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British banker Rurik Jutting murdered two Indonesian women as 'simply prey' in H

已有 344 次阅读2016-11-9 15:50 |个人分类:政治 法律

Rurik Jutting: British banker described murdered Hong Kong sex workers as 'simply prey'

'For a short period of time the human side of me kicked in. I knew that was wrong. But that lasted briefly, a few minutes. I did some coke and that side of me just went,' says Jutting in police interview


British banker Rurik Jutting, who is accused of murdering two Indonesian women in his Hong Kong flat, described one of the victims as "simply prey," his trial has heard.

In the third day of the trial, the jury was shown footage of police interviews with the 31-year-old where Mr Jutting described his treatment of the two women to officers.

Mr Jutting has admitted killing two Indonesian women, whose bodies were found in his apartement on 1 November 2014, but has pleaded not guilty to two murder charges on the grounds of diminished responsibility. Prosecutors have rejected his attempt to plead guilty to the lesser charge of manslaughter. If convicted, he faces life in prison.

On the killing of Sumarti Ningsih, 23, the court hear Mr Jutting told police: "Progressively I went from hitting her quite lightly to hitting her quite hard to abusing her very badly. I think she felt the threat of death. It escalated. It got out of hand.

"I was thinking of a way to let her go in a way that it would not be traceable to me. Clearly if I let her go I would be caught, or I would have to kill her. These are the two options I saw."

Mr Jutting was said to have added: "Once I had killed her, after taking more cocaine, my initial response was to jump from the balcony."

On the second day of the trial, the jury were shown 20 minutes of video which Mr Jutting took of him allegedly torturing Ms Ningsih, South China Morning Post reports.

When questioned by police over the second victim, 26-year-old Seneng Mujiasih, the court were told that Mr Jutting said: "She was very brave ... She was struggling, she was resisting, she was shouting.

"I don’t know why I chose her. I’ve never met her before. She was, at that point in time, she was simply prey ... I was hunting for prey."

The former securities trader also told police he had increased his cocaine consumption in the six weeks before the killings.

"For a short period of time the human side of me kicked in. I knew that was wrong. But that lasted briefly, a few minutes. I did some coke and that side of me just went,"  he told police, the court heard.

The trial continues.


13 days ago
People with visa problems are easy prey for people with the mentality of this British banker, employed by a US bank, and obviously paid way too much.

There are hundreds of thousands of people in many countries who over stay their lawful time in a country making them very vulnerable to all manner of evil.

An e-book crossed my computer a few months ago and it was written by an American trader, again employed by an American bank, who detailed his life in HongKong as being from one pile of drugs to another.

Perhaps the HongKong government needs to lean on these imported drug users and dealers and clean their country up.
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13 days ago
I bet he voted remain.
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13 days ago
Old Dissenter
Remain in jail.
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13 days ago
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13 days ago
jonny blue
UK Foreign office will intervene and he will be out in no time!  So after such behavior the public must ask where is justice? If China law now applies than Firing squad is on the agenda. Good so!
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  • 3 replies
13 days ago
Old Dissenter
Hong Kong retains a separate legal system.
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  • 2 replies
13 days ago
Old Dissenter
Our Man in Hong Kong put his hands up in 1997.
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13 days ago
Actually, the FO gets involved in many cases of 'working class' drug traffickers who get caught abroad. My view is, f you commit the crime, do the time, even if it is in a foreign country...
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13 days ago
 I hope they have the death penalty still in Hong Kong.
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  • 1 reply
13 days ago
Old Dissenter
Capital punishment in Hong Kong was formally abolished in 1993
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13 days ago
'Banker preys on workers' is that news?
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  • 3 replies
13 days ago
I have sympathy for your remark, but to do that would mean we sink to this animals level.
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  • 2 replies
13 days ago
Let's make an exception..... he deserves civilization makes an exception for him.
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13 days ago
That is unfair on animals; psycho-sexual sadism is a behavioural trait exclusive to humans.
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13 days ago
those 2 poor girls. Shocking details.
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13 days ago
Death is too good for this man

British banker Rurik Jutting found guilty of murdering two Indonesian women in Hong Kong

The jury had to watch the Cambridge University graduate's smartphone footage of him torturing one of his victims for four hours

A British banker has been found guilty of murdering two Indonesian women after promising to pay them for sex in his upmarket Hong Kong apartment.

Rurik Jutting denied the two charges on grounds of diminished responsibility but was convicted by a jury in Hong Kong on Tuesday.

The 10-day trial heard, in gruesome detail, how the 31-year-old Cambridge graduate slashed the throats of Sumarti Ningsih, 23, and Seneng Mujiasih, 26.

British banker Rurik Jutting murdered two Indonesian women in Hong Kong - 风萧萧 - Notebook of Frank

Murder-accused banker Rurik Jutting was 'sexually abused' at school

The former securities trader was accused of holding Ms Ningsih captive for three days before beheading her and stuffing her dead body in a suitcase. He stored it on his 31st-floor balcony close to the notorious Wan Chai red-light district until calling police.

The jury, who had to sit through his own smartphone footage of the former Bank of America Merrill Lynch employee torturing Ms Ningsih, took around four hours to find the expressionless Jutting guilty.

The two victims' families released statements calling for severe punishment as well as compensation over the women's deaths because they were the main breadwinners.

The family of Ms Mujiasih, a bar worker and former maid, said they were “devastated” and hoped Jutting could be executed “if possible”, the BBC reported.

The family have also reportedly called on the Indonesian government to provide a scholarship for her seven-year-old son.

In a letter read out to the court by defence counsel Tim Owen after the verdicts, Jutting said: “My actions regarding the deaths of Ningsih and Mujiasih – my actions preceding their deaths – were horrific even by the standard of homicide trials.”


Seneng Mujiasih, also known as Jesse Lorena, was found dead in Rurik Jutting's luxury flat (Rex)

Jutting said he was “haunted” by what he had done and was “aware of the acute pain I've caused to their loved ones”.

“The evil that I've inflicted cannot be remedied by me,” the letter said.

“I'm sorry, I'm sorry beyond words.”

The former history and law student, who lived in a flat boasting a rooftop pool after moving to Hong Kong in 2013, debated for his college Peterhouse and was secretary of the history society.

He has been described by friends as bright but aloof and “socially awkward”.


An Indonesian migrant worker at a vigil for Seneng Mujiasih and Sumarti Ningsih in Hong Kong's Victoria Park on the eve of Rurik Jutting's trial (AFP/Getty)

The graphic trial painted a picture of a friendless loner living off takeaway food, drinking, binging on cocaine and amassing huge debts.

He told police interviewers: “She was unlucky to be the person in my flat when I realised that physically hurting someone under cocaine was something I gained satisfaction from.

“It awoke a part of me that I never knew existed.”

Jutting, who was taking cocaine in the run-up to the murders, said he spent more than ?820,000 on the drug over two years and consumed as much as 10g and four bottles of wine in one day.

His defence counsel referred to this, and an alleged sexual assault he was subjected to as a 16-year-old at Winchester College, in an attempt to explain his actions.

Forensic psychiatrist Richard Latham said Rurik Jutting suffered from narcissistic personality disorder and sexual sadism disorder.

He has been automatically sentenced to a mandatory life in prison.






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