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Trans-Pacific Partnership free trade negotiation is doomed to Fail

已有 486 次阅读2015-7-15 05:52 |个人分类:Frank's Writings| trade

Trans-Pacific Partnership free trade negotiation is doomed to Fail


         Frank  April 17 2015 in Waterloo, Ontario, Canada

                    Updated in June 1, 2015



    Free trade negotiations will fatally involve in many of vital interests of the countries in the negotiations, which will not be able to reach agreement quickly, or even never reach a agreement. It is advisable to sidestep the issues that can not reach an agreement in the near-future, to ensure the part that is easily to reach agreement can enter into force as soon as possible to revitalize the sluggish economy.

    Recently signed FTA between South Korea and China was reached by this smart way.

    Canada should learn the negotiation experience of the FTA between South Korea and China to quickly expand own free trade market by negotiations in country to country separately

           ---  Frank  June 1 2015 in Waterloo, Ontario, Canada


1. Japan's market of rice and wheat is a dead knot to strangle TPP

2. The currency manipulation is second dead knot to strangle TPP

3. The National Sovereignty is third dead knot to strangle TPP

4. Free trade are damaging agriculture

5. Free Trade is difficult to reach a deal by grouping negotiation

6. The strategy for Canada to enjoy free trade quickly with self-protection

    6.1. For Canada-EU free-trade

    6.2. For Trans-Pacific Partnership

    6.3. The lessons from South Korea and China free trade agreement (FTA)

        6.3.1. The huge economic potential

        6.3.2. To sidestep thorny issues that affect to reach agreement

        6.3.3.  Rational Merkel and Cameron will support Ca-Eu free trade negotiations in state by state

    TPP - Trans-Pacific Partnership free trade negotiation is doomed to fail due to it is more in Zero-sum game with lesser in Win-win. 

    1. Japan's market of rice and wheat is a dead knot to strangle TPP

    The best example for Zero-sum game is that the U.S. forces Japan to open its market of Rice and Wheat more wider for U.S. only.

    April 17, 2014, the article U.S. agrees to let Japanese tariffs stand on rice, wheat reports that: The United States has agreed to allow Japan to retain tariffs on rice and wheat. In return, Washington demanded Tokyo introduce a system to increase U.S. rice imports, which the Japanese side agreed to do. The U.S. initially wanted Japan to halt state trading of rice and wheat, and abolish tariffs. But Washington dropped the demand because that would also lead to an increase of rice and wheat exports to Japan from Canada and Australia, which compete with the U.S..

    April 21, 2015, on Japan times, the article Japan, US see major progress in TPP talks but no done deal yet reported that: Japan was considering increasing its imports of U.S. rice by 50,000 tons as part of an exceptional imports quota of less than 100,000 tons that would be applied to all 10 other TPP countries. But the proposed amount is far less than requested by the United States, which is urging Japan to expand its imports of U.S. rice by 215,000 tons per year. 

    Visible, the self-interested private transactions of U.S. and Japan have planted fatal seeds that will lead TPP negotiation into dead loops, such as: 

    April 4 2015, article Australia will have to compete with America and New Zealand under the Trans Pacific Partnership for a better dairy deal with Japan said that: "Private negotiations between countries in the TPP opens the door for Australia to sign a better deal with Japan."  

    May 11 2015, the report Canada says will defend dairy protection at Pacific trade talks said that Canada will continue to defend a system of tariffs and quotas that protect dairy farmers.

    The facts are clear, the result can be expected.

    Japan's market of rice and wheat is a dead knot that will strangle TPP, no matter how hard the TPP negotiation tries.

    Firstly, the backdoor transaction of the U.S. and Japan on rice will be a fatal bullet to kill TPP, unless, Japan fully open the rice and wheat market equally to all TPP members. But it is impossible definitely due to that will make about 2.5 millions Japan's farmers jobless. 
    Secondly, suppose that Japan do not fully open the market on rice and wheat, other TPP member countries would take it as bargaining chip for retaining the tariffs on their own interested terms to make TPP negotiation more complected, even into dead loops.
    More fatal is that, for the aged farmers who have been life long in farming, their hard working is not just to make living for survival, but rather, the habits in supporting their life sustenance and the psychological and physiological dependence in supporting their life sustenance to sure their life continue. If some people just emphasize on free trade by the name of justice and fairness, with destroying the foundation of Japanese farmers for survival, whether it is too cruel.
    The way out for Japan's agriculture, perhaps, at the large scale intensive operations, but it will only be available until decades later after farmers natural attrition, and then farming land likely could be concentrated to form large-scale individual farms.  

    2. The currency manipulation is second dead knot to strangle TPP

    Feb. 5, 2015, the article Currency manipulation could kill Obama's big free trade deal reported that: the U.S. economy has lost hundreds of thousands of jobs to countries like Mexico and South Korea because free trade agreements with those nations did not include provisions that prevented currency manipulation. The U.S. trade deficit with Japan has cost America $125.3 billion in GDP and “displaced 896,600 U.S. jobs” in 2013 alone. Those are primarily driven by differences in currency policy. So that new trade deals should not be struck unless they take into account our trade partner’s monetary policy.

    Feb. 10, 2015, article Addressing Currency Manipulation Key to Trade Deal reported that: Members of Congress say they will work to ensure a crucial Pacific trade deal contains a provision stemming currency manipulation by foreign member countries.

    It is well-known fact, that depreciation of the yen is the primary means of Japan for stimulating the economy. It certainly can not give up.

    March 16, 2015, the article Abenomics and the J-Curve - Cumberland Advisors said that Japan under Abenomics, since October 2012 the yen has depreciated some 30% on a multilateral real exchange-rate basis and 50% versus the US dollar.

    If the TPP negotiations continue emphasis on the elimination of currency manipulation, that means to doom Japan's economy by castrating Abe's main function in invigorating the economy, thus Japan may likely quit TPP negotiations. 

