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The Next Financial Crisis Will Be Worse Than 2008, Says Legendary Investor Jim R

已有 261 次阅读2016-8-8 06:56 |个人分类:经济

The Next Financial Crisis Will Be Worse Than 2008, Says Legendary Investor Jim Rogers

 We sat down with legendary investor Jim Rogers to hear what he had to say about today's markets.

Jim Rogers is a living legend in the world of investing. And when he speaks, it's worth listening.

Rogers co-founded with George Soros one of the most successful hedge funds of all time and quit while he was still in his 30s. He later wrote some of the most entertaining and educational books about investing that you'll ever read, based on boots-on-the-ground traveling to some of the most remote markets on Earth. His experience with markets is so broad and deep that he's probably forgotten more about investing than most people learn in a lifetime.

I recently sat down with Jim -- he's a fellow resident of Singapore -- to get his views on the big-picture trends that are shaping global markets. Here are some of the highlights from that conversation. (You can get the complete interview report, for free, here.)

Current Market Conditions 

STOCKS TO BUY: TheStreet Quant Ratings has identified a handful of stocks with serious upside potential in the next 12-months. Learn more.

Jim said the world is facing some serious problems because of the enormous amount of global debt. He added that we are headed for a financial crisis that will be even worse than the one in 2008-2009. Even Asian countries, which avoided the worst of what happened in the last crisis, won't be immune this time because they have taken on too much debt in recent years.


U.S. Markets

Jim said he has sold short U.S. stocks. He said there is obviously some underlying problems because even though they were near all-time highs in 2015, twice the number of stocks were down for the year as were up. This was because about 10 large stocks dominated what was happening on the New York Stock Exchange.

He is long the dollar, though. It's viewed as a safe haven in times of trouble, which is where the world may be headed. If the dollar becomes overvalued, or enters bubble territory, Rogers says he will sell it and look at buying the Chinese yuan or precious metals.


Rogers says he agrees with the direction the Chinese government is taking by letting its currency float. When the yuan becomes completely convertible -- that is, when the government stops manipulating it -- there will be a decline in its value. 

He is also long China stocks. When I asked him what investments he would put in his two daughters' retirement accounts, he said Chinese stocks. He also made the interesting point that if you sold U.S. stocks in 1916 you would have looked smart for a couple of years. But the U.S. was the big story of the 20th Century.

It's the same for China now, according to Rogers. It's going to be the big story in the coming decades despite any problems the country is currently facing. So, buying shares in Chinese companies and holding them for the long term is a good strategy. Plus, Chinese stocks have been struggling, so it may be a good time to buy.

Real Estate 

Anyone who's heard Jim speak in recent years knows he's a big believer in owning agricultural land. When I spoke to him he said he would rather own land than silver or gold. With a debt crisis looming and concerns about currencies losing their value, owning real assets like land is a good way to protect yourself. He even said that if he could he would buy a farm in North Korea. North Korea has to join the rest of the world at some point, and when it does land prices there will head higher.

STOCKS TO BUY: TheStreet Quant Ratings has identified a handful of stocks with serious upside potential in the next 12-months. Learn more.

He also noted that real estate in many parts of Asia is overpriced, especially in Hong Kong, Singapore (where Jim lives) and parts of China. While he has no objection to people owning a home to live in, he would avoid real estate as an investment in much of Asia. Real estate prices have been heading higher because interest rates are so low. Once interest rates start heading higher, real estate prices will fall, according to Rogers.


Gold, Oil and Bonds 

Jim said he is not buying gold right now. He believes it's good for holding its value over the long term, but he's not buying into any current rallies. For hard assets, he would rather own land.

He expects oil prices to bottom this year then start heading higher. In response, he's looking at ways to invest in countries that are heavily dependent on oil, such as Russia, Iran, Nigeria, Kazakhstan and Venezuela. He wants to add to what he already owns in Russia by buying ruble-denominated government bonds and shares in Russian companies.

And he expects disaster everywhere in bond markets by late 2017. Rates are too low for all bond classes because central banks cut interest rates to record lows. He said, "But in the end, the central bankers are going to fail. The market has more money than they do." In response, he has sold short junk bonds.

So, these are the latest insights from a legendary investor: Short the U.S. stock market and junk bonds. Buy the dollar, Chinese stocks and land. Also, keep your eye on countries that will benefit most when oil prices start recovering. And avoid Asian real estate.

Interested in reading more? Click here to download our complete interview with Jim Rogers.

Kim Iskyan is the founder of Truewealth Publishing, an independent investment research company based in Singapore. Click here to sign up to receive the Truewealth Asian Investment Daily in your inbox every day, for free.

What’s Coming Is Going to Be a Mess



The last two months alone have seen Britain leaving the European Union, terror attacks, cop killings, Deutsche Bank nearly collapsing, the German long term interest rates set at negative, to name a few.

But over the next couple of years, it’s going to get a whole lot worse. As economies worsen, there will be more social unrest, more angry people, and crazier politicians. Somebody will try to come along on a white horse to save us all, but she usually makes it worse.

Are we at a point right now where it feels like it’s accelerating. People all over are very unhappy about what’s going on. If you read history, there are a lot of similarities between now and the 1920s and ’30s. That’s when fascism and communism broke out in much of the world. And a lot of the same issues are popping up again.

