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How Thatcher brought UK back from the wilderness - Telegraph

已有 171 次阅读2017-4-8 10:48 |个人分类:英国| brought, towards, across, impact, nation

With tributes from across the world hailing Baroness Thatcher’s life, Louise Armitstead explores the profound impact that she had upon the UK and its economy .

In her prime, and well beyond it, Lady Thatcher was a global shorthand for Britain, an icon of a nation newly unafraid to make the case for its values
Six days after her death, the battle is over Lady Thatcher’s legacy to a nation that in 1979 was drifting towards a divided and bitter also-ran. In 1990, when she reigned, Britain had rediscovered its mojo. Photo: Rex Features

5:18PM BST 13 Apr 2013


When Sir Winston Churchill died in 1965, there were a total of four tribute speeches in the House of Commons. When Parliament was recalled last week, seven hours was set aside for MPs and Lords to pay their respects to Baroness Thatcher.

There were statesman-like tributes from all three party leaders about Britain’s longest serving prime minister of the 20th Century, and long speeches praising her personal qualities – courage, conviction, patriotism and humour, all laced with a little glamour.

Lord Ashdown, no fawning fan of the Conservative leader, described Lady Thatcher as the “greatest prime minister of our day”. David Cameron said she had “saved” Britain.

From around the world the tributes came. President Obama commented that America had “lost one of the great champions of freedom and liberty”.

From Russia’s Mikhail Gorbachev to Israel’s Benjamin Netanyahu, Lady Thatcher was hailed as a transforming leader. “The amazing Margaret Thatcher,” said Steve Forbes, the chief executive of America’s eponymous publishing house. “We desperately need more leaders like her.”

Lady Thatcher certainly aroused strong opinions. For the Left she became a hate figure, a scapegoat for a creaking social-democratic consensus that by the 1970s had left the dead unburied and uncollected rubbish piled high in Trafalgar Square.

“Thatcherism [wrought] the most heinous social and economic damage on this country, on my constituency, and on my constituents,” said Glenda Jackson, the Labour MP and former actress.

“We were told that everything I had been taught to regard as a vice, under Thatcherism was in fact a virtue: greed, selfishness, no care for the weaker, sharp elbows, sharp knees.”

Six days after her death, the battle is over Lady Thatcher’s legacy to a nation that in 1979 was drifting towards a divided and bitter also-ran. In 1990, when she reigned, Britain had rediscovered its mojo.

'Sick man of Europe'

This has not been about merely acclaiming, or criticising, the life of a former prime minister. Rather, the death of the Iron Lady, famed for her leadership in a crisis, has brought into sharp focus the handling of today’s problems – political, social and, above all, economic. Lady Thatcher came to power when Britain was the “sick man of Europe” and administered tough medicine with radical consequences. Free markets, privatisations, Big Bang and a refusal to support failing industries were the core of her political philosophy.

The memories are emotive because Britain, now teetering on the edge of triple-dip recession, faces a profound choice: to tackle today’s economic malaise with Thatcherite principles or reject them once and for all.

Should Britain resurrect monetarism and “live within its means”, or spend its way out of recession? Is quantitative easing dangerously interventionist or providing vital support? Did deregulation of the City cause the financial crisis? Has privatisation gone too far? Should the Government support some industries, or none? Should Britain quit Europe, cut taxes, and sell council estates back to the people who live in them?

And what is to be done about two-speed Britain, where London and the South-East leave the rest of the country struggling to keep up economically? Is there room for a “regional policy”?

The powder keg under the debate is that Lady Thatcher never sought popularity if she thought her policies were right. How true would that be today?

“If she’d waited for consensus nothing would ever have happened. She saw what needed to be done and did it,” said Lord Howard of Lympne, the former home secretary.

Tony Blair agreed, with some distinctly Thatcherite advice to the Labour Party in the New Statesman: “The paradox of the financial crisis is that, despite being widely held to have been caused by under-regulated markets, it has not brought a decisive shift to the Left.” He added: “We have to be dispassionate even when the issues arouse great passion.”

To listen to the vitriolic anger of Lady Thatcher’s opponents last week would be to imagine she exploded like a rocket on an otherwise peaceful and prosperous nation. But how many of the revellers at last week’s “death parties” would be able to cope, let alone be happier, in the Britain of 1979?