    As the second large economy in TPP, Japan's quit means that the game of TPP is over.

    On other hand, without proper control of currency manipulation, the significance of TPP free trade for U.S. economy will certainly greatly water down.

    The currency manipulation would be the other fatal knot in TPP negotiations.


    3. The National Sovereignty is third dead knot to strangle TPP

    The United States wedges their long-standing policy into TPP rules, which is to arm the multinationals with function to break the regulation of sovereign governments, and thus there more stable governed countries will be damaged.

    April 01, 2015, the article New TPP leak reveals how we're trading our sovereignty for cheap tariffs reported that: "WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange issued a dire warning about the agreement: 'The TPP has developed in secret an unaccountable supranational court for multinationals to sue states. This system is a challenge to parliamentary and judicial sovereignty. Similar tribunals have already been shown to chill the adoption of sane environmental protection, public health and public transport policies.'"  

     In fact, that what WikiLeaks issued about TPP is the continuation and development of long-standing policy of the United States.

     Feb 25, 2014, the article The Plan Behind the TransPacific Partnership to Destroy National Sovereignty indicates that: 

    "The TransPacific Partnership is labelled as a "free trade" magic elixir that will cure all ills - Jobs! Prosperity! World Peace! - but in fact it's a toxic brew that weakens the American body politic and the Constitution. And when you look at how it came about you see that those are design features, not bugs."

    "The historical record is clear: what are misleadingly called "free trade agreements" were never really about trade. Their goal is to render independent nation states null and void, and hand power over to unaccountable, transnational corporatist authorities."

    The article provides the excerpts of the Congressional Record from 1967 hearing "The Future of U.S. Foreign Trade Policy." 

    "The widespread development of the multinational corporation is one of our major accomplishments in the years since the war, though its meaning and importance have not been generally understood. For the first time in history man has at his command an instrument that enables him to employ resource flexibility to meet the needs of peoples all over the world."

    "But to fulfill its full potential, the multinational corporation must be able to operate with little regard for national boundaries - or, in other words, for restrictions imposed by individual national governments."

     Now, Americans further improved the idea in free trade deal TPP to make multinationals easily operation and thus will certainly benefit the world economy. The motivation is good, but, it has side effect that multinationals will easily control the economy of a country, and thus, may easily cause social unrest, even to overthrow the governments of stable governed countries.

    Such free trade rules will force some countries to exit the TPP negotiations, since that no state leaders would dare harm own economic interests and the national sovereignty. 

    Thus the TPP game would be ended due to that players dare not play it.

   4. Free trade are damaging agriculture

    The promotion of trade is conducive to economic development, however, unrestricted free trade will harm the foundation of human existence.

    Foods are the first necessity for human survival and agriculture production is the main means and sources of the foods. However,due to the special nature of agricultural production, such as, excessive physical exertion, lonely farm living environment, excessive and persistent worry state for unpredictable natural factors, as well as the competition of agricultural product market is becoming increasingly fierce, and so on.

    Now, it is difficult in agriculture production both in underdeveloped country and developed country.

    Dec. 26 2013, in the article Free Trade is damaging Agriculture, I said with that: "The operation of agriculture is facing difficulties in most countries world widely. The Governments have to provide subsidies to ensure their agriculture survival. This positive agricultural policy is undoubted wise and essential. However, the negotiations of WTO, TPP and TTIP are all taking the elimination of agricultural subsidies as the prerequisite of the fair of the free trade." 

    "Even in developed countries, such as Canada, the younger farmer’s generation is also fleeing from farming land toward industrialized areas to enjoy colourful modern life."   

    "I've been thinking about that, whether we should negatively monitor each other to reduce the subsidies to farmers, to agriculture,  as well as open the door to allow the imports of agricultural products flooding the domestic agricultural products, to cut off the way of the farmers’ life in their own country."

    "It is time that we should ask that, under the guise of impartial, for ensuring the fair, for maximizing the justice, to mindlessly cut agricultural subsidies,  whether,  that is creating greater unfair, greater injustice. Whether we are destroying the agriculture that human survival is depending on."

    May 25 2011, the article With Cheap Food Imports, Haiti Can't Feed Itself reported that: "Decades of inexpensive imports – especially rice from the U.S. – punctuated with abundant aid in various crises have destroyed local agriculture and left impoverished countries such as Haiti unable to feed themselves." 

    "While those policies have been criticized for years in aid worker circles, world leaders focused on fixing Haiti are admitting for the first time that loosening trade barriers has only exacerbated hunger in Haiti and elsewhere." 
    May 27, 2012, the article In 16 years, farm suicides cross a quarter million from the The Hindu reported that: "The National Crime Records Bureau’s latest report on ‘Accidental Deaths & Suicides in India’ places the number for 2010 at 15,964. That brings the cumulative 16-year total from 1995 — when the NCRB started recording farm suicide data — to 2,56,913, the worst-ever recorded wave of suicides of this kind in human history." 
    Although the suicide of Indian farmers is not a direct result of free trade, however, the plight of agriculture must be taken into account in the free trade negotiations.

    The original intention of free trade is to promote economic development to benefit of all of mankind, it also is the will of Americans, but it has caused negative results of undermining the economic development of some countries, so that people can not make livings in the home place.


    5. Free Trade is difficult to reach a deal by grouping negotiation

    Above are merely some of the factors that will impede the success of TPP negotiations. No doubt, in the 12 TPP member countries, each country will have their own vital interests to deadly insist that will not budge.

    The United States and Japan has been playing on TPP with full confidence and big hope in ignoring the existence of other TPP members, by the mind of as long as they two reach consistent with satisfying the respective requirements, the others would follow stupidly. This is their self-deception obviously, they seem do not understand that every country has a clear mind to protect its own interests.

    Judged from the reports, the first exits will be Malaysia and Chile.

