallies against Modi every now and then. I even met up with that troll Rahul Gandhi when he came here and made a joker of himself. I used to be sympathetic to Rahul Gandhi, but not any more. He's just an Indira-wannabe, and everyone knows that means trouble.

    Look, I simply put out reasons why people vote for him because I believe it is fascinating that he continues to get votes, even from Muslims. You cannot be closed-minded and deny the guy's achievements. If you are going to criticize him for 2002, be bold and accept that he does his job. Why do you think Gujarat is racing ahead in terms of development and most HD indicators?

    Please point out where I said Modi was innocent. While you are at it, learn to read the whole post, not sections of it and make ridiculous remarks.

    Don't be ridiculous and put words in my mouth. Yes, I despise the Congress. Especially when its so-called honest leader has overseen the biggest scam in the history of mankind. Does that mean I am pro-BJP? If they stop their saffron Hindutva nonsense, yes, but that's a very big if. The BJP has two paths: the Bihar one, where they will get votes and might someday come to power on their own, the other the RSS inspired, Bajrang Dal supported one where they will get decimated. I hope they choose the first because the country needs two strong parties. And I hope Congress does its job properly and walk the talk. Unfortunately, people like Kapil Sibal and Sachin Pilot are more the exception than the rule.

    As a person who has seen Gujarat first hand, and as one who has seen how it votes, I believe it is my duty to correct some (for the lack of a better word) lies the media seeks to propagate.

    Now, as to your point on hate-mongering, that is so laughable that I shall not dignify that with a response.

    Please read properly and like I said, refrain from reading bits and pieces and make laughable claims. I daresay that is behind much of the nonsense spewing out from the people on this whole "Barkhagate" issue. As if bad judgment is a worse crime than looting the country of 1.76 lakh crores. No wonder Ratan thinks we are on a very slippery slope.

  • 12

    "India has always been a disjointed, fractured and essentially racist country at it's heart where castes have determined the social and economic destiny of the people and those in the wrong class are damned to poverty, humiliation or worse."

    What stupidity. Look at most politicians, beginning with Mayawati. They are Dalits. Look at the Bihar verdict. Caste was almost redundant. In one of the poorest states in the world, forget the country.

    Yes, being a Chief Minister, Chief Justice, a top bureaucrat, etc is so humiliating.

    It's amazing how you people troll on without knowing a thing. Most of India has decided to move on from caste, and yet you want to make it seem as if that never happened. You are so gloriously out of touch, and therefore, any troll you propagate is laughable to say the least.

  • 01

    This article is a wake-up call for all of us who keep singing 'nationalism' but when the time comes, we keep the phenomenon at the bay - this is what did our esteemed journalists. A journalist, who is famous for her so-called love for nation and pointing fingers to everyone, is selling country's future by popularizing a wrong person and helping the person to be a minister and when the journalist is being question on her own show, she labels all such thing 'an innocent mistake' or 'error of judgment.' I am wondering, how a person of such profile can commit an 'innocent mistake' that is a 'considerable crime' for everyone else.

    And, when a wonderful writer but an eluded name for media sect of India writes his concern, we all start abusing him. For us a corrupt journalist is praiseworthy but the one who put his life on stake for the sake of truth or true journalism is someone who is a misguided Indian and should and would serve the best interest of the neighboring country of India. shame on such fake nationalists who do not let the 'truth' rise its head.

    And, Mr. Mishra is very right with his ending note that 'future of censorship is very bright in India,' as neither we want true journalism nor our media is going to show the true picture. And whomsoever will ever dare, would have to pass from the scanner. Thus, never the 'reality' would be shown - making ways for other scams and leaving 70% of Indians starve.

  • 12

    This article seems to indicate that the new India is worse than the old one. Sure, the new India has its faults, corruption, racism etc. However, these problems have always been in India. Despite what the author makes one feel, the old India had terrible problems, excess of poverty, illiteracy, medical issues. People in new India do have more access to education, jobs and are more cynical about govt, a necessity in my opinion. Everyone can romanticize the old and make the new one look terrible, but history and reality point to data that does not back up the better India of the past.

