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PwC China: China private company report

已有 367 次阅读2018-8-13 07:04 |个人分类:中国

11 reads until Aug. 15, 2018

Private companies are positive on domestic demand

The private sector is prudently optimistic about the commercial environment in China. The survey found that a larger proportion of  private company executives in China are “very confident” about their company’s prospects for revenue growth in the next 12 months than in 2016 and 2015. In light of this, 59% consider developing new products and services for existing markets in China as the top strategy for their organisation to undertake over the next three years. 49% of respondents plan to adopt a market expansion strategy to sell products and services to different end-markets, while the same proportion is considering building their brand in China.

Percentage of executives who are pursuing the following strategies in the next 3 years to tap into growth opportunities in China

Greater trade openness benefits private firms

Although local Chinese firms are facing a more ambiguous global trade atmosphere, precipitated by escalating tension in Sino-US trade relationship in recent months, the private sector is bullish on the progress of free trade across the Asia Pacific region. In particular, the BRI initiatives, which have paved the road for greater connection between China and member countries, are expected to unleash unprecedented opportunities for private companies in areas such as railways and energy – which were previously dominated by state enterprises.

Higher proportion of executives in China are optimistic about trade progress in Asia Pacific, while there is no change in proportion of executives who feel that progress has been slow

Driving overseas growth is key

China’s private sector demonstrates greater readiness towards expanding their global footprint via outbound investment. There has been an increase in the proportion of private company executives who plan to increase their global investments in the next 12 months compared to 2016. To increase their competitiveness and secure growth in overseas markets, 68% are conducting more value-add activities domestically such as R&D, 65% rely on business partnerships/joint ventures, and 60% are re-prioritising economies and markets for investment.

Staying relevant in the age of automation

AI, robotics and automation are not only changing products and services but also transforming the workplace. According to the survey, the percentage of private company executives in China that are automating certain functions in their organisation will increase from 62% today to 83% in three years. Over the same period, the proportion of executives that are identifying workers who are skilled at using new automation tools is expected to increase from 37% to 75%.

Percentage of executives in China who will adjust their workforce strategies in the next 3 years to adapt to and profit in the digital age

Contact us

Elton Huang 
China Central Markets Leader and Shanghai Office Lead Partner
Tel: +[86] (21) 2323 3029 

Stephen Wong 
China Telecommunications Leader, PwC China 
Tel: +[86] (10) 6533 2255 

   PwC – Price water house Coopers - Wikipedia  

    PwC is multinational professional services network headquartered in London, United Kingdom. It is the second largest professional services firm in the world, and is one of the Big Four auditors, along with DeloitteEY andKPMG.  PwC is a network of firms in 158 countries, 743 locations, with more than 236,000 people. As of 2015, 22% of the workforce worked in Asia, 26% in North America and Caribbean and 32% in Western Europe.

    The company's global revenues were $37.7 billion in FY 2017, of which $16 billion was generated by its Assurance practice, $9.46 billion by its Tax practice and $12.25 billion by its Advisory practice. PwC provides services to 422 out of Fortune 500 companies.

    PwC was formed in 1998 by a merger between Coopers & Lybrand and Price Waterhouse. Both firms had histories dating back to the 19th century. The trading name was shortened to PwC in September 2010 as part of a rebranding effort. 

PwC - Mainland China, Hong Kong and Macau


PwC ChinaHong Kong and Macau work together on a collaborative basis, subject to local applicable laws. Collectively, we have over 600 partners and over 17,000 people in total. 
We provide organisations with the professional service they need, wherever they may be located. Our highly qualified, experienced professionals listen to different points of view to help organisations solve their business issues and identify and maximise the opportunities they seek. Our industry specialisation allows us to help co-create solutions with our clients for their sector of interest.    

PwC China, Hong Kong, Macau, Taiwan and Singapore work together on a collaborative basis, subject to local applicable laws. Collectively, we have over 850 partners and over 22,000 people in total. Please click the links below for the offices of the following firms.

Please refer to the links below for public holidays for these firms.

Hong Kong     Macau     Singapore     Taiwan

Executive Office - Canadian Firm
PwC Tower

18 York Street
Suite 2600
Toronto, Ontario M5J 0B2

Telephone: [1] (416) 863 1133
Telecopier: [1] (416) 365 8215


2018-06-19 17:11民营企业/战略



私营企业对中国的商业环境持谨慎乐观的态度。调查发现, 相比2016和2015年,更多的私营企业高管对其公司未来12个月的收入增长前景 "非常有信心"。在这种背景下,59%的民营企业高管考虑在国内现有市场开发新产品和服务,并作为其公司未来三年采取的首要战略。49%的受访民营企业高管计划采用市场扩张战略,向不同的终端市场销售产品和服务,相同比例的民营企业高管把强化品牌作为首要战略。






私营企业对中国的商业环境持谨慎乐观的态度。调查发现, 相比2016和2015年,更多的私营企业高管对其公司未来12个月的收入增长前景 "非常有信心"。在这种背景下,59%的民营企业高管考虑在国内现有市场开发新产品和服务,并作为其公司未来三年采取的首要战略。49%的受访民营企业高管计划采用市场扩张战略,向不同的终端市场销售产品和服务,相同比例的民营企业高管把强化品牌作为首要战略。



更多的中国私营企业表示愿意通过海外投资拓展其全球业务范围。 相较于2016年,计划在未来12个月增加全球投资的民营企业高管增多。为提高企业的国际竞争力并确保海外市场的增长,68%的中国民营企业高管表示会在国内进行更多增值活动(例如研发),65%的高管表示更多地依靠商业伙伴关系/合资企业。此外,60%的受访者表示,他们会重新考虑要优先投资的经济体和市场。




人工智能、机器人和自动化不仅改变着产品和服务,而且也改变着工作场所。报告显示,未来三年内,中国民营企业高管“在组织内部实现某些职能的自动化”的比例将从如今的62%上升到83%。同时,识别能熟练使用新型自动化工具的员工的高管比例将从37% 提高到75%






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