    It is not only the TPP, but also the U.S.- EU Free Trade Agreement (TTIP) as well the Canada - European Union free trade deal will not succeed, since that more countries are involved will be more difficult to reach a deal. In particular, for European Union, it is hard to predict that how long time would be to solve their internal problems, not mention to reach a unified free trade deal with external country. 

    As my view, the only result will be the disintegration of EU finally, whether European likes it or not, no other way out. Since that long-time enjoyment of social welfare has rewritten the Genes of some Europeans, so that they just interested in hard struggle for enjoying unearned social welfare, rather than that make living by hard working for social wealth creation.

    To that time, the idea of U.S.- EU Free Trade Agreement and the Canada - European Union free trade deal would be meaningless.

    For quickly enjoying free trade, the best and practical way is to make negotiations one by one independently between countries to set the trade rules according to own economic level.   


    6. The strategy for Canada to enjoy free trade quickly with self-protection

    July 16 2014, in the article The solution for Canada enjoying global free trade quickly with self-protection, I once said that, the fails of TPP talks provide Canada an excellent strategic opportunity, which is that the experiences of the negotiations are valuable for how to reach a deal, and the records of the negotiations provide a favorable foundation. Canada should trigger the free trade effect by country to country, especially, with more conducive to own national interests.

     For Canada, the biggest threat of TPP is that it will kill Supply Management - a protection policy for dairy and poultry industry of Canada with high tariffs control the imports and quotas control domestic production to ensure farmers to live a decent life with the profit from higher selling price, which was first proposed in 1948 by Fred Beeson, the editor of Canada Poultryman magazine.

    July 8, 2014, the Chairman of Chicken Farmers of Canada Mr. Dave Janzen who published article Don't chicken out on supply management said with that "Supply management contributes more than $25 billion to Canada’s GDP every year, directly supporting more than 300,000 jobs, while ensuring robust growth for our fellow farmers in the livestock, oil-seed and grain sectors." 

    Indeed, for free trade negotiations, Canada is already on the right path with many countries reached deal with one by one talks. 

    Continuing on this way, Canada is not only able to keep Supply Management but also with a benefit of quicker enjoying free trade.  

    Follow is my articles.

    TPP will kill Poultry Industry of Canada.

    CFC needs to forge a sufficient ground for existence rationally. 

    6.1. For Canada-EU free-trade

    It is easy to reach a deal with Britain. The various reports and prosperity of the UK economy, all proved that the Prime Minister David Cameron is a rare rational young politician, who has been strongly insisting on Britain out of EU due to it's bureaucratic, inefficient and costly, and the Pound did not join the euro system yet. 

    While other EU countries are constantly complaining that international economic environment affect their economy, the strong growth of British economy has been demonstrated that David Cameron is one of the few rational younger politicians world widely. Following are some of reports that support my idea.

    May  22 2015, David Cameron hints at early EU referendum during Riga visit

    Mar. 13, 2015, UK-China trade bromance a blow to White House

    Oct.  09, 2014, China's currency dream gets U.K. lift

    Then with the successful example to drive France, and then the Germany - the biggest gainer, strong advocate and defender for the single currency and market of EU. The process must be under the clear promise of that the current free trade deal of individual country will be strictly revised according to the request of future final deal of Canada-EU. I guess that the final deal of Ca-Eu may never be realized, any way, Canada has gained the initiative to deal with the rest of EU members in free trade talks.

    And also, I think, that there only several countries are worth to sign the free trade agreement in EU, and those countries that are difficult to reach a deal may be not worth to waste time with at all.

    Thus, Canada may get an extra benefit of avoiding low-quality immigrants by giving up some poor-market. Because of that the free movement of the labors, is also the important provisions of the free trade deal.

    No one would doubt that the low quality of the national is the important cause of the poverty of a nation. A prosperous Canada needs the nationals of industrious and enterprising, rather than the lazy quitters that nourished by long time enjoyment of excessive social welfare.


    6.2 For Trans-Pacific Partnership

    Canada may take the same strategy as that of with EU, but with a new strategy that avoids touching the countries that have been insisting Canada to give up the Supply Management, obviously, those countries are the threats for Canada with much stronger competitiveness that may defeat Canada, especially in agriculture.

    The agro-products of Canada are less competitiveness due to the high production cost in the unfavorable natural condition under the high attitude geographic. The frost-free period is short, insufficient sunshine-energy and bad cold in winter.

    The stable development of agriculture in Canada is not only good for Canadian but also is a contribution to the people world widely.

                 ---  Frank  April 17 2015 in Waterloo, Ontario, Canada


    6.3. The lessons from South Korea and China free trade agreement (FTA)


    6.3.1. The huge economic potential

    June 1, 2015, South Korea and China formally sign free trade agreement (FTA) that would remove most tariffs between Asia's largest and fourth-largest economies, whose trade is already worth more than $200 billion. The pact aims to gradually remove tariffs on more than 90 percent of traded goods within 20 years.
    China is the South's top trading partner as well as the biggest export market, and two-way trade stood at around $235.3 billion in 2014, according to state data in Seoul. South Korea is also one of the biggest foreign investors in China, pumping in some $1.6 billion in the first quarter of this year.
    Pending mandatory parliamentary approval, the FTA will allow small and medium-sized South Korean firms greater access to China's vast consumer market and help create more than 50,000 jobs in the South, Seoul's trade ministry said.
    The agreement will remove tariffs on 71 percent of South Korean exports to China in 10 years and 91 percent in 20 years. Seoul will in return remove tariffs on 79 percent of Chinese imports in 10 years and 92 percent in 20 years.

