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Theresa May criticized the term ‘citizen of the world, But half the world ident

已有 345 次阅读2016-10-9 06:27 |个人分类:英国| world

Theresa May criticized the term ‘citizen of the world.’ But half the world identifies that way


In defense of the Brexit decision she now must implement, British Prime Minister Theresa May said Sunday that no "divisive nationalists" would hold up the process of exiting the European Union, and she firmly asserted that all four of Britain's constituent "nations" — England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland — would Brexit together.

But the Brexit decision was fueled in many ways by nationalist sentiments, centering on perceived threats to Britain's sovereignty and many of its citizens' desires to prevent the supposed dilution of their national identity by immigrants crossing the European Union's open borders.

Just three days after her comment about "divisive nationalists," at her Conservative Party's annual conference, May espoused her own brand of nationalism — one that seems to encompass all of Britain, but excludes those who may feel as though they have multiple nationalities, or identities.

"Today, too many people in positions of power behave as though they have more in common with international elites than with the people down the road, the people they employ, the people they pass on the street," shesaid. "But if you believe you are a citizen of the world, you are a citizen of nowhere. You don't understand what citizenship means."

As it turns out, about half of the people "down the road" or whom one might "pass on the street" identify with the very phrase May disparaged — being a "citizen of the world" or global citizen.

In an 18-nation survey conducted by GlobeScan in conjunction with the BBC World Service that was released just over a month ago, 47 percent of Britons said they somewhat or strongly agreed that they considered themselves more as global citizens than citizens of the United Kingdom.

That number is just slightly below the 51 percent of all respondents who felt the same way. Below is a look at how respondents from each of the 18 surveyed countries responded. It is worth noting that "urban-only" samples were used in Brazil, China, Indonesia and Kenya.

The poll surveyed 20,000 people between December 2015 and April 2016, which coincides with the lead-up to the Brexit vote.

GlobeScan has been carrying out similar surveys since 2001, and this year marks the first time since then that a global majority leans toward "global citizenship." Strong upticks in feelings of global citizenship in developing countries — including Nigeria (73 percent, up 13 points), China (71 percent, up 14 points), Peru (70 percent, up 27 points) and India (67 percent, up 13 points) — were the biggest drivers of the increase.

Conversely, seven European countries in the survey have followed an opposite trajectory, dropping to a low of 39 percent in 2011 and remaining at low levels since (now at 42 percent), according to GlobeScan. It notes that this has been "particularly pronounced" in Germany, where identification with global citizenship as opposed to national identity has dropped 13 points since 2009 to 30 percent today (the lowest since 2001).