Handouts from the IMF

Back then, people had to wait six months to get a telephone, were banned from taking more than £50 abroad and were at the mercy of union leaders for jobs.

The economy was crippled by rampant inflation, punitive taxes and a 98pc levy on investment income that crushed entrepreneurial initiative. In 1977, Britain had to accept a handout from the International Monetary Fund (IMF), like Greece or Cyprus today.

The Government owned the telephones and railways, but also British Airways (pictured above), Thomas Cook and Pickfords. Each was paralysed by inefficiency and bureaucracy, “customer service” was a little-known skill. A once proud industrial base was crumbling with low productivity, over-manning and a reputation for poor quality goods.

A total of 29m working days were lost to strikes in 1979, compared with 2m in 1990. Power cuts were standard and industries were limited to a three-day working week to conserve energy. The candle was almost a unit of currency.

Successive governments wrung their hands and pursued policies of conciliation with the unions, which basically meant capitulation. The demands from increasingly militant leaders grew; more money, more pay or paralysis.

Last week, the BBC, which Lady Thatcher disliked for its Leftist world view, replayed films of violent picket lines and repeated the epitaph that she was “divisive” because she apparently tore mining communities apart.

The decline had started long before. Harold Wilson, the Labour prime minister, closed 251 coal mines. Lady Thatcher closed 154. Despite the claim Lady Thatcher abandoned “rust-bucket industries”, Britain’s manufacturing production rose 7.5pc during her premiership.

Lives were upturned and jobs were lost and Lady Thatcher, like many leaders since, failed to come up with replacement employment in the mining areas of Wales and north-east England.

Despite this heavy price for some, few that lived through the 1970s regretted that Lady Thatcher reclaimed Britain from controlled labour and delivered a semblance of market discipline to the world of business.

Crisis of confidence

The unions weren’t the economy’s only shackles. Britain also suffered from a collective crisis of confidence.

The post-War, post-Empire consensus was to “manage the decline”. Prevailing economic attitudes were protectionist, provincial and very unambitious. The City was dusty and anachronistic and the nation increasingly looked to the Government for sustenance.

Into this twilight-zone – half civil war, half stupor – Lady Thatcher thrust her two passions that shattered the status quo; a hatred of socialism and a love of Friedrich Hayek, the free market economist. “Without economic liberty there could be no true political liberty,” she told European leaders in 1979.

In her vision, Britain was to be transformed into a nation of business leaders and wealth creators, unencumbered by the state, and with no need for reliance on it either.

Her mixed success has led some to conclude her ideology was a failure and others to lament that the policies were never fully implemented.

At the start, Lady Thatcher’s economic policies pushed Britain into a painful period of adjustment. George Osborne has been attacked for a 0.3pc contraction in the economy. In Lady Thatcher’s first two years GDP shrank 3.5pc and unemployment rose by a million.

Her government, under the chancellorship of Geoffrey Howe (pictured above), attacked hyperinflation with blisteringly high interest rates, raised from 12pc to 14pc in 1979 and then to 17pc in 1980. Manufacturing was hard hit and the recession at the beginning of the 1980s was the worst since the Great Depression.

Yet her firm stance and radical action have led to demands for Mr Osborne to do the same. In Lord Howe’s first Budget in 1979, the top rate of income tax was cut from 83pc to 60pc (it was later cut to 40pc) and the basic rate was cut from 33pc to 30pc.

The moves sent an unmistakable pro-business, pro-aspiration message. Cameron and Osborne have tried to do the same with the cut in corporation tax, but the reality is that this is a minor levy in the morass of other business taxes that remain.

Thatcher’s mantra was that businesses created wealth, not governments and the privatisation of state-owned industries was one of her most lasting legacies.

State ownership of businesses, in Britain and abroad, had been the dominant practice since 1945. A sell-off was originally planned as a cash raid for the Treasury, but by the time Lady Thatcher left office, it had snowballed into a philosophy that swept across the world.

Between 1984 and 1991, 33 major companies were privatised in what the old guard, such as Harold MacMillan, called “selling off the family silver”.

Associated British Ports, British Airports Authority, British Airways, British Gas, British Steel, British Telecom, 17 electricity companies and 10 water and sewerage companies left public ownership.

According to the Centre for Policy Studies (CPS), the state companies went from costing the Treasury an average of £300m each a year in subsidies to contributing between £3.3bn and £5.8bn a year in corporation tax from 1987 onwards.