     6.3.2. To sidestep thorny issues that affect to reach agreement

    Free trade negotiations will involve many of vital interests of both sides, which can not quick fix, it is advisable to sidestep the issues that can not reach an agreement in the near-future, thereby to ensure the part that is easily to reach agreement can enter into force as soon as possible.
    Negotiations for the FTA between China and South Korean began in May 2012, have often been marred by angry protests by South Korean farmers who feared an influx of cheap Chinese imports. This is small part but a thorny issue that can not fix quickly and may kill whole agreement.

    China and South Korea adopted a smart flexible way by steping aside such thorny issues. 

    The final pact excluded many of South Korea's major farming and fisheries goods like rice, beef, pork, pepper and squid.
    By the same token, China excluded or delayed the opening of its relatively less-developed manufacturing segments such as the auto sector and display panel production.

                              ---  Frank  June 1 2015 in Waterloo, Ontario, Canada

6.3.3.  Rational Merkel and Cameron will support Ca-Eu free trade negotiations in state by state

    May 30, 2015, morning, I read article that Angela Merkel: David Cameron's demands for EU reform 'not impossible', I was moved by the rational of German Chancellor Angela Merkel.


    Reviewing the Wars troubled history of Europe, especially, the lessons of the U.S. dollar ransacked against the economy of European countries, we will easily understand the significance and the difficulties to achieve today's unified European Union with integrated market and currency. Any destruction for this situation is huge losses, not only for the people of Europe, but also for the people world widely. 

    If we rationally consider this vital point, we will understand that great efforts of Germans have made for saving the unification of the European under the sovereign debt crisis, especially the huge spending with their hard earnings by hard working in manufacturing.  

    I appreciate the rationality of Germans and once wrote a article Why German Economy Can Fly Against Economic Recession

    And, now, I firmly believe that there are outstanding rational leaders as Merkel and Cameron, it is not impossible that free trade negotiations of Canada with the European Union by the way of state faces state independently, the only way that can help to enjoy the benefits of free trade quickly. 

    In the situation of world economy's recovering too slow today, we should not miss any opportunity and possibilities for promoting economic development. 

    For this point, the rational Merkel and Cameron certainly understood.

                    ---  Frank  May 30, 2015 in Waterloo, On

        In writing....................        


TPP Panic: Playing the China Card

 Jeff Faux, author of The Servant Economy

06/13/2015 2:48 pm EDT Updated: 06/13/2015 3:59 pm EDT

Stung by the sudden derailment in the House of Representatives of the rush to pass the Trans Pacific Partnership, the Washington establishment has wasted no time in warning us of the menace of a rising China, should the trade deal not be put back on track next week.

Echoing previous remarks by the President, House Speaker John Boehner warned, "We're allowing... and inviting China to go right on setting the rules of the world economy." Pro-TPP Democratic Congressman Jim Hines (Conn.) said that Friday's vote, "Told the world that we prefer that China set the rules and values that govern trade in the Pacific."

These remarks are both fatuous and revealing of how weak the case for the TPP is, even among its own promoters.

As a matter of obvious fact, the rules of the world economy within which the Chinese have been taking the United States to the economic cleaners were not set in China. They were set in Washington D.C. by our own American policymakers and fixers who in one way or another were, and still are, are in the pay of multinational corporate investors.

Under Ronald Reagan, the two Bushes, Bill Clinton and now Barack Obama, the United States government designed and imposed the global model of "free trade," which promoted the shift of investment from the U.S. to parts of the world where labor is cheap, the environment unregulated and the public interest is even more up for sale than it is here.

Not surprisingly, the result has been shrinking job opportunities, lower wages and a large chronic trade deficit that Americans have to finance by borrowing from the countries like China that have earned surplus dollars by selling us their goods. You don't have to be an economist to know that this cannot go on forever.

Playing the China card is also revealing because it shows the desperation of the TPP promoters. Their claim to members of Congress that the deal will not harm their constituencies has been been thoroughly discredited. So the Pro-TPP faction has increasing tried to use fear of China's growing influence in Asia to round up Congressional support. But it is precisely the made-in-U.S.A. trade rules that have allowed China to become an economic powerhouse. To argue now that US workers should further sacrifice their living standards in order to diminish China's resistance to the "rules and values" of America's corporate elite reflects the intellectual and political bankruptcy of the case for the TPP.

Indeed, from the perspective of the average American worker, letting the Chinese set the rules for the global economy may not be so bad an idea. They could hardly do worse.

Harper at G7: Canada-EU trade agreement rapidly losing speed
Media Release June 7, 2015

Maude vs Merkel

Ottawa ─ Today, Stephen Harper pushed CETA, the Canada-EU Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement, to his European counterparts at the G7 in the German Alps.

He did so as 3500 people protested against CETA and TTIP, the EU-U.S. Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership, at the G7 meetings. In Munich alone, 40,000 people protested.

The deals are unpopular in Europe because of its investor-state dispute settlement provisions that allow corporations to sue governments for lost profit. Recently under NAFTA, Canada lost a suit because it refused to accept a quarry in Nova Scotia due to environmental considerations.

“Harper is talking up CETA in a last-ditch effort to save it from dying in the European Parliament. As usual, he is promising jobs, but these promises are hollow. I urge the European leaders to ignore Harper and to listen to their own people who do not want these trade deals favouring the one percent,” said Maude Barlow, national chairperson of the Council of Canadians.

Barlow recently released an op-ed on the empty promise of 80,000 jobs by International Trade Minister Ed Fast.

The Council of Canadians has lobbied members of parliament on both sides of the Atlantic about CETA.

Related articles:

Obama urged to boot Canada from trade talks or gain concessions

Trans Pacific Partnership, Canada and supply manageament

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     U.S. wins WTO poultry bird flu case against India | Reuters

    The World Trade Organization (WTO) said on Thursday that India broke international trade rules by blocking U.S. poultry and egg imports because of unsubstantiated bird flu fears, confirming a win for the United States in the dispute.