Brexit could be a triggering moment. This is another step in an ongoing deterioration of events. It’s also an important turning point because it now means the central banks are going to print even more money. That may prop the markets up in the short term.

We have a strange economy. Markets look like they’re fine. But underneath the surface, most stocks are not doing well. Most stocks around the world are down. Most stocks in the United States are down. In 2015, when the market averages were flat, twice as many stocks were down on the New York stock exchange as were up. And in the last nine months, earnings are down in the United States. A recession is starting, it is already in place. But if you look at the averages and the bond market, they still go up.

That’s because all the central banks are running their printing presses as fast as they can, and Brexit means they’ll run them even faster. Except for the central banks printing a lot of money, the entire market would have tanked by now.

We had a problem in 2008 because of too much debt, domestically and worldwide. Now the debt levels are staggering compared to 2008. Some countries have up to five times as much debt as they had eight years ago. And the dangers now are even larger than 2008.

If you look at the last few bubbles, the Federal Reserve at least had the ability to drop rates from 6% or 5% down to zero. Now it has virtually no room left to maneuver.

The Fed doesn’t know what it’s doing. This is all an experiment with them. They just decided to print more money, drive interest rates to zero, and see what happens. There are going to be profound consequences of this giant delusional experiment.

Ironically, with negative interest rates in so many places around the world, investors are putting their money in the U.S. because they think the dollar’s a safe haven and at least there’s still yield in the U.S. But history shows it’s not sustainable.

In the 1920s, America had to raise interest rates because of the debt situation in Europe after WWI. The U.S. stock market went through the roof because all the money going from Europe to the U.S. Stocks became so overpriced because all that money kept flowing in one direction. Then all of a sudden… the bubble burst. The Great Depression, fascism and communism came next.

Every situation is different, and you can’t draw exact parallels between different eras. But history rhymes if it doesn’t necessarily repeat, as Mark Twain said.

I’m very worried because what we’re facing now can get worse than anything most of us have seen in our lifetimes. The world may be overdue for a crisis of that magnitude. Throughout history, we’ve had periods of severe crisis. I don’t mean 1968 or 2008, for instance. I mean a serious crisis with widespread bankruptcies, massive unemployment, the emergence of dictators, and war.

America’s the largest debtor nation in the history of the world. And the debts are getting higher and higher. The U.K. has huge government debts, huge balance trade imbalances, and now they’ve voted for Brexit. That’s going to cause many problems within the U.K. because of all the tensions that are building up. Spain has problems. Italy has major problems now with its banks. Germany has problems. China has a massive debt problem. Japan looks like it could resort to helicopter money as a way out. There are few bright spots.

Societies around the world are already falling apart, or nearly so. Look at all the recent terrorist attacks and mass shooting incidents in America and Europe. And look at what’s happening in Venezuela right now. People are literally starving. Even the most basic necessities of life are impossible to find in stores. Hundreds of thousands of people are trying to get into Colombia to buy food.

The government just makes it worse because it doesn’t know what it’s doing. What we’re seeing in Venezuela has happened in many countries throughout history. It’s happened to many countries in the last century — this isn’t something that happened 500 years ago. It hasn’t happened in the U.S. yet, of course. But don’t think it can’t if the circumstances are right.

The European Union as we know it is not going to survive. Not as we know it. Britain voted to leave, and France could very well be next. Why France? One of the main reasons is because the French economy is softer than the German economy. At least in Germany people are still earning money and making a living, despite all the recent turmoil. In France, the same malaise that’s settling over the U.S. and other places is settling in. And it’s going to spread.

There is no place to hide with what’s coming. I’m not saying it’s coming this year, or even the next. I can’t give a specific date. But imbalances are building up to such a degree, they just can’t continue much longer.

We’ve had two 50% market drops in the last 15 years. Why can’t we have a third? And if it can drop 50%, why can’t it drop 75%? It can and it will ultimately. But in the meantime, all that money printing could still drive stocks higher. And central banks might take even more desperate measures to keep the game going.

The Japanese central bank is already buying stocks. It’s already bought all the government bonds. The European Central Bank is running out of bonds and government bonds to buy. Now it’s starting to buy corporate bonds. Why can’t that happen in America? Why can’t the Federal Reserve buy these assets?

When Bernanke was head of the Fed he said, “If we have to, we’ll buy anything. We’ll buy shares of gold mines.” If the Central Banks all over the world buy stocks, there’s really no top.

It’s hard to say when the music will end. But it will end, and that’s when we can see a 75-80% drop in stocks.

The biggest lesson of history is people don’t learn from history. And history shows us that even the people that know history, don’t learn from history.

At the beginning of 2008, the head economist at the Federal Reserve in Washington, DC published a paper that mocked all the people out there who warned about a housing crisis. He said they have 1,000 of the smartest and best educated economists in the world working at the central bank of the United States. Those fools don’t know what they’re talking about. We do.

Except they didn’t. And that’s the problem. Too many people believe 1,000 of the smartest economists in the world who don’t know what they’re talking about. That’s why they get blindsided.

I urge everybody I meet to learn history. Once you become knowledgeable, you’re going to be worried. Once you’re worried, you might be prepared. If you’re prepared, you will be one of those who survives whatever happens.

Because what’s coming is going to be a mess.


Jim Rogers
for The Daily Reckoning

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