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已有 637 次阅读2011-10-6 13:14 |个人分类:【Ont. Energy】|

"Why, hydro is keep going up?" The reality, 附核心译示:

News Study,--The facts the system is needed to be refurbished, ..原文链接:

According to the Ontario Power Authority, as much as 80 per cent of the province’s existing power facilities will need to be refurbished or replaced over the next 20 years, leaving a gap of 30,000 megawatts between the available and required capacity by 2025. 未来20年间, 安省80%供电系统面临更新, 2025 年前面临30000 Mg W 供电缺口。

Half of today’s power plants will need to be replaced or rebuilt in the next 10 years, and more than half of Ontario’s transmission capacity is over 50 years old. 目前50%发电厂10年之内面临替代或重建,目前半数以上输电能力有达50年老化程度

Coal plants in Ontario are being phased out by 2014 and all of Ontario’s nuclear plants will reach the end of their operational lives in the next 20 years. 2014 年前 所有煤炭发电将被取消, 而20年之内核电能力也面临老化,临近设备寿命临界点。

This presents an expensive challenge, but also the opportunity to meet provincial greenhouse gas emission targets that aim to reduce emissions 80 per cent by 2050. 2050 安省面临减少 80% 的污染碳化指标。

Currently, nuclear and hydro plants provide Ontario’s base-load electricity, and renewable energy sources supply additional power when available. 目前大部供电为核能及水能, 可持续绿能的补充能源比例逐渐增加。

Coal will be eliminated as an energy source because of its impact to health and the environment. 煤炭发电因为影响健康及对污染环境将被取消.

And while nuclear power produces virtually no greenhouse gas emissions, there are concerns about safety and waste disposal — and not a single reactor in Ontario’s history has ever been built on time and on budget. 核能不产生碳化温室污染效应,但是考量核能安全及核废物处理,安省迄今为止未有预算将建立旨在依赖核能的作为全部供电系统。(最后一句英语比较含混,或者译者专业有限制

新闻研究 News Study, --The facts the system is needed to be refurbished, ..
Why, hydro is keep going up? 附核心译示:

Ontario Power Authority,

日前透露:-未来20年间, 安省80%供电系统面临更新, 2025 年前面临30,000Mg W 供电缺口。目前50%发电厂10年之内面临替代或重建,目前半数以上输电能力达50年老化程度;2014年前 所有煤炭发电将被取消, 而20年之内核电能力也面临老化,临近设备寿命临界点。2050 安省面临减少 80% 的污染碳化指标。目前大部供电为核能及水能, 可持续绿能的补充能源比例逐渐增加。煤炭发电因为影响健康及对污染环境将被取消. 核能不产生碳化温室污染效应,但是考量核能安全及核废物处理,安省迄今为止未有预算将建立旨在依赖核能的作为全部供电系统。

News Study,-The facts the system is needed to be refurbished, ..

-Mike Morrice is the Executive Director of Sustainable Waterloo Region, a not-for-profit that advances the environmental sustainability of organizations in Waterloo Region.






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