    6.  To strive for enjoying free trade, we must also avoid its side effects 

    6.1. It is those brain structural defectives caused Chaotic

    Today, when people exploring the reasons for that why we are forced to live in the fear by the endless violates, endless wars, it seems to have ignored the fundamental reason - human innate quality.  

    As earlier as 1926, it was 88 years ago, in article The end of laissez-faire, the greatest economist of the 20th century - John Maynard Keynes indicated that: “The time may arrive a little later when the community as a whole must pay attention to the innate quality as well as to the mere numbers of its future members.”

    Today, the advanced medical instruments have revealed the essence of human innate quality that Keynes deeply concerned. Feb. 09, 2014, in the article The Management is the Art of Playing Human Nature, I discussed such issue. 

    Apr. 01, 2011, the article Scans reveal differences in brain structure of antisocial teens reported that the amygdala and insula – regions of the brain that contribute to emotion perception, empathy and recognizing were strikingly smaller in teenagers with antisocial behavior. The results show that the greater the severity of the behavior problems, the greater the reduction in the volume of the insula.

    Mar. 04, 2011, article Criminal Minds Are Different from Yours, Brain Scans Reveal reported that, the brain scans show that antisocial people have an average 18-percent reduction in the volume of the brain's middle frontal gyrus, and a 9 percent reduction in the volume of the orbital frontal gyrus – two sections in the brain's frontal lobe.

   Above findings tell us that the development degree of the human brain determines the brain’s working state; the brain's working state determines human behavior. Or we may say that, it is that human brain’s physical structures determine human psychological state, and the psychological state determines the physical behavior. The human abnormal behavior caused by abnormal brain.

    As same as that of each person's physical feature is different, that each person's brain maturity is different, too. 

    We may infer that even if people have no significant behavioral problems as that of the criminals, but, the character of each individual is also a big difference. Some people can do any thing rationally; some people are prone to impulse and radical, those are also due to the differences in the degree of mature of the brain structure. We may call those people as low quality of human nature

    Those findings on human brain structure provide us a new potential for improving the governance of human society.

    Currently, we treat some irrational  behaviors that caused by brain defective as moral issue, rather than crime. Obviously, in this way we can not avoid its great harm. As rational people, we should immediately take action to fight against those brain defectives.    

    6.2. Mental defectives damage human society by the name of free trade

    6.2.1. Free trade is powerful in promoting economy

    People keen to promote free trade today may be from the historical lessons that in June 17, 1930, the government of the United States signed the law of Smoot–Hawley Tariff Act that raised U.S. tariffs on over 20,000 imported goods to record levels.

    As the result, the U.S. imports decreased 66% from $4.4 billion (1929) to $1.5 billion (1933), and exports decreased 61% from $5.4 billion to $2.1 billion, both decreases more than the 50% decrease of the GDP. Thus, net exports declined from $1 billion to $600 million, while GDP was $58.9 billion. The unemployment was at 7.8% in 1930 , but, under Smoot–Hawley Tariff Act, it jumped to 16.3% in 1931,  24.9% in 1932, and 25.1% in 1933. 

    Also, it caused other countries to take counter-measure and increased tariffs also. As the results, between 1929 and 1934, overall world trade declined by some 66%.

    The fact showed that the effect of eliminating barriers to trade is powerful for promoting economy. However, it acts as dazzling golden boat of wealth to make people lose the visual ability for it caused fatal problems.    

    Such as, that free trade threatens the survival of mankind by destroying agriculture.

    Free trade is with a good mind to make bad results. 

    6.2.2. Mental defectives are promoting human adverse replacement by free trade 

    The essence of lot of problems that kind people of hard-working and law-abiding have been suffering today are derived from the those people who are in low quality of human nature.

    For a long time, some policy-makers of some countries, in a large part, are obviously irrational, has bred a lot of trouble and evil world widely.

    Please look at today's Iraq, there, by the name of Massive Destruction Weapons, the government that once was in effective governing has been military overthrew, their rationals are killing each other and caused the growth of the terrorist organization in spreading around the world quickly.

    Please look at today's Libya and Egypt, there, by the name of democracy, the governments that once were in ineffective governing have been overthrew by sparking the Arab Spring and triggered their nationals killing each other, too.

    Now, in the name of free trade, some mental defectives are hard working to destroy more stable governed countries by damaging their economic foundation and to cause more serious social unrest, further to impact the peace world widely.

    In the world economic integration today, any problem of a country or a region, is not a local problem, but a big problem that will harm worldwide.

    Please look at April 20 2015 reprot Hundreds feared dead as boat capsizes off Libya coast, UN refugee agency says around 50 rescued after vessel reportedly carrying 700 migrants sinks in Mediterranean Sea. And May 10 2011 report 600 believed dead in Libya refugee boat sinking: The UN says almost all of the estimated 600 African migrants who were on board an overcrowded ship that sank off the Libyan coast are believed to have died.      

    Viewing the reports, the writers are all paid great sympathy for refugee-victims; there no one considered the consequences of these refugees arrive in Europe. Now, the hard-working Europeans are struggling to survive in the suffering of economic recession that triggered by the mental defectives in years ago, the influx of refugees will make their hard life even worse. 

    Rational people should ask that: whether it is in creating new injustice by treating some people with full filled compassion, but, while cruelly punishing others who are hard-working in the creation of material wealth.  

    June 28, 2014, in the article Free Trade and Human rights help illegal migrants to replace ethnic composition and human nature genetically, I indicate that: 

    In view of those countries of in poverty, social unrest and endless civil wars, the quality of their nationals is also one of the important reasons.       

    Nowadays, in developed countries, those highly educated and well cultured people are reluctant to give birth. In backward countries, those who lack of good education and personal culture without proper sense of compliance with laws and social morality are freely giving birth, with more and more large scale reproduction of human member with low quality, and that is not enough, under the encourage of the protection of Human Rights, they are increasingly spreading everywhere world widely. The consequences are terrible.

