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广告创意 “To fix, or not to fix ?” is being asked recently, …02

已有 582 次阅读2011-3-31 13:27 |个人分类:【广告】|

Energy Consultancy
安省独立能源资讯 Independent


*the Philosophy of Just Energy,

Stabilize, fix, & reduce energy cost for businesses,


To be, or not to be ? has been asked many many years, However,

To fix, or not to fix ? is being asked recently, …

To fix, Stability, &  A peace of mind,


5-Year Fixed vs. 6-Month RPP Rates

The decision on whether to lock in your rate depends on your risk tolerance and how much you feel rates are likely to increase in the future. As you can see from the following hydro rate chart, when you lock in your hydro rate, you tend to pay a little more during the first year or two of your contract, but in the later years of your contract you tend to pay less than the variable rate.

Link to Info source: http://www.ontario-hydro.com/

Team @Energy.Tech.Inc

A member of MCBA.CCBC CFCA Website coming soon, 2011,

* A new way of looking at your Hydro bills, * We come to listen, share, and discuss energy cost in five years for businesses.
Ontario Tel/Fax 647 247 84 97 Cell 905 802 5896 Hm Office 905 333 8359






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