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"Do you know Gps. App in iPhone4? "

已有 836 次阅读2011-7-10 10:58 |个人分类:【闲情湖边】

Do you know GPS. App in iPhone4?

Charles, works at Telus, what he said recently, really really surprises me, and almost made me crazy about iPhone4. Modern technology, goes generation to generation, at so fast speed you could ever imagine.  

Only at beginning of this year, I was testing something from “Map-point” on my loved iBM x40 and get a Gps receiver to guide me doing my daily job, that put me hours driving on the road, …“This is something called, post-PC,..he begins this way.... This really shocked me inside.

Applications, most people in the field are looking for applications, APP, this is the stuff that people looking for, something get job done. iPhone4 App values in everyday life. the creative Tiny-Mini soft-wares,  I called it this way,...So, I found this App:

A little too late for James, a computer store owner, he is behind the wheel now for his vacation to east coast.

Gps in Car become easy, I am going to give it test this road-trip up there in north. and most of all, this is only one of the 450,000 applications you get from this tiny-piece of machine.

i 峰报告

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