    Please read the articles that Another boat packed with migrants heads for Europe, and Migrants fuel UK baby boom: One in four now born to Foreign Mums, you will be convinced for what I said Human rights helps illegal migrants to replace ethnic composition and human nature.

    Human seeking survival is normal, it should be supported in full heart. But if such a holy philanthropy takes harming the normal existence of more others as exchange, it is certainly not a civilized human manner.

    The only rational and civilized way is to help those people to make a living in their hometown instead of fleeing everywhere to make big trouble for others.   

    We should note that, those poor countries are still in agricultural economy primarily under low efficiency of high cost and difficult in survival. However, free trade are removing the basic protection for those countries, the cheap agro-products from developed countries are flooding the agriculture of the poor countries.

    Now, we have got enough reason to reflect on those mental defectives who are misusing the Free Trade and Human Rights, their ethnic intelligence, their human nature and their true purposes. They are seeking silly self psychological satisfaction in at the expense of threatening the existence of vast majority of industrious people who are with good human nature.

    Obviously, such a manner is mindlessly damaging the Human Rights of the people in vast majority.  

    The best way for world peace concern is that helps and ensures people to make livings in their home place.

    To this end, the free trade rules must have differences with different countries, since the levels of economic development among countries is different, some fields need purposeful protection. The protection is not only concerning for the people in some individual countries, but also for ourselves, for our families.

    Human faced dilemma mainly caused by mental defectives.

    It is too late to control the quality and the numbers of the human beings.    

Trans-Pacific Partnership: Democrats may have votes to block 'fast track' authority

    1. The motivation of the topic 

    1.1. The United States are arming their transnationals to destroy stable governed countries

    Recently, WikiLeaks revealed the contents of the TPP negotiations and cause a fierce debating. The most controversial is that TPP rules sure multinationals to damage national sovereignty. 

    April 17 2015, The Plan Behind the TransPacific Partnership to Destroy National Sovereignty indicates that: "The TransPacific Partnership is labelled as a "free trade" magic elixir that will cure all ills - Jobs! Prosperity! World Peace! - but in fact it's a toxic brew that weakens the American body politic and the Constitution. And when you look at how it came about you see that those are design features, not bugs." "The historical record is clear: what are misleadingly called "free trade agreements" were never really about trade. Their goal is to render independent nation states null and void, and hand power over to unaccountable, transnational corporatist authorities."

    The article provides some excerpts of 1967 hearing "The Future of U.S. Foreign Trade Policy", which show that United States imposed the terms in TPP negotiations is the continuation of its conspiracy of the long-standing policy - "the multinational corporation must be able to operate with little regard for national boundaries - or, in other words, for restrictions imposed by individual national governments." 

    For a long time, American policy-makers, in a large part, are obviously irrational, has bred a lot of trouble and evil.

    Please look at today's Iraq, there, in the name of Massive Destruction Weapons, the United States has successfully military overthrew the government in effective governing and balanced their rationals killing each other and caused the growth of the terrorist organization in spreading around the world quickly.

    Please look at today's Libya and Egypt, there, in the name of democracy, the United States succeeded in sparking theArab Spring to have overthrew the governments in effective governing and trigger their nationals killing each other, too.

    Now, in the name of free trade, the United States are arming their transnationals with the power to destroy more stable governed countries by damaging their economic foundation and to cause more serious social unrest, further to impact the peace world widely.

     Mar. 20, 2010, the article With Cheap Food Imports, Haiti Can't Feed Itself reported that:

    "Decades of inexpensive imports – especially rice from the U.S. – punctuated with abundant aid in various crises have destroyed local agriculture and left impoverished countries such as Haiti unable to feed themselves."

    "While those policies have been criticized for years in aid worker circles, world leaders focused on fixing Haiti are admitting for the first time that loosening trade barriers has only exacerbated hunger in Haiti and elsewhere." 

    "Cheap foreign products drove farmers off their land and into overcrowded cities. Rice, a grain with limited nutrition once reserved for special occasions in the Haitian diet, is now a staple."

    "Imports also put the country at the mercy of international prices: When they spiked in 2008, rioters unable to afford rice smashed and burned buildings. Parliament ousted the prime minister."

    The facts show the deadly side effect of free trade.  

    1.2. the Greatest Justice and Humanity is to help people making a living in his home place

    Please look at April 20 2015 reprot Hundreds feared dead as boat capsizes off Libya coast, UN refugee agency says around 50 rescued after vessel reportedly carrying 700 migrants sinks in Mediterranean Sea. And May 10 2011 report 600 believed dead in Libya refugee boat sinking: The UN says almost all of the estimated 600 African migrants who were on board an overcrowded ship that sank off the Libyan coast are believed to have died.        

    Migrant workers from sub-Saharan Africa, such as these men who arrived in the port city of Benghazi from Misrata on May 5, have fled fierce fighting in the Libyan conflict via the Mediterranean Sea. ((Mohammed Salem/Reuters)).

    April 20, 2015, EU holds migrant boat crisis talks as more deaths reported: "Interior ministers and senior police officials from the 28 countries of the European Union are rushing to Luxembourg for emergency talks on how to respond to the migrant boat tragedies in the Mediterranean." "The meeting comes as reports in Italy suggested the death toll fromthe weekend capsizing of a fishing vessel packed with migrants could reach 950 – an increase on the 700 deaths reported on Sunday – and as at least 23 migrants were feared dead in separate incidents on Monday." 

    It is clear that even if those refugee had survived, they will also give great difficulties for those countries that accept them.

    Therefore, for refugee, the Greatest Human Right, the Greatest Justice, the Greatest Humanity, the Greatest Good, is not that how to properly replace them, but rather, it is that how to get them to make a living in his home place.  

     1.3.  US is not a democracy but dominated by a rich and powerful elite

     Why that U.S. government can formulate ridiculous policy to harm human survival?    