  • 01

    .. and I'll take some typing lessons please.

  • 12

    Perhaps the guardian will give this story it's due.

    Gujarat riot probe, clean chit to Narendra Modi, post-Godhra riots

    Posted: Fri Dec 03 2010, 16:43 hrs x x

    BJP on Friday said the Supreme Court-appointed Special Investigation Team reportedly giving a clean chit to Gujarat Chief Minister Narendra Modi in the 2002 riots cases vindicates the party's stand on the issue.

    "This issue is in court. We are not aware of what the SIT has said, so we will not be able to make a detailed comment. But if such an outcome is there then it will be a truth which will vindicate our stand on the matter," Leader of Opposition in Rajya Sabha and MP from Gujarat Arun Jaitley said.

    BJP leader Shahnawaz Hussain said, "BJP has taken the stand to cooperate with law. People may have been conspiring against the BJP, but we believe in law."

    The SIT has submitted its report to the apex court on allegations levelled by the wife of a former Congress MP, Zakia Jaffery, that Modi and his close aides aided and abetted the post-Godhra carnage in which her husband was killed.

  • 01

    Mishra , the following is real journalism. That is real research, not your lies. Note to CiF editors: have your people write sensible articles instead of lying or you will end up with egg on your face.


  • 01

    Yet another doom and gloom report coming from Pankaj Mishra, without any solution, concrete or abstract.

  • 01

    parunach1 - There is no 'new' India other than for a few million elite in the major cities. All of the 'old' problems still exist. Rampant racism, poverty, disenfranchisement, corruption.

  • 01

    redindian87 wrote:
    " Most of India has decided to move on from caste, and yet you want to make it seem as if that never happened. You are so gloriously out of touch, and therefore, any troll you propagate is laughable to say the least."

    Sadly it is you who is completely out of touch. For the first time in decades the Indian Gov is now insisting on everyone to record their caste in the current Census, confirmation of how little has changed.

    "Caste is an everyday reality. The most recent studies show that even in urban areas, where class concerns are more important than caste concerns, the marrying up rule is still the same, and Brahmin daughters marrying below their caste, or falling in love with an untouchable, can still face village gangs. You have caste brotherhoods in London, and even among the Hindu diaspora."

    Jayaram V:
    "Perhaps there is no other nation in the world that is as openly and shamelessly as racial as India. To be born in an upper caste is a matter of pride whether the family to which a person belongs deserves it or not. A number of Indians who visit foreign countries often complain about being treated differently on account of their skin color or accent. They overlook the fact that a vast number of people in their own country exhibit a far greater obsession with accent, skin color and caste. Indian film stars put on white makeup, on the screen and off the screen, even if they are black, to look acceptable and desirable. The country's democracy is not a true democracy, but castocracy, where people vote and leaders are elected on caste lines. The Indian political parties thrive and succeed by appealing to this base emotion of people."

  • 01

    Saoir - I do not think that you are right. I can show you data about access to medical rights, education etc that did not exist before. Even if you are right, there is nothing to question, after all if there is no new India, why even talk about this article, it is meaningless. News is if something new happens, if things are the same, how is it news?

  • 01

    Thank you again Pankaj for forthright and no-nonsense analysis of Indian rot. I really wish guardian publishes more of articles from people like you. There are couple things which seems to be misleading in your article. (1) Apparent rot in India is not something driven by new-found confidence of neo-liberalised middle class. It is rather an historical continuation of so-called Hindu society which is rotten to its core and which stifles human creativity, human co-operation and humane feelings in every possible way.

    >> As Sonia Gandhi, the Congress party leader, put it: the country's economy may "increasingly be dynamic, but our moral universe seems to be shrinking ... The principles on which Independent India was founded, for which a generation of great leaders fought and sacrificed their all, are in danger of being negated."

    This is a classic case of pot calling the kettle black. Sonia Gandhi and her husband are/were mainly reponsible for most of the killings and state violence in South Asia. Starting from Eelam Tamils, Punjabis and Kashmiris, legacy of Gandhi family's fascism is non-ending.

