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发表于 2012-4-25 07:40:32 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

April21, 2012
为了满足我校全体学生的身高需求,提供更好的教学服务,滑铁卢地区公立教育局决定:   K-W中文学校将于2012年9月乔迁新址。新校舍是紧紧相邻的两所新学校: Abraham Erb Public School(710 Laurelwood Drive, Waterloo)和 Sir John A. Macdonald Secondary School(SJAM) (650 Laurelwood Drive,Waterloo)。K-W中文学校的总部,学前,小学和初中班将设在Abraham Erb,高中学分班设在SJAM。这将彻底改变过去一所校舍难以满足4-18岁学生生理需要的状况。 学校将增设武术,唱歌,国画,二胡等兴趣班,并延长时间。新校址座落在滑铁卢市的西北部,周围各类商店、新图书馆以及YMCA的健身房及活动中心应有尽有。衷心感谢滑铁卢地区公立教育局对我校的鼎力支持,为我校的师生提供了最适合学生身心发展、教学设施最先进、教学环境最佳的学校。2012/13新学年注册已经开始, 迎大家在网上报名,学校的网址是:www.kwcschool.com,或于周六到WCI办公室查询。
K-W Chinese School move into new facilities inSeptember 2012
In order to better serve the needs of our students, aged 4 to 18, K-W ChineseSchool is pleased to announce that we will be moving to two newfacilities in September 2012. All elementary classes will move to Abraham ErbPublic School at 710 Laurelwood Drive in Waterloo, and credit classes will moveto SJAM (Sir John A. Macdonald Secondary School) at 650 Laurelwood Drive. K-WChinese School is also pleased to announce that we will be offering more popular interestcourses, including Kung Fu, Singing, Chinese painting, and Chinese Erhu, in extended hours. The newlocation is convenient to shopping, the new Stork Family YMCA and John M.Harper Branch of the Waterloo Public Library. Pre-registration for the2012/13 school year is now open. Families andstudents are encouraged to register online at www.kwcschool.com, or visit the MainOffice of WCI on Saturdays morning.


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