British Steel needed £1bn of Treasury support in 1980 on a turnover of £3bn, earning itself a place in the Guinness Book of Records for inefficiency. Soon after privatisation it was profitable and contributing £200m a year in taxes.

British Telecom had a £300m cash injection in 1980; in 1995 it paid £1.1bn to the Exchequer.

The consumer also benefited. By 1995, domestic gas prices fell 25pc and commercial gas costs were 50pc lower. Telecoms charges fell by 40pc and airport charges dropped 10pc.

Radical reform of labour laws

State-run companies accounted for 10pc of the UK economy in 1979, a figure that has fallen to just 2pc today and the programme is not yet complete. The Royal Mail is the latest to join the queue and there have been calls for a further sell-off of state assets from the Met Office, to Channel 4 and the London Underground.

The M6 toll road is a test case for proponents of road privatisation and the Coalition is determined to persuade private companies to help build public infrastructure developments. Lady Thatcher’s approach still has great traction.

Privatisation has had its problems; railways are still chronically underfunded, water prices have risen and companies stand accused of failing to properly invest in leaky pipes and Victorian sewerage systems.

Lady Thatcher’s move effectively privatised much of the British workforce as well and, with the defeat of the unions, instilled radically reformed labour laws in Britain.

The flexible labour market has proved to be one of the most important factors in Britain’s economic revival and still one of its most competitive factors, particularly compared with parts of Europe.

In February, Titan, the US tyre maker, said investing in France was a “stupid” idea since French workers “talk for three hours and work for three”. France, it said, has “beautiful women and fantastic wine” but “no idea how to run a business”.

Germany feels the same about the “Club Med” set of southern European nations and is demanding radical and rapid reform. Even in Britain, companies warn that the thicket of employment law, particularly from Europe, is stifling growth.

Privatisation also popularised owning shares. Suddenly everyone was “telling Sid” about which stocks to buy. It led to a boom in the investment industry and opened the capital markets up to normal families.

The seismic revolution came with the Big Bang in 1986, which razed protectionist legislation in financial services. Many have blamed Lady Thatcher for the crash that occurred 21 years later and have demanded the rebuilding of regulation.

But as Philip Booth, the economist pointed out, the “1980s was not a period of financial deregulation”. The insurance industry, for instance, has been regulation-free since 1870 but new rules were introduced between 1980 and 1982. Insider trading was outlawed in 1980. Basel 1, the first regulation of bank capital, was agreed by Lady Thatcher.

Resurrect the market and rediscover capitalism

The removal of the City’s cosseted structures changed financial services overnight. At a stroke, the “old tie” firms of jobbers, brokers and merchant bankers were exposed to ferocious competition and US work ethics as the American banks arrived in force. Most were bought by foreign interests which, in turn, flourished. Goldman Sachs was converted from an outpost of the New York bank into a booming global banking hub.

Lady Thatcher viewed the old boys of the City with the same contempt as the some of the dinosaurs of the Tory party; as her adviser Lord Bell said last week, she would have “profoundly appalled” by the greed and contempt exposed by the financial crisis. “She probably would have let the banks go bust, it was what the markets were asking for,” he said.

At her core, Lady Thatcher wanted to resurrect the market and rediscover capitalism.

Archie Norman, the chairman of ITV, said: “She restored the idea that free enterprise was a socially legitimate activity. She rebalanced the argument for capitalism and created confidence and belief in the social worth of entrepreneurship.”

Lady Thatcher may not have imagined the conversion of London from a fading imperial city to the global capital of the world. She cannot be credited with it all, but London embodies much of Lady Thatcher’s vision. Through finance, law, property, arts, culture and even food, the city allows Britain to punch far above its weight on the global stage.

It manages to strengthen the UK’s ties with America while setting it apart from Europe and it stands for wealth, innovation, achievement, hard work and aspiration, both for the individual and the nation.

Lady Thatcher was far from perfect and made plenty of mistakes. But as the economist Roger Bootle said: “In assessing Mrs Thatcher’s economic legacy, I can do no better than quote the following, which is a translation of the Latin words inscribed on the floor underneath the dome of St Paul’s Cathedral in relation to Sir Christopher Wren: 'Reader, if you seek his monument, look around you’.”






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