  • 01

    parunach1 wrote:
    "there is nothing to question, after all if there is no new India, why even talk about this article, it is meaningless."

    Because it's an interesting article. An article that demonstrates for the UK readers how India has not changed very much, and behind the facade of democracy it is still riddled with a sickening form of apartheid, corruption and concentration of power among an elite strata.

  • 23


    "Because it's an interesting article. An article that demonstrates for the UK readers how India has not changed very much, and behind the facade of democracy it is still riddled with a sickening form of apartheid, corruption and concentration of power among an elite strata."

    This is not true, yes there is corruption, yes there is great poverty, yes the are cultural injustices, such as caste but these issues have been there for centuries.

    What has changed is India's Great Democracy, in the last 12 years over 200M people lifted out of poverty, in the next 10 years 500M people will be lifted out of poverty. India's economy growing at 8% per year and increasing.

    Free India has incorporated many inclusive policies, reserved jobs for the lower castes and tribals have had a major impact on India's society. Modi who is hated by many on the left is himself from so called low castes but many from this higher castes see him as a hero, right or wrong!
    Bihar state chief minister is not from the Higher Castes.

    Many of India's ills have been around for thousands of years, 60 years of Democracy has had a major impact on India, much more needs to be done but Free Democratic India is moving in the right direction.

    Free Democratic India is a shining light for those peoples living in Totalitarian Countries such as Pakistan and China.

  • 23


    I know that a lot of UK readers love to relish in the India that is as pathetic as ever. Well, for every article you can show me, I can show you to the contrary.


    The place where caste ruled the roost was in rural places. However, agriculture is losing its position as the place to work to other area, primarily support management.

    The places where India is different now is in urban areas with jobs. Jobs from private company are rarely based on caste system. No manufacturing company uses elitism to hire people in India. There are multiple companies that are hiring over 30000 people each. All of them are based on individual ability.

    Rights in education is aimed at improving the illiteracy by saving places for people of lower castes. If everything was based on power concentration, such things would be impossible.

    Medical care in some states is supported by World Bank due to success seen so far.

    Sure, some states have it bad. But as was seen by the election in Bihar, the focus on caste as an election scheme is less strong than it used to be.

  • 12


    Pathetic. Pick on isolated cases and make a vain observation. Actually, it seems you have decided on what you want to believe, and therefore, when anyone points out that what you believe is erroneous, you pick up nonsense to support your laughable claims.

    First, understand what caste is before you troll on. It is simply a form of identity, much like you people have identities like Asian, European, etc. To say that caste exists and that is a bad thing is stupid. Of course caste exists, much like similar issues of identity exist in every single country.

    You quote Khap Panchayats. Yes, there is a problem there. Do you understand the meaning of "most" and how it is different from "all"? There will be a problem when society is caught between modernity and retrograde thought. You mean to say you don't have any racists in your country? Or are you going to make a stupid argument that the levels of racism are less? How is it any better if I am less racist than my neighbour? Surely being racist is a disgusting thing.

    Government has a caste census so that it can determine who is where in the social ladder. Have the benefits of reservation reached the needy? Are Dalits and OBC's better off than they were before? Those issues need to be addressed amd the caste census will do that. Caste census is merely a tool for measuring social development. Unlike you louts, we don't believe that sections of a society must be left to rot.

    Caste is a reality, there are forms of it in your country, with a different name. So don't troll on.

    Your troll on upper castes and their behaviour was true 15 years ago. Not now. That you have to quote something that happened ages ago to suit your point reveals a lot about the value of your argument.

    Who is India's biggest movie star? Rajnikant. Ever had a look at him? He is hardly "white" and does not "put on white makeup". By the way, what is "white" makeup? Did you invent a new form of makeup based on colour?

    People did vote on caste lines. 10 years ago. That you repeat this troll even when it is clear that the most casteist state of India has rejected caste considerations in favour of governance says a lot.

    You say this article is "interesting". That you find lies and troll interesting is hilarious; that you refer to an article where a person can't differentiate between a Cabinet Minister and a Member of Parliament is hilarious.

    Like I said, you have decided to have one particular view on India and you won't change that no matter how many times that is pointed out to be grossly untrue.