     Martin Gilens, the Professor of Politics at Princeton University and Benjamin I. Page, the Professor at Northwestern University, who reviewed the answers to 1,779 survey questions asked between 1981 and 2002 on public policy issues to have finished report that Testing Theories of American Politics: Elites, Interest Groups and Average Citizens.

    The Professors indicate that the US is dominated by a rich and powerful elite which is economic elites and organized groups representing business interests have substantial independent impacts on U.S. government policy, while average citizens and mass-based interest groups have little or no independent influence. The results provide substantial support for theories of Economic-Elite Domination and for theories of Biased Pluralism, but not for theories of Majoritarian Electoral Democracy or Majoritarian Pluralism.

    From above results, it is clear that American policymakers are not rationally sake of its nationals, but was driven by greed, for achieving the purpose of greed to do what they can do. 

    2. The Inspiration from the death of a Beaver

    Why, those U.S. policy makers do not fear about terrible consequences that may destroy a peace life, which is not only for great many others, but also for themselves and their families?

    In follow, I will show the reason, it is that some people do not have the brain cells for considering issue rationally, but, the brain cells that only consider for how to reach their greedy ambitions.

    April 16, 2015, a report that, in Norway, a Beaver squashed to death by falling tree it had been gnawing on.          

    The report provided with comments under a photo: 'Instinctively, they should know where it is falling, but sometimes they don’t know which way to jump’. 

    For the tragedy, no one would be surprised due to that happened in animal world, the world composed by the Lower Animals, the Lower Animals are with Low Intelligence, the Low Intelligence, certainly, caused lack of ability for making a proper judgment rationally.

    In contrast with the animal world, in human world, the world composed by the Higher Animals, the Higher Animals, certainly, are with higher Intelligence, the Higher Intelligence, certainly, has enough ability for making a proper judgmentrationally.

    However, in so called Higher Animal world, some people, though, are appearance in Higher Animals, but theintelligence are similar as that of the Beaver - in lacking ability for making a proper judgment rationally, too. The low intelligence drives them, have been making trouble for human survival.

    It is necessary to tap the the cause of low intelligence to avoid the harm to humans. 

    3. Human brain's maturity determines human behaviors

    Feb. 09, 2014, in the article Management is the Art of Playing Human NatureI once discussed this issue. Now, I excerpt some as follow.

    3.1. Human brain's maturity determines the level of intelligence 

    Thanks modern medical technology for revealing the mechanism of human brain and revealing the mystery of why some people are rational, and some are not, or even mindless.

    The Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) dynamic scans of human brains have gradually revealed the relations between the brain structures and the intelligence or the physical behaviors. Human behaviors, whether it is mental or physical, are dominated by certain cells in certain area of the brain.

    The studies show that human brain development varies greatly from person to person, so, people's intelligence and behaviors are also a great difference.

    The November 19, 2012 article Einstein's Brain Reveals Clues to Genius said that the brilliant physicist had extra folding in his brain’s gray matter, the site of conscious thinking. In particular, the frontal lobes, regions tied to abstract thought and planning, had unusually elaborate folding.

    Sept. 27, 2013, the article Musicians 'have sharper minds': study reported that researchers measured the behavioral and brain responses of amateur musicians compared with non-musicians when performing simple mental tasks and found that Musicians have sharper minds and are able to pick up and correct mistakes quicker than non-musicians. Musicians also responded faster than those with little or no musical training, with no loss in accuracy.

    This study has showed us meaningful method to evaluate a person's intelligence and ability for doing some meaningful work.

    Obviously, those musicians have a well developed brain for finishing any job perfectly. In other hand, those people who, although, are not musician but have achieved fruitful accomplishment will certainly have well developed brain.

      3.2. Workplace troublemakers may have Brain Problems 

     Apr. 01, 2011, article Scans reveal differences in brain structure of antisocial teens reports that:

     “The neuroscientists used magnetic resonance imaging to measure the size of particular regions in the brains of 65 teenage boys with conduct disorder (CD) compared with 27 teenage boys who did not display symptoms of behavioral disorder. Their findings revealed that the amygdala and insula – regions of the brain that contribute to emotion perception, empathy and recognizing were strikingly smaller in teenagers with antisocial behaviour. " "The greater the severity of the behaviour problems, the greater the reduction in the volume of the insula."

    Mar. 04, 2011, article Criminal Minds Are Different from Yours, Brain Scans Reveal reported that: "The latest neuroscience research is presenting intriguing evidence that the brains of certain kinds of criminals are different from those of the rest of the population.” “While these findings could improve our understanding of criminal behavior, they also raise moral quandaries about whether and how society should use this knowledge to combat crime."

    Above studies show that development degree of the human brain determines the brain’s working state; the brain's working state determines human behaviors. Or we may say that, it is that human brain’s physical structures determine human psychological state, and the psychological state determines the physical behaviors. It is that abnormal brain caused human abnormal behaviors.

    We may infer that even if people have no significant behavioral problems as that of the Antisocial criminals, but, the character of each individual is also a big difference. Some people can do any thing rationally; some people are prone to impulse and radical, those are also due to the differences in the degree of mature of the brain development.

    Those workplace troublemakers may also likely have problems of inadequate brain development. Although, some of their behaviors are not severe to be considered as crime, but, with the amplifying-effect of Crowd Psychology, its harm may be huge.

    One such a mindless person, in the environment of large scale production, may play a role of greatly reducing the production efficiency, even make a good business have to be closed. Above Jim in DEF Company is a good proof.

    Although, the absurd behavior of workplace troublemaker is not to be considered as crime yet, but, its harm may be much severe than that of criminal, because of it may make much more people jobless. Currently, there are no corresponding legal provisions for inhibiting or punishing them yet.

    This point, we must seriously take measures. 

