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顺驰轮胎现招聘仓库配货员Order Picker/司机Driver若干名

发表于 2022-3-22 17:04:13 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

公司提供加班费、带薪假期、两险一金、员工轮胎折扣、年终奖、聚餐集体活动等各种员工福利。我们是UW/ Laurier CO-OP 项目合作机构,提供适合专业的实习机会和证明,也可为符合资格的优秀员工提供移民担保,帮助员工实现移民计划。

现招聘仓库配货员Order Picker/司机Driver若干名
薪资范围$16-$26, Hour rate between $16-$26
Address地址:564 Lancaster St. W., Kitchener, ON, N2K1M3

· Employment type 招聘类别
Full time 全职工作
Part time 兼职工作
Seasonal 季节性工作

· Job description 工作职责
The Order Picker is responsible for picking for delivery loose tires and tires on rims from warehouse racking; putting away received inventory of loose tires and tires on rims into warehouse racking. 配货员职责:卸货、备货、收货
Driver is responsible for loading the delivery vehicle and delivering the goods directly to the company’s clients on time. Drive back to the warehouse with the customers returned merchandise and the COD payments type. 司机职责:送货、退货、收钱

· Success Factors 应聘条件
* Excellent physical shape: capable of lifting loads of up to 50 pounds and capable of driving a vehicle for long consecutive hours. 可负重50磅,可长时间开车。
* Technical background: You own a valid 5 (G) license along with an impeccable driving record. Experience driving cube van or sprinter vans as well as experience in delivery to customers is an asset. 持有G牌,良好驾驶记录,开小货车经验者优先。
* Language skills: ability to read and speak in English (a must). 简单英语沟通。
* Autonomy: be an independent person, a self-starter and as a team player. 能独立工作和协助团队。
* Agree to work in outdoor where health and safety are essential and a priority. 愿意户外工作。

Please apply via info@kamstire.com or call 519-579-8868.
应聘请联系 info@kamstire.com 或致电 519-579-8868或联系微信客服cxc14107。

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