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Obvious conclusion -- Places that are desirable to leave (China, Nigeria, Peru, India) see themselves as citizens of the world. Places that are desirable destinations wish to protect "Citizenship" and the rights and privileges that come with citizenship. Why do you think that is the case? 
All those new arrivals would love the benefits of German, French, British, or US citizenship. 
May is entirely correct in her understanding.
Sic Semper Tyranny
10/6/2016 12:18 AM EDT
You nailed it!!! Thank you. 
Citizens of Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland may take her advice to heart and decide to leave the UK....
The WAPO would love for us all to give in to one world government. Elitists. This is the next big fight. Stopping these crazed people from ruining national identity. When the majority of the world is like America, maybe we can begin the conversation. Until then, USAUSAUSAUSA
Robert from Melbourne Australia
10/5/2016 4:32 PM EDT
Jane, do you mean that we should all have the gun 'free-for-all' and the circus that passes for a political process that you have in America? Not to mention the idiotic and archaic system of weights and measures that is used in your country.  
Having said that I readily acknowledge that there is much that makes your country great. I am thinking of organizations such as NASA and of your scientific and engineering achievements. These leave much of the world behind. But believe me America is far from perfect! Lets develop and eclectic approach and try to combine the best approaches from all countries. Really, if the Earth is to survive, we need to adopt such an approach.
Fearing for her Job? Worldcitizens don't need that many politians.
"if you believe you are a citizen of the world, you are a citizen of nowhere. You don't understand what citizenship means."" 
Excellent point.
10/5/2016 4:12 PM EDT
Not only an excellent point but a real truth. It has long been know that many people see public parks and recreation areas dumping grounds for their trash and worse. One German friend of mine said that is because to many people from poor countries, "what belongs to everybody belongs to nobody".
10/6/2016 9:20 AM EDT [Edited]
“It is a small, rootless, international clique that is turning the people against each other, that does not want them to have peace. It is the people who are at home both nowhere and everywhere, who do not have anywhere a soil on which they have grown up, but who live in Berlin today, in Brussels tomorrow, Paris the day after that, and then again in Prague or Vienna or London and who feel at home everywhere.”  
--Adolf Hitler, 1933 
Gee yeah really great idea. Wait, what was his solution?
The GBP has lost almost a nickel since May gave her speech last Sunday.  
At that rate, one speech per month and we will have parity sometime next year.  
So, are we on the way to yet another European war? Who will England eventually decide to wage war against?
10/5/2016 6:30 PM EDT
As they like to say in Parliament, "Rubbish".
My father fought in World War II to protect America and our citizenship rights from being taken by people who wanted to unite the world.  
No thank you to the invitation to world citizenship. Its fools gold. 
I am an American citizen currently residing on the planet earth. 
Earth is just where I happen to live. 
I would be human if I traveled to Mars. 
Likewise, I would remain an American citizen. 
I can totally understand why 70% of Nigerians want to be world citizens. 
My ancestors came to America because it was better than other countries, but I prefer being a citizen of the America my ancestors built and protected to world citizen.
Robert from Melbourne Australia
10/5/2016 4:24 PM EDT
My father fought in World War II alongside Americans to protect Australia and our citizenship rights. But times change. I am sure that he would have been quite comfortable with the concept of world unity as a distant goal. World unity is a laudable goal which, if carefully thought through, will minimize the prospects of war. Of course we will not see this in our lifetime.
10/5/2016 6:29 PM EDT
And what makes you think 'world unity' will minimize the prospects of war? Are other issues that people go to war about, suddenly going to disappear? Just what the h**l does 'world unity' mean?
Idiotic. Words mean different things to different people. "Freedom" is a word that makes everybody's heart beat faster but for many it means freedom from authority while others take it to mean freedom from want, hunger or fear. What, exactly, would anybody actually mean by the term "citizen of the world"? From the countries that those who see themselves as world citizens come, I think they mean they see the world as theirs to share, as in, freedom from want. German citizens seem to have figured out that the citizens of the world might be at the German door steps.......and they are.
Robert from Melbourne Australia
Nationalism is one of the greatest scourges of humanity. It is an artificially, outdated and totally divisive concept.  
All life on Earth is based on the element carbon. Living organisms also consist of the elements phosphorus, hydrogen, nitrogen, oxygen, and sulfur, amongst others. A basic study of the nucleogenesis of all elements will reveal that with the exception of hydrogen which was thought to have been formed in the Big Bang, that all of the other elements were formed in stars long ago and far away. So really, if anything we are, as astronomer Carl Sagan used to say, "Children of the Universe". 
10/5/2016 6:24 PM EDT
Get a grip, Robert. Save your version of 'Universality' for the chemistry class.
Robert from Melbourne Australia
10/5/2016 6:38 PM EDT
No, greyfox5, I think that what you call my version of 'Universality' has applicability and much relevance for the wider world. 
Sic Semper Tyranny
10/6/2016 12:17 AM EDT
Could you please add an element of relevance to your thinking?
I would be thrilled for one of our presidential nominees to give such a progressive, forward thinking speech as she gave today. I am a liberal but would adopt her definition of conservatism as my own in a heartbeat. In reality she is certainly to the left of our two candidates. With such poise and deep conviction she should be a role model for Hillary but probably won't. Would certainly love to have her as my head of state though of course we will have to see if the results follow her vision.
10/6/2016 8:24 AM EDT
really? yes in some ways she sounds progressive and even mildly socialist, critical of heartless capitalists with no regard for ordinary people, but her entire argument is premised on the exclusion of those deemed not a part of the national community. This is a kind of socialism based on ethnicity, which was known in the past as....national socialism.
Theresa, pray do tell us how you'll build a fairer Britain as you hold its hand on the way to the poorhouse.
Theresa May? 
Reminds me of the ol' jingle, 
'I know a gal who lives on a hill, 
She won't do it but her sister will...' 
Being a 'citizen of the world' is just a way to be non committed to any place, nor be grounded in place or culture. In other words, not having to make decisions and take responsibility about citizenship.
Robert from Melbourne Australia
10/5/2016 9:09 PM EDT
greyfox5m, i invite you to broaden your horizons. Being a 'citizen of the world' is a way to be committed to the whole planet and not to just one small part of it, i.e the U.S.. Being a citizen of the world means making decisions and taking responsibility for the whole planet. The problems that we face here on Earth require a holistic approach. Ad hoc solutions based on narrow provincialism and parochialism just simply will not work.
10/7/2016 5:37 PM EDT
Being a 'citizen of the world' is a meaningless phrase, used by those who wish to evade any responsibilities. Try this phrase on for size Robert; 'all politics is local'. One needs to have a point of reference before advising others to 'broaden their horizons'.
El Verdadero Patriota
I can see the strongly democratic countries disagree. Some of the countries that agree strongly are proponents of open borders. I'm glad here in the USA most people are against that "citizen of the world" nonsense. I am a citizen of the USA, period... though I've visited many countries and felt well treated and appreciated.
Sic Semper Tyranny
To the author Max (Min?) This is a non-article. Why? Because she represents British citizens not half the world. Period. Get a real story and write it up. Dry behind your ears 1st.
Robert from Melbourne Australia
To the author Max. You have written a GREAT ARTICLE which makes some GREAT POINTS. PERIOD!! The topic that you have chosen shows that you have a good level of maturity.  
Clearly you have a long and distinguished career ahead of you!
OK, but half the people polled don't feel that way. They're entitiled to their position, and if they're a majority in their own country (as they were in Britain) they're entitled to see their position become policy. This would be the case in any EU country where nationalist sentiment enjoys a majority even if overall 2/3 of the residents of the EU didn't share that sentiment. 
Also, We're talking about a survey of 18 nations only. In countries like Kenya and Nigeria we are probably talking about a survey sample embracing the small minority of wealthier people with permanent access to a telephone. The figures for China and India are especially suspect and widely divergent from what other surveys show.
“It is a small, rootless, international clique that is turning the people against each other, that does not want them to have peace. It is the people who are at home both nowhere and everywhere, who do not have anywhere a soil on which they have grown up, but who live in Berlin today, in Brussels tomorrow, Paris the day after that, and then again in Prague or Vienna or London and who feel at home everywhere.” 
--Adolf Hitler
What claptrap from Theresa May. As long as there is international trade, all involved in it or involved in producing the goods and services traded are citizens of the world. Myopic nationalism is the biggest threat to world development. 
The slogan on Theresa's lectern is the height of hypocrisy "a country for the 1% living in the South East of England would be a far more honest slogan. 
It is earnestly to be hoped that Scotland and Northern Ireland secede from the Union and remain in Europe, as the citizens of these countries voted. Even more, it is earnestly hoped that those global companies with locations in England and Wales move their operations to Scotland or Northern Ireland,
"But half the world identifies that way" Yes, I bet they are, all the beggars and human garbage, who think that the civilized world owe them their living!






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