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2015 Booming Britain to become world's fourth largest economy

已有 191 次阅读2017-3-19 03:09 |个人分类:英国

Booming Britain to become world's fourth largest economy as France and Italy face G8 exclusion

Europe's largest economies will struggle to remain members of the world's elite economic club as UK races ahead, finds new report


UK set to race past its European rivals by 2030

Britain will reach the "giddy" heights of the fourth largest economy in the world, leapfrogging Germany and Japan over the next two decades, new analysis shows.

The UK is set to become the best performing economy in the western world over the next 15 years, boosted by its leading position in global software and IT sectors, according to a report by the Centre for Economics Business and Research.

By contrast, the stagnant Italian and French economies are set to be replaced in the world's new economic order by growth giants of the emerging world - India and Brazil.

  Britain is currently the world's fifth largest economy based on total Gross Domestic Product (GDP), which currently stands at $3.04 trillion. The UK overtook France in GDP terms in 2014.

Bumper growth will put Britain on course to become the world's fourth largest economic powerhouse ahead of an ageing Japan and Germany in the 2030s, according to the CEBR's latest world economic league table.

The total cash value of the UK economy will grow to around $4.7 trillion by 2031, but is expected to be quickly overtaken by Brazil in fourth spot by the 2040s.

UK economic growth is set to hit 2.9pc this year, the second fastest in the advanced world after the United States. It means the economy is now 6.1pc larger than its pre-financial crisis peak.

The Treasury said the CEBR's analysis was evidence that the Government's long-term economic plan was working, with the deficit reduced by almost two thirds as a share of GDP since its peak in 2009-10 and an average of 1,000 extra people in work each day.

Britain's fortunes are in sharp contrast with France and Italy, which face "exclusion" from the grouping of the world's advanced economies, said the CEBR.

Europe's third and fourth largest economies will be replaced by India and Brazil in the G8 over the next 15 years, as they fight years of low growth and ageing populations, warned the report.

As Brazil and India meet the political criteria for membership of the exclusive G8 club of developed democracies, their ascension could see France and Italy kicked out of the group, or the club expanded to a G10 as more economies join.

The CEBR said France's "dire" economic prospects will see it fall from the world's 5th to 9th largest economy by 2030.

France's socialist government has been on a drive to carry out radical spending cuts and roll-out new economic reforms in a bid to revive economic growth.

• France warned to curb 'critically high' public spending by IMF

But the CEBR said "the pace of French economic reform is far too slow even for the economy to tread water in the world economy."

France will grow by 1.1pc this year, and average just 1.25pc GDP growth over the next five years, according to the International Monetary Fund.

Italy - currently 8th in the global league table - has suffered even worse fortunes. Since joining the euro in 2000, GDP growth has remained flat, making it the slowest growing economy of any major developed nation.

Italy also has the second highest debt mountain in the eurozone after Greece at over 132pc of GDP. Its global position is set to slip by five places to 13th by 2030.

Europe's largest economy, Germany, however will maintain its position in the world's top five as its declining population receives a welcome boost of a 1.5 million refugees and migrants, according to the analysis.

"The additional migrants will boost profits, restrain wage growth and alleviate skill shortages," said the CEBR.

People greet refugees as they arrive at the main train station in Munich, GermanyPeople greet refugees as they arrive at the main train station in Munich, Germany  Photo: Corbis

China's recent growth slowdown will delay its rise to become the largest economy in the world. China is now on course to overtake the US on nominal GDP terms by 2029, against the CEBR's earlier forecast of 2025.

A Brexit would "prove at best disruptive and at worst lead to a more insular and less diverse culture"

The CEBR however warned Britain's economic performance could be derailed by a number of major political risks - such as the breakup of the United Kingdom and an exit from the European Union.

They noted that a "Brexit" would "prove at best disruptive and at worst lead to a more insular and less diverse culture which in turn would generate slower growth".

Britain's uneven economic performance - where growth has been concentrated in booming London - and weak exports, are also risks to prosperity over the next 15 years, said the report.






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