  • 12

    Mr. Mishra writes about Narendra Modi. I agree that this man was behind the massacre of innocent Muslims in Gujerat.

    But Mr. Mishra will never condemn another Gujerati Muslim who was responsible for the deaths of more than a million Hindus, Sikhs and Muslims while trying to get a nation carved out for himself. Somehow his pay masters will not ask him to condemn that act by Jinnah and they support the nation that they helped form in collusion with this man. Jinnah left that country in shambles and it is now burning down by its own efforts.

    I would never praise Mr. Modi even if he had done good for his state. His hands are stained with the blood of innocent people. He is a criminal. But when condemning him, let us also condemn others who have done the same or much worse. Do not show partiality. Will you listen Mr. Mishra? Let me see if you have the audacity to write about Jinnah who launched the Direct action that led to the deaths of more than a million innocent people in 1947.

  • 01


    "Mr. Mishra writes about Narendra Modi. I agree that this man was behind the massacre of innocent Muslims in Gujarat."

    There is very little evidence to prove Modi was responsible; burning a training full of women and children by Muslim fanatics was the cause. Just because many left wing writers keep printing the same drivel doesn't make it true!

    But in India's Great Democracy you're entitled to your view without fear of retribution which would not be the case in Totalitarian Pakistan and China!

  • 01

    The 'New' India that the columnist talks about has a highly restrictive representation -where in the great majority of Indians do not figure. Hence instead of New India , the preferred title would be 'Elitist India'. For Mr Mishra's article rightly draws the connection between the elites of all sectors- Business, PR, Journalism and the Political class. It is like the 'Elites United' but in the name of the people. And like Mr Mishra points out, censorship is only likley to entrech itself in Inida in many forms

    And as an ex journalist, when i first began my innings in an economic newpaper, at New Delhi, one of the home truths that we were schooled in was ' be wary of PR' in bold. I guess this has been turned inside out .....

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    Ratan Tata’s Attorney Harish Salve contended in the Supreme Court that the audio content of personal conversation should not be put into public domain. The public disclosure of the Private conversations would violate Tata's right to privacy.

    #45 Ratan Tata: Jun 11, 2009 15:57:59

    Niira Radia Tapes

    Please listen to the conversation and decide if the conversation between Niira Radia & Ratan Tata are personal!

    Ratan Tata's Double Standards on Corporate Corruption

    Mr. Ratan Tata must understand that being the biggest international gift maker to a richest business school Harvard in the world, on the eve of US President's visit to India is something understandable obviously. He must understand that majority of Niira Radia tapes relates to money transactions, deal makings and influencing elected and appointed government officials; which could be termed as a conspiracy to commit an offense and should be probed and be allowed to make public.

    On one hand Ratan Tata speaks of high moral and ethical standard and on the other hand he wants to deny the right of the Indian public for transparency in Radia matters just because she is handling PR work for Tata Group of Companies. Can Tata answer a simple question when he has best of the MBA’s, Engineers and Media professionals on his pay roll in his group companies why he hired Niira Radia to do PR work for his companies? May be to handle bribe money and cut deals with government departments on behalf of Tata Group of Companies!

    As India is run by unionized Gangsters posing as Politicians, Bureaucrats, Judiciary, Big Businesses, Religious leaders and Media so it is more important for the general public to know more about how a Foreign National a British woman with practically no professional degrees can make deals in billions as well as how she can manipulate central, state ministers, top bureaucrats and prominent Journalist belonging to or having loyalties to various political parties; on behalf of Top Industrial Houses of India like Tata's, Ambani's & Unitech etc.

    Mr Ratan Tata, Democracy demands transparency and accountability. If you have nothing to hide please disclose the terms of your and your 90 group companies Contracts with Niira Radia and her various companies.

    Further Mr. Ratan Tata must disclose the name of Federal Minister who demanded Bribe for Private Airline License from him or his corporation along with an explanation why he never made it public? After several years why he is making half disclosures? Mr. Tata must understand in a Democracy irresponsible, unlawful, unethical and greedy behavior of business Leaders is unacceptable.

    Dave Makkar







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