    Those findings on human brains provide us a new potential for improving the management of Canadian corporate, since that corporate management, essentially say, it is to select a certain group of people to rule certain group of people to finish purposeful tasks. In this process, no matter for the rulers or being ruled, to select a brain well matured one is important. 

     But, in the practical recruitment process, we can not scan any candidates by MRI machine. Even, some questions would be too sensitive to be asked. We must find alternative way.

     Now, let us extende workplace troublemakers to social troublemakers. 

    4. Stupid social troublemakers believe themselves smart   

    Those who featured in higher animals with a intelligence of lower animal to be called as low IQ. It said that those low IQ people believe themselves smart, then, certainly, they believe others stupid. Their behaviors are also often taking stupid as smart as that of a stupid man in ancient China, who Plugs One's Ears While Stealing a Bell.

   5. Disregard for others, the U.S. and Japan made Backdoor Dealings

    June 30, 2014I read Apr. 17, 2014 article U.S. agrees to let Japanese tariffs stand on rice, wheat, I produced strong feeling that the United States and Japan was making Backdoor Dealings with disregard for others. it was a typical manor of playing the game of Pluging One's Ears While Stealing a Bell and that encouraged me to write TPP has opened door for saving the industry of Dairy and Poultry of Canada. I excerpt some as follow.

5.1. The U.S. and Japan helps others to retain what they asked in TPP 

    The report U.S. agrees to let Japanese tariffs stand on rice, wheat said that: “The United States has agreed to allow Japan to retain tariffs on rice and wheat, government sources said Thursday during bilateral talks related to the wider Pacific free trade negotiations.”

   “In return, Washington demanded Tokyo introduce a system to increase U.S. rice imports, which the Japanese side agreed to do, the sources said.”

   “Among the five “sacred” farm product categories Japan regards off-limits — rice, wheat, beef and pork, dairy products and sugar — products such as sugar cane are also likely to be exempted from the basic principle of abolishing all tariffs under the Trans-Pacific Partnership framework, since both Tokyo and Washington want to protect them, the sources said.”

   “The U.S. initially wanted Japan to halt state trading of rice and wheat, and abolish tariffs. But Washington dropped the demand because that would also lead to an increase of rice and wheat exports to Japan from Canada and Australia, which compete with the U.S., they said.”

    It is clear now, that the United States and Japan, the key members in TPP talks, has broken the basic principle of abolishing all tariffs under the Trans-Pacific Partnership framework. The unacceptable is that the two mindless completely ignored the existence of other TPP members.  

 5.2. The U.S. and Japan helps Canada to retain Supply Management 

    My friend told me that in her Saskatchewan farm there few sheep were frozen to die in last winter. I think that too short of the frost-free period and too cold of the winter period is the disadvantage for Canadian agriculture with greatly increasing the operation cost and reduce competitiveness in price. So that retaining Supply Management is significant.

    This morning when reviewing this article, I read the July 8, 2014 article Don't chicken out on supply management, the writer Dave Janzen is a chicken farmer and chairman of Chicken Farmers of Canada. In the article, he said with that:
    "Supply management contributes more than $25 billion to Canada’s GDP every year, directly supporting more than 300,000 jobs, while ensuring robust growth for our fellow farmers in the livestock, oil seed and grain sectors. For more than 40 years, this system has ensured the success of our country’s dairy and poultry industries by setting optimal production levels and ensuring fair returns for farmers."

    (In the article The Chair of CFC  Don't chicken out on supply management, I collected and reproduced some articles on opposition of Supply Management.)

    Now, I feel a bit sad, in facing those irrational free trade advocates, his cry was so helpless and powerless.

    In fact, the ugly collusion of the United States and Japan has provided a powerful weapon for fighting on the retain of the Supply Management.

    The powerful weapon is that the protection of the Supply Management for the farmers of dairy and poultry of Canada is as significant as that of the protection of the tariffs for the rice farmers of Japan.

    (As same as that of Canadians are paying high price on the products of dairy and poultry that produced in Canada, the Japanese are also paying high price for the rice that produced in Japan.)

    As TPP member country, now, U.S.-Japan provides Canada enough reason for fighting to fully retain the Supply Management due to they intendedly plot to kick Canada away from exporting rice and wheat to Japan.

    Any way, the lucky result is that the farmers of the poultry and dairy of Canada may most possibly get a chance for a respite.

    It is that U.S.-Japan helps Canadian farmers of Dairy and Poultry. 

5.3. TPP talks should return back to the state without US and Japan  

5.5. The hope of the world is in the hands of the 4 TPP initiators 

 6.  It is time to end that few people loot public wealth by harming the survival of human kind

 TPP Is A Mistake - Forbes

维基解密曝光TISA服贸协议才是美国更大一步棋(图) - PopYard


美国钳制中国 TISA成致命怪招

2015年06月10日 18:06 唐龙博客









根据协议,ZARA或arks & Spencers等零售商将有权在任何一家签署了该协定的国家开分店,并被视为国内企业。八十年代英国电信行业等国有化服务在这一协定下,必须确保不伤害竞争对手。中国的低端制造业眼下举步维艰,奄奄一息,这些规定的钳制对正在进行艰难转型的中国经济来说,显然不是一个好消息。


维基解密披露了的17份TISA文件引发了公众关注,在这个协定中包含了11个完整的章节。虽然这份协定的大纲已经实施近一年,但这些文件在签署后五年仍处于保密状态,这般保密程度甚至超过了TPP。TISA的谈判于2013年启动,美国、欧盟和其他 22个国家都参与了。G20集团中的20个成员国都参与了谈判,可以说几乎所有发达经济体和除了“金砖四国”外的新兴市场联盟都加入了进来。


John Kerry & Ash Carter: Congress needs to help American trade grow

John Kerry and Ash Carter 11:22 a.m. EDT June 8, 2015

In global economy, Trans-Pacific Partnership is the smart move.






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